Ten miles away from Luoyang City.

Liu Min, who was full of pain, slowly led the way in front.

He was drumming in his heart.

Although the Zheng family of this Luoyang City is a famous family among the "five surnames and seven families", since Li Zhiyun entered Luoyang, the head of the Zheng family, Zheng Xinran, has not disobeyed Li Zhiyun's decrees.

Because, Liu Min once told him in detail the scene of Li Zhiyun killing Cui Xiao of the Cui family when he was in Shuofang City at that time!

Especially the bloody picture of Cui Xiao's whole person starting from the head to the crotch of his pants, divided in two, was said several times by Liu Min!

After Li Zhiyun gave grace and power, and even drank with fear, Zheng Xinran also half-pushed and half-retreated the land on the spot!

But now looking at Li Yuan's meaning, it seems that he is going to bother these clans again!

At this moment, a hurried voice interrupted Liu Min's thoughts.


A cavalry communications officer came to Liu Min and said,

"Lord Liu, I can be considered to have found you!"

Liu Min looked pleased, hurried down from his horse, and hurriedly asked,

"But that emperor woke up?"

Li Yuan and Samurai Gong also looked at the communications officer expectantly.

The loss and embarrassment on the communication officer's face had already shown that it was obviously not this matter, and Li Zhiyun was still lying quietly on the bed before he came.

I don't know why, seeing the expression on the face of the communications officer, Li Shimin actually had a lingering evil idea, wandering back and forth in his mind.

Li Zhiyun better never wake up again!

The world is so complicated, it's better to rest early!

Although he knew that this idea was a bit vicious, even if he and Li Zhiyun were not born of the same mother, they were still brothers in the final analysis!

But there is no way, the blame can only be blamed on being born in the imperial family!

Everything is no longer as pure and beautiful as it was in childhood, you touch my eggs, I grab your bird!

Power is often accompanied by dirtiness and struggle!

Liu Min's face darkened, and he suddenly slapped his thigh, as if remembering something vital, and immediately asked:

"Is that Dao Commander Sun Simiao already here?"

"Back to Master Liu, according to the report of the war pigeon Xiaoliu, Dao Chief Sun Simiao is already on his way here, and it is expected that he will arrive in Luoyang in less than an hour!"

"Medicine King Sun Simiao?"

When Li Yuan and Samurai heard the three words "Sun Simiao", their hearts were full of hope!

Maybe the medicine king Sun Simiao can make Li Zhiyun wake up!

So far, perhaps only Sun Simiao has this strength in the whole world.

But Li Shimin was a little annoyed.

He once begged Sun Simiao to come out of the mountain many times for the sake of Changsun Wujian's body, but he refused!

And now, Sun Simiao actually took the initiative to come thousands of miles away!

One is to ask, the other is to wish!

The gap speaks for itself!

"So what exactly do you want to report? If nothing important, I'm getting busy!

After Liu Min finished speaking, he just wanted to complete the task assigned by Li Yuan at the moment, and then hurriedly go back to do the work of these ordinary people and let them continue to grow corn.

After all, it's late autumn, and time doesn't wait for anyone.

I saw that the communication officer's face returned to calm:

"Lord Liu, Henan Daolu King Xu Yuanlang, and Taishan King Bo General, each led 10,000 soldiers to return to His Royal Highness!"

Liu Min's face was calm, as if this was a very small matter.

Because, since this time, Li Zhiyun's reputation has been shocked all over the world, and there are too many large and small forces that have come to return.

He can't count now, so he doesn't pay attention to it.

"Well, you know, just scatter them in different barracks, and do a good job of registration and admonition!"

Liu Min said calmly, as if he was talking about an assembly line thing.

In stark contrast to Liu Min's calmness, Li Yuan and everyone in amazement!

Xu Yuanlang, the leader of the peasant rebel army, has been wandering around Shandong, and ordinary people cannot trace him.

Wang Bo, the tun army was under Mount Tai, and at the peak there were more than 100,000 soldiers under him!

Although it was later defeated by Zhang Xutuo, the commander of Qi County in the Sui Dynasty, his power should not be underestimated!

Although these two people do not have many troops, they are both leaders of the peasant uprising, and from the side, they represent the will of the common people of the world!

Previously, Li Yuan had sent countless invitations to the two peasant leaders, but they all sank into the sea without any reply!

Unexpectedly, they took the initiative to come and surrender Li Zhiyun!

One is a request, the other is an initiative, how can people not be shocked!

Next, the communications officer began to swallow:

"Lord Qiyu Liu, these two forces have been arranged, but there is still one...

Seeing that the communications officer was about to stop talking, Liu Min asked impatiently:

"Is there still a surrendered army?"


"Then arrange it according to the original standard!"

Liu Min waved his hand and prepared to leave.

Who knows, the communications officer took a deep breath and said, "

The leader of this army is Nayu Bunhe!"

The communications officer seemed to be afraid to mention the name, and even spoke in a much smaller voice.




Liu Min, Li Yuan, and Li Shimin asked in unison at almost the same moment.

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