Everyone immediately looked southwest!

I saw 10,000 horses galloping, gunsmoke everywhere, and tens of thousands of tigers and iron horses rushing from the southwest!

There are three people in front of you!

It was that Liu Min, Ma Zhou and Bing Yuanzhen!

Above the heads of the three people, there was a huge flying bird, it was the war pigeon Little Six!

The three immediately came to Li Zhiyun, quickly got down from their horses and knelt down:

"The last general is late to escort, and ask the emperor to punish the crime!"

"Get up, you've worked hard for a long time!"

By this time, everyone found that this cavalry seemed to be a little different from the previous one!

I saw that every five of them were in a small formation, and one of them was carrying a marching bag!

"Emperor, I will immediately rush to make this batch of explosives after receiving your Little Six Transmission of War Pigeon!"

"The last general placed part of Luoyang and handed it to Zheng Wenxiu, and brought all the rest!"

"To speed up the march, five people rotate hunchbacks!"

Liu Min looked at the land under his feet, full of blood and corpses, and guessed that the war had just ended!

"But in the end, it seems that these explosives are not used!"


Countless pairs of eyes scanned the backs of these tens of thousands of people in horror!

These are all bamboo tubes just now?

That is, extremely powerful... Dynamite?

With so much explosives, how many people would have to be killed?

In an instant, all the soldiers of the former Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi had a look of fear on their faces!

Fortunately, fortunately, these people came late!

Fortunately, fortunately, he surrendered!

What a blessing!

Even Li Yuan and Li Shimin were full of surprise!

These two thousand bags of explosives are enough to kill an army of 300,000!

No wonder Li Zhiyun has the confidence to say that he doesn't need their assistance at all!

In his plan, it is to drag the thief army first, and then wait for this 10,000 explosive troops to arrive!

At that time, the thief army will be destroyed in one fell swoop!

Li Yuan's face darkened, because Li Zhiyun obviously did not appreciate his help!

"Emperor, what should we do with this explosive?" Liu Min asked.

Li Zhiyun looked at Li Jing and Su Dingfang and asked,

"The drought is coming soon, how is the progress of the deep pit I asked you to dig?"

Su Dingfang immediately knelt on the ground, his face guilty: "Emperor Qiyu, the last general still has time

to dig..." "Then hand over all these 1999 bags of explosives to you and Li Jing, and immediately dig water storage lakes in various counties in Hebei!"

Su Dingfang and Li Jing took the order, but were suddenly confused by a number:

"Emperor Qiyu, well... Why 1999 bags, the remaining bag...?

Li Zhiyun quietly shifted his gaze to Xue Wanjun on the side:

"Now that it's a little dark, do you want to light a personal bomb to make everyone happy?"


Xue Wanjun immediately retreated backwards in horror!

Everyone gasped!

Why is that?

Kill a general, just for fun?

"Li Zhiyun, what are you going to do?"

"You were arrogant and domineering when you were in Chang'an, committing adultery and pleasure, and causing trouble! I thought you would change, but now it seems that dogs can't change and eat!

Li Shimin immediately said angrily and pulled Xue Wanjun behind him!

Li Yuan turned his back and came to Li Zhiyun:

"Old Fifth, don't blame you for killing Xue Wanche in Chang'an, but why did you do it to Xue Wanjun now?"

Yuan Tiangang had just defected to Li Zhiyun, and he had not yet felt Li Zhiyun's temper too clearly, and he also felt that this matter was overdone, and then stepped forward and persuaded:

"Emperor, this..." Before

Yuan Tiangang could say a few words, he was pulled down by the tiger iron horse!

Then, in full view of everyone, a hundred tiger iron horsemen surrounded Xue Wanjun.

Everyone is solemn and solemn, like a venerable emotionless killing machine!

What was even more frightening was that a tiger rider actually took out a bamboo tube from his marching bag!

Even Li Shimin felt a terrifying terrifying aura!

But these tiger iron riders made a "please" gesture towards Li Shimin!

"Where are the Great Tang soldiers?" Li Shimin roared angrily.

In an instant, Qin Qiong came with thousands of people drawing their knives!

For a time, the swords of the two sides were tense, and the atmosphere was extremely strange!

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the King of Qin, save the last general, the last general is not guilty, why do you want to kill me?"

Xue Wanjun immediately cried, "Is it just to cut the grass and remove the roots?" Doing so is bound to lose military morale!

Li Yuan's brows furrowed, and his patience was also losing bit by bit.

Xue Wanjun was right, if Li Zhiyun was allowed to kill the general for no reason in front of the formation, then his dignity as an emperor would not be wanted!

"Old Fifth, you always have to talk about why this is so, right?"

Li Yuan suppressed his irritability and asked Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun still ignored Li Yuan, but suddenly untied the golden robe cloak and took off his battle robe!



Two arrows fell to the ground in response!

Li Yuan recognized it at a glance!

It was Li Zhiyun who was shot with two arrows in the melee!

If it weren't for this golden soft hog armor protection, Li Zhiyun would have been seriously injured long ago!

"Xue Wanjun, are these two arrows familiar to you?"


Could it be that the person who put the cold arrow is... Xue Wanjun?

Everyone immediately understood why Li Zhiyun wanted to tie a bomb to Xue Wanjun and have fun!

Li Shimin instantly blushed, turned around and angrily ripped off the beard bag on Xue Wanjun's back!

"Li Zhiyun, the arrows are all the same, how do you determine that it is this Xue Wanjun's arrow?"

Li Zhiyun stared at Xue Wanjun with a pair of bottomless eyes, and his tone was extremely firm:

"Because I saw it, he must die!"


Countless pairs of eyes looked at Li Zhiyun with incomprehension!

Is this person really unreasonable?

Li Zhiyun moved instantly, raised the Red Flame Battle Halberd Tiger Tiger Wind, and pretended to rush towards Xue Wanjun!

And the next moment, Xue Wanjun, who knew that he was about to be killed.

Suddenly moved!

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