Bang bang!

Countless arrows shot towards Li Zhiyun with the sound of breaking wind!

Even though Li Zhiyun still had his comrades and brothers by his side, this group of soldiers killed red eyes and still shot every arrow vigorously!

I would rather be buried together than shoot Li Zhiyun into a sieve!

Li Zhiyun was extremely fast, nimbly dodging every arrow, and shuttling through the crowd with ease.


At this moment, an arrow shot at Li Zhiyun's chest!

A figure quickly disappeared in front of Li Zhiyun!


Another arrow, hit Li Zhiyun again!

Countless people raised spears, knives, horizontal knives and other weapons to kill!

Not far away, Li Yuanyuguang swept towards Li Zhiyun.

When he realized that the enemy had launched a siege charge against Li Zhiyun, he was eager to save his son, and took thousands of close and thousands of cows to kill the encirclement and came to Li Zhiyun's side.

Bang bang!

Qianniuwei raised his shield to protect Li Yuan and Li Zhiyun, blocking all the sharp arrows.

In an instant, the father and son looked at each other for the first time since Chang'an separated!

Li Yuan put down the knife in his hand, and his eyes were full of Li Zhiyun.

"Old Fifth, you are injured, let the father take a look!"

As Li Yuan said, he got down from his horse and put his hand on Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun broke free of Li Yuan's hand, pulled out the arrow on his chest at once, and bravely entered the crowd again!

At this moment, looking at Li Zhiyun's decisive ruthlessness and incomparable strength, the corners of Li Yuan's mouth pouted slightly, revealing the proud smile of his old father.

This is a good son of Xun!

Like Xuan, he is not afraid of death!

The next moment, Li Yuan snatched the horse hammer in Li Jing's hand, raised his shield and resolutely rushed towards the direction Li Zhiyun was advancing!

Li Jing: I'm

Liu Heiyuan commanded many soldiers to surround Li Zhiyun and Li Yuan, and Li Zhiyun tried to pull a hundred stone bow several times to shoot Liu Heiyuan.

But Liu Heiyuan was very vigilant, and he had seen Li Zhiyun's archery with his own eyes, and his brother Liu Shishan was shot by him from a distance.

Therefore, Liu Heiyuan either pinned his head in his own crotch or pinned it in someone else's crotch, and it was very difficult to shoot.

"Old Fifth, do you have a way to retreat from the enemy?"

Li Yuan held Ma Yuan's hand and began to tremble.

Li Zhiyun still ignored Li Yuan.

Although the father and son have not seen each other for nearly half a year, in Li Zhiyun's heart, from the moment Li Yuan moved his killing intent on himself, this father had already died.

What does it have to do with yourself?

Li Zhiyun roughly estimated that with the blessing of the unparalleled rush of physical strength, the points of Lu Xiang's divine power increased very rapidly, and it was now approaching 320 points!

Their agility and speed are also climbing rapidly!

But fighting like this is still not the way!

Because the soldiers under Li Jing and Su Dingfang are not tiger iron horses!

They are already exhausted!

"Yuan Tiangang!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly burst into a roar, and one fell off the horse!

Liu Heivalve: ???

"Hurry up and rush me, Li Zhiyun can't do it!"

In an instant, the army pressed towards Li Zhiyun again!

Yuan Tiangang suddenly slapped the Peerless Iron Horse, took out an object from the marching bag behind his back, and threw it fiercely in the direction where Liu Heiyuan was!

"Quick, escort!"

The tiger guard beside Liu Heiyuan looked at the unknown object thrown by Yuan Tiangang in the air and shouted, and surrounded Liu Heiyuan.

Liu Heiyuan's head was pinned to someone else's crotch again.


The unknown object fell to the ground, just a foot away from Liu Heiyuan.

Huwei looked at the unknown object and found that it was a bamboo tube!


The weapon of this stinky Taoist priest is... Bamboo?

After confirming that there was no danger, Liu Heimin picked up the bamboo tube on the ground with one shot, and the bamboo tube was instantly broken into several pieces.

It turned out to be dirt inside!



"I'm just... Quite suddenly!

Liu Heiyuan instantly laughed, what kind of routine is this?

Want to kill me with a bamboo tube?

Are you insulting people, this stinky Taoist?

Yuan Tiangang continued to throw out the bamboo tube desperately, and Liu Heiyuan knocked him to the ground one by one!

He even took one of the bamboo tubes with his hand with interest and crushed it with one palm!

Li Zhiyun threw away the Red Flame Battle Halberd in his hand, took down the hundred stone bow on his back, stepped on the Wuchi War Horse to catch up with Yuan Tiangang, and scolded:

"You waste, you are still not allowed, give me one!"

Yuan Tiangang immediately handed a bamboo tube to Li Zhiyun with great displeasure, and a trace of cunning crossed his eyes:

"You can do it!" Poor Road is not playing with you yet!

Li Zhiyun held the bamboo tube tightly and aimed at Liu Heiyuan, and this time, Liu Heiyuan actually stood on the horse, did not dodge, but looked at Li Zhiyun playfully.

Li Zhiyun, who lost his bow and arrow and halberd, can't set off any storms with him, so it's better to play this novel game with him.

Suddenly, the two sides seemed to be holding each other's strength, looking at each other with high tension, and fighting each other!

Even the crowd in the middle subconsciously gave way to a road!

Li Zhiyun suddenly bounced up from the horse, opened his right arm vigorously, and threw the bamboo tube in his hand towards Liu Heiyuan!

Everyone saw the bamboo tube rushing in the air, turning into a parabola and shooting towards Liu Heiyuan!

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