Xue Wanjun's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly snatched the bamboo tube from the hands of the tiger iron rider, and with two powerful arms, he strangled Li Shimin's neck to death!

And that bamboo tube stood Li Shimin's mouth!

This sudden scene caught everyone off guard!

Why did this Xue Wanjun hold Li Shimin hostage?

Could it be that everything Li Zhiyun said just now is true?

It was this Xue Wanjun who put the cold arrow just now?

And he is now clearly a dog jumping off the wall!

"Xue Wanjun! What are you doing? Don't release King Qin soon!

Li Yuan took an anxious step forward, and the knife in his hand was trembling!

Apparently he didn't expect things to go this far either.

And Li Shimin actually smiled at Li Yuan at this scene.

This is a long-lost father's love, this lost and regained feeling of being valued, how good!

"What am I doing?"

"Don't you know what I'm going to do?"

"My Xue family is loyal, but Li Zhiyun brutally killed my eldest brother, and how did you do it?"

"Not only did you not cure Li Zhiyun's crime, but you were also afraid of me everywhere!"

"Now I even listen to Li Zhiyun's words, and I want to frame me for letting go of cold arrows!"

"Today, since I can't kill Li Zhiyun, then I will kill Li Shimin!"

"Let you also experience the feeling of losing a loved one!"

Li Shimin: ???

I'm special... The pot comes from heaven!

Xue Wanjun suddenly tightened his arms, and the bamboo tube held in his hand became even tighter!

Everyone subconsciously retreated, but only Li Zhiyun did not retreat and advanced!

The sun had set, the soldiers lit torches, and in the raging fire, Li Zhiyun was playing with the two arrows in his hand with his head down.

The shadow of the small arrow became larger and larger against the background of the torch.

"Li Shimin, don't you think it's ridiculous that this is the person you have been defending, but now you want to die with you?"

Li Zhiyun still did not raise his head, and his voice was not loud.

But this made Li Shimin blush with shame and remorse!

He knows the power of this "bamboo tube"!

Although he is not afraid of death, he does not want to die in this way!

In the face of the battle for imperial power, he was blindly afraid of Li Zhiyun, but ignored the hidden dangers around him!

This puts him in a place of extreme passivity!

Even IQ is a special feeling... Regressed!

Thinking of this, Li Shimin already knew which was more important than the other, and whispered to Xue Wanjun:

"General Xue must not be impulsive!" Do you know that if you kill me, you will have no place to die!"

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your sister-in-law's three children!"

"As far as I know, since your eldest brother died, you have taken on the responsibility of taking care of your sister-in-law, and now that your sister-in-law is pregnant with a child, can you bear it?"

"You can't bear to let your son be born without a father?"

All of them:???

It's a bit informative!

Xue Wanjun's expression suddenly shook, and his eyes lowered.

In my mind, all kinds of pictures of my sister-in-law's meticulous negative distance love for herself...

Well, that's the negative distance.

At this moment, Xue Wanjun's lowered eyes suddenly saw two swift shadows on the ground!



Li Zhiyun suddenly threw out two arrows and shot at Xue Wanjun's two arms!



Two strands of blood suddenly burst out and burst into Li Shimin's face!

Xue Wanjun was in pain, and his two palms were pierced by arrows!

The bamboo tube fell to the ground with a sound!

Li Shimin immediately withdrew, but Xue Wanjun was not a vegetarian!

I saw that he endured severe pain and suddenly pounced on Li Shimin, and his hands clenched the "bamboo tube" again!

Suddenly, this unexpected scene shocked everyone!

Li Shimin's muscles on his face trembled!

Li Yuan's growing mouth and red face, but he felt that his throat was blocked by a foreign object, and he couldn't shout a word!

Li Zhiyun looked shocked, when he heard those three children, he didn't mean to kill this Xue Wanjun!

At most, he scrapped both of his arms and taught him a lesson.

But now, it's completely unnecessary!

In an instant, a figure burst out, rushing towards Xue Wanjun like a bolt of lightning!


Li Zhiyun suddenly grabbed Xue Wanjun's legs and threw them into the air!

Xue Wanjun smiled strangely at Li Zhiyun, and suddenly squeezed the bamboo tube with both hands!

But he found that he had already left the ground, and he was getting farther and farther away from everyone!


-" "Boom-" The

night was charming, the breeze was soft, and crickets and frogs were chirping in the surrounding dense forest fields.

In the night sky, a brilliant fireworks, so dazzling, make people breathe.

In an instant, a big living person, flesh and blood shattered into slag, soul scattered!



"Emperor mighty, emperor mighty!"

"Long live the emperor, long live long live!"

In an instant, the whole crowd boiled!

Li Yuan's heart that jumped to his mouth finally returned to his stomach, and his eyes were full of pride to look at Li Zhiyun.

Li Shimin's eyes showed a little gratitude.

And at this moment, there was a loud "poof"!

Li Zhiyun spat out blood in his mouth and fell down heavily!

"Emperor! Emperor! "

Come man, come man!"

"Grey Law!"

"Grey Law!"

Liu Min, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Yuan Tiangang and others panicked for a while, and immediately helped Li Zhiyun up, their faces were full of anxiety, and their eyes were full of worry.

Even that black red war horse kept roaring, circling around Li Zhiyun!

What they didn't know was why Li Zhiyun was so fast just now.

That's because Li Zhiyun's "Unparalleled Rush" has not reached the cooldown time, but he forcibly turned it on!

"Quickly send my son to Chang'an, and find the best imperial healer!"

Li Yuan's voice was almost trembling.

"I... It's okay... Return... Luoyang! Li

Zhiyun opened his eyes weakly, and after only saying a few words, he passed out!

Liu Min immediately found a carriage and carried Li Zhiyun in, with Wuchi as the head horse and four Peerless Iron Horses as the flank, and quickly drove towards Luoyang City!

At the same time, Liu Min immediately tied a distress letter to the leg of the war pigeon Xiaoliu, and asked him to quickly go to Shangdang in Shanxi to find Sun Simiao and bring back the prescription for healing!

According to the marching speed of Yao Dayong, Zong Luoji and others, the army from Shuofang to Luoyang should be near Shangdang at this moment!

In other words, there were still four hundred miles away, and Wu Jiao and Wan Xuanyu could reach Luoyang City!

Li Yuan couldn't worry about Li Zhiyun, and besides, Luoyang City still had what he wanted.

Immediately, Li Yuan gave an order, followed behind Li Zhiyun's large army, and headed towards Luoyang!

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