Liu Min immediately stepped forward and bowed his hand slightly.

As this Ministry of Rites Shangshu Yu Shinan said, no matter how low the quality of the enemy is, you must be strict with yourself!

"Your Majesty Emperor Yuwen, Luoyang City already has too many soldiers and little food, and now it can't accommodate too many people!"

"If you are sincere, set up camp outside the city, and when the emperor is busy with the affairs around him, you can come to arrange the next step!"

Liu Min paused, weighed the pros and cons

, and continued: "Of course, you can also not accept the next suggestion, then, please come back..."

Yu Wenhe glanced at Liu Min and played with the taste:

"Which one are you?"

"Our two emperors are talking about something, and you will interject on the wheel?"

"Is your mouth in arrears?"

Liu Min was not lightly angry, but still handed over his hand:

"Then ask His Majesty Emperor Yuwen to leave, I decided on behalf of the emperor, here... You are not welcome! In

an instant, hundreds of city guards surrounded Liu Min, raising the Mo knife in their hands and pointing directly at Yu Wenhe!

Yu Wenwen and his neck twisted half a circle, and from the bottom, his gaze fell on Liu Min's face, and his words changed:

"Master Liu, you may have misunderstood, who said that I must turn to Li Zhiyun?"

"After all, he is just a junior!"

Yu Wenji's gaze then turned to Li Yuan's face, and he immediately changed his expression:

"Li Zhiyun's father and emperor are in front of me, not to mention that he has been my friend for many years, I must have defected to His Majesty Li Yuan!"

As Yu Wenhe spoke, his heart suddenly crossed and he suddenly knelt down!

"Sinful minister Yu Wenhe, bring his family and soldiers to join His Majesty the Great Tang Emperor!"

Mountain hoo!

"Long live Your Majesty, long live long live!"


the troops of more than 20,000 people all knelt down, revealing a few carriages in the middle.

Sure enough, Yu Wenhe really dragged his family to bring his mouth.

The palace maid Xiao'e alone made three big cars.

This sudden scene caught Liu Min off guard.

Surrender Li Yuan?

Is this really a good hand to play?

Could it be that he already knew that the emperor was currently in a coma?

In the face of Yu Wenhe's return, Li Yuan was a little moved, this is the first unit to take the initiative to surrender himself!

But in the face of Yu culture and extremely poor "wind evaluation", he couldn't make up his mind, so he pulled Li Shimin and others aside and briefly discussed.

Li Yuan: What do you think?

Qin Qiong: Your Majesty, the minister heard that because of the plundering of Xuzhou's palace maidens, there were so many treasures that the carriage could not be loaded, so what do you guess he did? He asked the soldiers to carry the weapons of the armor and the weight of food and grass to free up the carriage for the palace maids to sit! For this kind of act, he also deserves to be the king of a country?

Samurai: Your Majesty, this greedy and lawless man violated the ban on mutual Turks, provided a large amount of food and materials to the Turks, and indirectly brought war and suffering to the people of the Central Plains, which is really hateful!

Li Shimin: Emperor Qiyu, this fight brutally killed his cousin and nephew, and took his own sister-in-law as owned, if he was taken over, then... Isn't there a man-eating wolf beside the father?


Li Yuan gasped!

Oh, yes!

If you put this house under your own account, then you don't need to live in the future!

Maybe one day, he will kill his aunt!

Well, can't stay!

Li Yuan made up his mind and walked back to Yu Wenhe with his back hand.

Just when Li Yuan was about to open his mouth to refuse Yu Wenji.

In the midst of the army, the door of a carriage creaked open.

A woman stepped down from the carriage and saw her:

skin victorious snow, peach cheeks with affection, graceful and colorful, elegant and vulgar.

Xiumei'e eyebrows, faintly stared, on her smooth and delicate face, swept out a pitying shallow worry.

Beautiful eyes are looking forward to it, like a stream of clear water, and when you look forward to it, you have a different elegant and elegant temperament.

He wore a white brocade cape, a sleeve robe as white as snow, and two swans tattooed on the collar.

Let people be taken by it, ashamed of themselves, and dare not blaspheme.

But in that cold and proud spirit, there is quite a seductive attitude, and people can't help but be haunted.

Not to mention that this northern part of China is rare and so beautiful, even Jiangnan is extremely rare!

Li Yuan was dumbfounded!

Li Shimin looked stupid!

The samurai was dumbfounded!

Qin Qiong stood up when he saw it!

Liu Min remembered Li Zhiyun!

After the emperor ascends the throne, a martial artist is not a way, right?

The woman also walked towards Li Yuan step by step.

Suddenly, everyone brought their own BMG:

"The pain of attachment to all love, the wound of attachment to love..." "

I can't tell whether love and hate are just like this..."

"Blood and tears slipped together, my heart was broken and weathered..." Everyone

silently took a step back, and Li Yuan unconsciously straightened up his old waist.

"Concubines... Xiao Meiniang has seen His Majesty! "

Concubines... I've seen all of you! "

Xiao Meiniang has a light spirit, endless gentleness and love, endless lingering.

Li Yuan: Ah! O my sun, I'm going to die!

Everyone: Collapse!!

Yu Bunka He: A bunch of fools!!

Don't you know that there is a good saying:

behind every woman you want the sun, there is a man who vomits the sun!

"Xiao Meiniang please get up quickly, I think there is still some cause with you..." Li

Yuan stretched out his salty pig hand and immediately helped Xiao Meiniang.

Xiao Meiniang straightened up, and everyone suddenly felt a huge pressure.

He didn't understand Yu Culture and why he risked the world's great opposition, and he also wanted to turn the original "Empress Xiao" into the current "Xiao Meiniang"!

Now, got it!

This Xiao Mei girl is really the best in the world!

"Your Majesty, the concubines are tired from the journey, they really can't withstand the toss, let's see if you can enter the city..." Listening

to Xiao Meiniang's gentle deep breathing, Li Yuan's legs were soft, and his mouth was loose:

"Quasi!" That's right!

"Liu Min! What are you still stunned for, quickly arrange your subordinates, put these soldiers into the account, eat and drink and greet!

"Brother Yuwen, Xu is just about to visit the Zheng Clan in the city now, so you and your younger sisters will enter the city with Xuan!"

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he directly got into Xiao Meiniang's carriage.

Yu Wenhe ordered five hundred soldiers, followed behind him, and marched towards Luoyang City.

Only Liu Min, who was in a daze, was left looking at the 20,000 remnants and weak generals.

"Liu Min, why are you stunned again, don't hurry up to lead the way!"

Li Yuan poked out his red face from the carriage and looked at Liu Min and shouted.

Liu Min frowned and assigned the task, and then rode up to catch up.

Hey, this dad won't make any mess here in the Zheng family, right?

Emperor, emperor, if you don't wake up again, you daddy will go to heaven!

Emperor, hurry up and get better!

This Li Yuan, to kill or not to kill?!


PS: Dear friends, free "power generation with love" to the author to brush a wave of ha, thank you guys!

Special thanks: Demon God Huayan, Father Wu Nairu, alas! , Dark Night, Du Shiyi with clear eyebrows, super likes Di Youyou, Ning Feng who loves to eat peanut rib soup, user 13153667, don't ask, ask is the God of War, love to eat shaped rice balls little balls, true love fans, unknown gifts!

Special thanks to the Fried Heavenly Gang Dongshi Family, "Purple Hou", beach pants and flip-flops, the road is dark and steep, Fang Fei who loves to eat pineapple beef, Fried Heavenly Gang - Supreme God Venerable, Yu Mo, Your Highness, Fried Heavenly Gang Fried Tangtang Master Skewers, Liu Qian who likes mammoths, Do as You Want, Nalan Cheng, Qingshirt and White Clothes Boy, Tong who wants to bomb the scientific research institute, User 694520915176221, Fried Heavenly Gang – Cry, ☞ ☜ User 58889246881... Wait for friends, give five-star praise!

The author will not thank you one by one, I have seen it all, and I am always paying attention to everyone!

Thank you all for your support!

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