Li Yuan came to a field and asked an old man who was struggling to lift the soil:

"Old man, what kind of crop are you growing?"

"Back to the adults, the old farmer grows corn."


Li Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Corn, he had long heard of, and that pumpkin, watermelon, and high-yielding wheat.

Although I haven't eaten it, I know from Xu Shiji and Li Jing's description that this is a delicacy in the world!

Well, when Li Zhiyun wakes up, he must ask for a few to eat!

But it's autumn now, and winter is three months away!

I'm afraid these crops are planted late, right?

"Old man, is it reliable to plant this thing this season? When the weather is cold, you have to freeze this thing to death!

"Back to a few adults, Lord Liu said that such crops can ripen in three months, and they can harvest a bumper harvest before winter!"

"Don't underestimate my acre of land, I can produce more than three thousand catties!"


Li Yuan and the others showed a surprised look.

Maturity in three months?

Three thousand catties per acre?

This goes against the basics, okay?

Make a fuss!

Especially after Li Shimin listened, his heart was even more bottomless.

He knew before that pumpkin can produce more than three thousand catties per acre, after all, that thing is big!

But I didn't expect corn to be like this at all!

If this is the case, then won't Li Zhiyun make all the people have no worries about food and clothing?

When the people have no worries about food and clothing, the people's hearts will be attached!

And this world... All owned by Lee Ji Yun?

After Li Shimin's brain supplement, his face was very displeased, and he said to the old farmer:

"Old man, don't work in vain, you should plant wheat this season!"

The old man raised his head and said with a smile:

"Back to the adults, I also planted wheat, you see over there, three acres of land are wheat, and the mu yield is also three thousand catties!"

Li Shimin: ???

Am I... It's going to die!

Li Shimin still did not die, and said to Li Yuan:

"Father, the sons and daughters do not know where these seeds come from, but no matter what seeds they are, they must also follow the basic laws."

"If you plant it like this, you will definitely freeze to death, then this Luoyang City will not fall out by then!"

When Li Yuan heard it, he felt that what Li Shimin said was reliable!

Even the samurai nodded in agreement.

In their minds, there are numbers of what to plant in what season!

In ancient times, unlike now, there were plastic greenhouses!

At this moment, Liu Min came on horseback, sweating profusely.

"Weichen has seen His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom!"

Unlike Zheng Wenxiu, Liu Min did not kneel and salute, because it was completely unnecessary.

He had followed Li Zhiyun for so long, and he had long understood Li Zhiyun's hatred for Li Yuan.

But Zheng Wenxiu is a "newcomer" after all, and he does not know much about the relations between China and China.

"Master Liu, look at the good deeds you have done!"

Li Yuan glanced at Liu Min and said angrily.

Liu Min was confused, what did I do?

Sure enough, this old man is the same as Zheng Wenxiu described, when he is the king of this Luoyang City?

"Your Majesty, these seeds are indeed ripe in three months, Wei Chen..."

"Well, you don't need to say it, you call them all over, I want to tell everyone!"

Li Yuan frowned and interrupted Liu Min's words.

I have lived for decades, although this corn is good, but what to plant in what season, I still have a number in my heart!

Even if this corn is really like Liu Min said, now is not the time to gamble!

In the face of the mess left by Wang Shichong, if all these corns were frozen to death, then Luoyang City would really have no harvest!

People's hearts are going to be in chaos!

This Li Zhiyun is still too young, well... Too tender in every way!

His daddy needs to help.

Liu Min was a little helpless, but he still called all the people nearby.

Li Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly said as if giving an order:

"Everyone obeys the order, time does not wait for anyone, immediately plant all these fields with wheat!"

All of them:???

One of the more daring young men asked suspiciously,

"Dare to ask which one is Your Excellency?"

Li Shimin said angrily on the spot: "

After seeing His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Tang, don't you hurry up and kneel?"

And the next moment, an embarrassing scene appeared.

No one knelt, but some muttered whispers:

"The emperor said that soldiers who are fighting and people who are working do not need to kneel."

"That's right, the emperor came to us last time, when I wanted to kneel, the emperor wouldn't let me!"

"This corn that the emperor of the Tang Kingdom said won't really be frozen to death, right?"

"So we can't grow it?"

At this time, more and more people stopped working and muttered in their hearts, after all, they were not the common people of Shuofang City, and they could easily be shaken by the joy of experiencing a good harvest.

What's more, ripening in three months, with an output of three thousand catties per mu, subverted their consistent cognition.

Seeing that all the people were talking, Li Shimin immediately made a big move:

"Okay, you guys stop first, and quickly go back to your employer to explain the situation!"

Everyone was stunned again!


Are you talking about those clans?

"Back... If you return to Your Majesty, these fields belong to you... Yongyetian, the emperor said, per capita system, people die in the field!

"Yes, yes, everyone has a Yongye field, which cannot be bought and sold, not encroached upon, and will not be pumped out until death, if it does not die... Always yours.

"And there is no need to pay taxes, because the army also has its own land, and they produce their own self-sufficiency..."

some ordinary people whispered.


Li Yuan and the others were shocked again!

Although the Sui Dynasty had attempted to implement the average-field system, most of the land was given to aristocrats, clans, and bureaucratic landowners.

And what did Li Zhiyun do now?

That is land reform, distributed equally!

This undoubtedly violated the fundamental interests of everyone in Luoyang City Clan!

It's really a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers, and I don't know that the world is as fierce as a tiger!

You said that Li Zhiyun brutally killed Cui Xiao of the Cui family in Shuofang City, and Cui Shenqing did not sue in front of himself!

Although he is an emperor, what can he do?

Isn't it an apology and sending money to a beautiful woman?

As far as Li Yuan knows, everyone in this Luoyang City family should not be underestimated!

There are more than ten of them, and the four famous ones are the Wang family, the Zhang family, the Pan family and the Zheng family!

Especially this Zheng clan, one of the "five surnames and seven families", has power throughout the entire Chinese land.

Even one of the small branches, like the Zheng clan of that Xingyang, that is, the Zheng branch of Li Zhiyun's family that bit Jin and Qin Qiong's family during the rescue process here, the original Wang Shichong had to give him face!

Even when Wang Shichong finally learned that it was this Zheng Daoran who let go of these people's families, he only reprimanded and did not take specific action.

This shows how powerful the abilities of everyone in the clan are!

The wild hope of the salty fish king once said that in ancient times, dividing the field was the way to death!

The so-called people's heart is also the heart of the gentry!

Ancient culture is in the hands of the family, they say that the emperor is a comatose prince, that is, a faint king, they let the emperor die, then he has to die!

The emperor is just their spokesperson!

The samurai also felt that Li Zhiyun might have broken into a big disaster, and his face was full of anxiety.

Li Yuan pondered for a moment, and said to Liu Min:

"You let these people go home first, take Xu to visit the Zheng family in Luoyang, and maintain the relationship!"

Liu Min hesitated for a moment, and seeing that Li Yuan and Li Shimin had a tough attitude that had no room for negotiation, he had to temporarily disperse everyone and set off with Li Yuan and the others towards the Zheng family in Luoyang City.

And this time, Li Yuan really provoked the contradiction between the people and the world.

The whole thing suddenly became, out of control!

ps: The author Jun weakly requests all beautiful boys, beautiful girls, free "power generation with love" to brush up with the author Jun, okay?

The fan list is still short of the last twenty people, let me see which little cuties they are?



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