Early morning of the second day, Luoyang City.

Li Zhiyun still hasn't woken up.

Everyone stood in the dilapidated Taoist temple, looking at Li Zhiyun lying quietly on the bed with uncertain thoughts.

The poppy on the side was even crying pear blossoms with rain, guarding the bedside, not moving an inch.

Although Li Zhiyun's breathing was very steady, no matter how she shouted, Li Zhiyun never responded.

Li Yuan and Samurai Yan paced back and forth anxiously, their eyes looking at Li Zhiyun from time to time, their faces full of worry.

Li Shimin and Qin Qiong sat on the rattan chair on the side and closed their eyes.

Yesterday, they didn't sleep all night.

Li Shimin didn't want to come to Luoyang City, he just wanted to return to Chang'an as soon as possible, because Changsun Wuhou's recent health was very poor, and he was very worried.

But just yesterday evening, Li Shimin couldn't hold up Li Yuan's several orders, and asked him to negotiate with Liu Min, hoping to lend them a few peerless iron horses and follow Li Zhiyun to this Luoyang City first.

The army of 100,000 people who followed was the next step.

For Liu Min, people are difficult to do, things are difficult to do!

Li Yuan is also Li Zhiyun's biological father anyway, and Samurai is also a character he dare not offend, because Samurai is Wu Ji's father!

In the end, Liu Min agreed to Li Yuan and Li Shimin's request and lent them four Peerless Iron Horses.

But what Liu Min didn't expect was that what happened next made him regret his decision.

I saw Li Yuan pacing back and forth anxiously, which was disturbing.

He ordered everyone to feed Li Zhiyun with water for a while, and then ordered everyone to turn Li Zhiyun over.

More than a dozen doctors who came to see the disease were also scolded by him for a bloody squirt!

Li Yuan already had the feeling that he was the master of this Luoyang City.

In fact, it is also true in his heart.

Since Li Zhiyun fell into a coma, Li Yuan decided that this old man was everyone's master!

Only managing Luoyang City by yourself is the most appropriate.

After all, others are not their own families, and they can't rest assured in the face of the inheritance laid down by their son, leaving it to outsiders to take care of.

Li Shimin's mentality is more complicated.

Looking at the various performances of his father Li Yuan, and looking at the tall walls and well-trained army of Luoyang City, his heart was full of thoughts.

Although he was grateful to Li Zhiyun for saving his life, this gratitude did not rise to the extent of giving up Jiang Shan.

I can only look for opportunities in the days to come, and return Li Zhiyun's favor.

But right now, it's time to look for opportunities to add points to yourself!

If it really doesn't work, then take advantage of Li Yuan's concern and chaotic psychology, and let this Luoyang City hate Li Yuan!

Let them break off father and son again!

Anyway, until now, he really didn't see the change in Li Zhiyun's attitude towards Li Yuan.

Samurai's mind was much simpler, and he only wanted this Li Zhiyun to wake up quickly.

Because since his daughter flew away with him, Li Zhiyun was already the quasi-son-in-law of the martial family.

And right now.


A loud bang resounded in the sky.

Li Yuan and the others were suddenly taken aback:

"What sound? What happened? "

Everyone: ???

What a fuss!

At this time, Li Yuan and the others found that everyone's expressions were extremely calm, without a little wave, as if the huge sound just now was something they were used to!

Is that weird?

Could it be that this group of people is plotting something?

Liu Min just wanted to answer Li Yuan's doubts, but Li Yuan immediately stepped out.

He thought clearly in his heart, should this group of people take advantage of their son's coma to cause trouble?

For now, only he, the father, will help Li Zhiyun take care of everything here temporarily!

With this mood, Li Yuan rode on the Peerless Iron Horse again, looking for the roar that rose and fell one after another.

Samurai, Li Shimin, and Qin Qiong could only follow.

Not long after, Li Yuan came to a wilderness thirty miles away from Luoyang City.


They were stunned by the sight in front of them!

I saw that the ground in front of me for more than 50 miles was full of potholes!

A huge roar still sounds, accompanied by a large amount of dirt and rubble flying into the sky, the scene is very spectacular!

Not far away, in the tent, the people carrying shovels, holding dustpans, and pushing rows of carts, the black pressure is pressed, and there are no less than 20,000 people!

"What are you doing?"

"Construction site, outsiders are forbidden to enter!"

The two guards leaned over and asked Li Yuan.

"Don't ask who I am first, let me ask you first, why are there so many people here?"

Two guards: "Xuan"?

What kind of stuff?

Seeing that the two did not reply, Li Yuan rushed forward: "Get out of the way!"

"There is construction going on here, it's very dangerous, and outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

The two guards stretched out their hands and blocked Li Yuan's path.

When Li Shimin saw this, he was angry:

"Be bold! Seeing His Majesty, he still does not kneel! The

two guards were still confused.

Your Majesty?

Where did Your Majesty come from?

His own emperor, Li Zhiyun, would never allow others to call him "Your Majesty"!

Seeing that the two still had no intention of kneeling, Li Shimin suddenly became angry!

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