Li Yuan's eyes were extremely firm:

"Qin Qiong, Xue Wanjun!"

"The end is coming!"

"Order the two of you to lead 10,000 cavalry and 30,000 infantry respectively, rush out from the left and right wings behind the Bauhinia Pass, rely on the cover of dense forests on both sides, and detour to the rear of the thief army!"

"When the 10,000 cavalry led by Xu confronts the thief army head-on, the two of you will immediately and quickly kill them!"


Li Yuan stood on his horse and was full of spirit:

"Open the city gate, get off the drawbridge, and go to battle with Xuan!"

How many years have passed, but the first royal conquest is for a rebel!

This is something I didn't dare to think about at first!

But now it must be done, otherwise, then Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji and the 150,000 Great Tang soldiers can still come back?

Seeing that the city gate was about to be opened, Li Shimin immediately stepped forward and knelt on the ground:

"Father, you said before, this Bauhinia Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and my 100,000-strong army can use a thief army without standing out of this wall!"

"Now if the whole army rushes out, in case of defeat, my Bauhinia Pass is in danger, and then the door of my Great Tang will be wide open, and the thief army can drive straight into Chang'an!"

Li Shimin said excitedly, how could Qin Qiong not know Li Shimin's careful thoughts, but he did not speak.

Because, no matter what, I have to repay Li Zhiyun for finding his wife and children!

But Xue Wanjun on the side had a strange face.

He had long seen that the person in front of him was the murderer of his brother!

Li Yuan was also worried that he would be unfavorable to Li Zhiyun, so he specially arrested him and returned to Chang'an.

Although he was finally rescued by Li Shimin, Li Yuan has lost all his trust in him since then!

If it weren't for the fact that there were not many generals around Li Yuan this time, and he tried his best to curry favor and show weakness, he would not have been arranged by Li Yuan to come here!

I thought that this Li Zhiyun would be killed by Liu Heiyuan, but I never thought that Li Yuan actually put the entire Great Tang at risk, and also wanted to rescue Li Zhiyun!

Thinking of this, Xue Wanjun suddenly had a vicious idea.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, the last general thinks that His Majesty's decision is very wise!"

Xue Wanjun suddenly spoke, and Li Shimin was a little surprised.

Is this Xue Wanjun confused?

"His Royal Highness King Qin, don't forget, His Majesty's purpose here is to rescue His Royal Highness King Chu!"

Xue Wanjun's words made Li Yuan very happy:

"Not bad! What General Xue said is extremely true! "

King Qin, have you forgotten the purpose of this imperial conquest? It is to solve the siege of Luoyang!

"Now that your fifth brother has pulled the battlefield here, then this is the battlefield of Xuan!"

Li Yuan's attitude was resolute, and with an order, the 90,000-strong army each performed its own responsibilities and quickly submerged in the dense forest on the left and right sides.

Li Shimin obviously felt that Li Yuan had some opinions about himself, because Li Yuan called himself "the second old" at first, but now he called himself "King of Qin"!

Forget it, you can't provoke Li Yuan at the moment.

"Father, then let the sons and daughters accompany you on the battle!"

"No need, leave you 10,000 soldiers, and you will guard this Bauhinia Pass together with the samurai, confuse Liu Heimin, and create the illusion that our army has not taken any action!"

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he quickly left the city with 10,000 cavalry!

The samurai wanted to go out together, but he was a Wen Chen and had no fists and feet, but he looked carefully:

"His Royal Highness King Qin, that Xue Wanjun is a little abnormal, and ask His Highness to take more precautions!"

How could Li Shimin not know Xue Wanjun's abnormality today?

But he believes that this abnormality is directed at Li Zhiyun!

At this moment, only Li Shimin and the samurai and 10,000 soldiers remained in the entire Bauhinia Pass.

As Li Yuan expected, when Liu Heiman was fighting Li Zhiyun, he frequently sent scouts to closely observe every move of Bauhinia Pass!

When he learned that Li Shimin was leisurely drinking tea on the Bauhinia Pass, Liu Heiyuan smiled even more

, and joked to Li Zhiyun, who was fighting in the crowd: "Li Zhiyun, your Laozi and your second brother are less than two miles behind you, have they ever gone out of the city to rescue you?"

"Until now, you still can't recognize the current situation, but you work hard for this Li Yuan, it's really not a pity to die!"

Suddenly, right now!

A cavalry appeared directly in front of Liu Heiyuan!

At the head is Li Yuan in armor!

Li Jing and Su Ding looked at each other!

Before he couldn't turn to Li Shimin, he didn't think that Li Yuan would personally come to help!

What's going on here?

But support is support, why only bring 10,000 cavalry?

Isn't this a drop in the bucket?

Li Yuan looked at Li Zhiyun not far away, his heart beat rapidly, and he entered the enemy army without saying a word!

Li Yuan's arrival made Luo Yi also cheer up, dragged his seriously injured body to lie on the footsteps, and commanded everyone to start besieging Li Yuan!

In an instant, Li Yuan attracted most of the firepower!

But Li Zhiyun didn't look at Li Yuan, still frantically harvesting people's heads!

Liu Heiban looked at Li Yuan, who had only 10,000 cavalrymen, raised his head and laughed:

"Okay, your old son is still here, and the king will destroy your father and son together!"

Who knew that as soon as Liu Heiyuan's words fell, he suddenly felt a rapid sound of horses' hooves and fighting behind him!

Everyone immediately looked back and found that on the left and right wings of the rear, two large armies rushed into the phalanx and launched a strong attack on the troops behind Liu Heiyan!

This sudden change caused the formation of Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi's army to be chaotic!

Li Jing, who originally disdained Li Yuan, also felt Li Yuan's strategic wisdom!

What a son, hero, daddy, what a man!

Li Yuan, the sword is not old!

In an instant, the whole battlefield was boiling!

Countless forces formed a segmented cutting trend against Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi's army!

Worry and fear began to appear in Liu Heiyuan's eyes!

The Tiger Iron Horse led by Li Zhiyun alone had already killed his own army of 30,000!

On the other hand, Li Zhiyun's tiger iron horse only has a few hundred corpses lying on the ground.

What kind of force is this?

Li Zhiyun, who was covered in blood, stepped on the corpse and head, the red flame halberd in his hand flashed more and more coldly, and a pair of murderous eyes stared at Liu Heiyuan.

Liu Heiyuan had a premonition that something was wrong, quickly adjusted the phalanx, personally commanded the battle, while closing in the collapsed army, while boosting the increasingly low morale, and showing the ability of the "divine brave general" at a critical moment: "

All the generals, I would rather die in battle than be taken prisoner!" That Li Zhiyun is addicted to killing, and everyone who is captured will be killed!

"If you surrender, you will surrender, and that will be death!"

"Rush me, kill and kill!"

Everyone had indeed heard that Li Zhiyun had killed all the captives when he attacked Shuofang, so they were convinced of Liu Heiyuan's words!

Suddenly, everyone burst into a roar, broke the cauldron, and all fought bravely to kill Li Zhiyun!

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