(Thank you to the big guy "Stars Like a Dream" for the "Popping More Flowers" gift!) This is the third time that the big guy has given such a big gift to the author fungus, and it is also the biggest gift I have received since I wrote the book on Tomato, which made me very moved, in order to thank the big guy for his encouragement, 2600 words plus more to give!

Luoyang City, Changxia Avenue.

A group of people were marching towards the Zheng Mansion.

At the head was a carriage, Liu Min frowned and followed on the left side of the carriage, and Yu Wenhe followed on the right side of the carriage.

Li Shimin, Samurai Gong, Qin Qiong, and five hundred Yu Wenhe soldiers followed.

Many people stopped and watched, muttering and pointing from time to time.

In their impression, since Li Zhiyun entered Luoyang City, this kind of scene has rarely happened.

Liu Min was a little ashamed and did not dare to look directly into the complicated eyes of these people.

He knew in his heart why they were pointing.

Since Li Zhiyun entered Luoyang City, he has formulated an extremely strict system for soldiers to enter the city to inspect the city, and according to the regulations, no more than 100 soldiers should act collectively!

One is to prevent disturbances, and the other is to create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere for this Luoyang City.

Let me ask, a city often has a large number of troops wandering back and forth, how can everyone live with peace of mind?

But today everyone saw a large army of more than 500 people!

Although the leader is the highly respected Liu Min!

But the five hundred soldiers behind him were tattered and shaky, and a pair of eyes looked east and west, and there was a trace of lewdness all over their bodies.

Looks like a good guy!

Actually, I don't blame them.

Because the road under their feet is unusually hard and smooth, and three white lines are drawn on the ground with four lines written - booth area, arrow ↑, arrow ↓, booth area.

In the stall area, various small traders and vendors have a very strange small cart, and they are doing business lively.

On the middle road, people drive separately according to the different arrows, and they are in order!

The houses around the avenue are planned into four blocks of houses, each tall and tall and looks unusually solid.

Where the houses are more spaced, there are also many small squares.

The square is divided into many areas.

Children's play area - wooden horses, swings, slides and other play equipment, many children are already playing there with laughter.

National exercise area - training facilities such as wooden stakes, sandbags, shooting without arrows, where some ordinary people exercise.

Aunt Square Dance Area - a male actor shows off his singing voice,; Two maids accompany each other with pipa and flute, and three dancers teach their aunt movements hand-in-hand.


In fact, these are all built by the Construction Department under the leadership of Cheng Yanjin, and the repair and reconstruction of Luoyang City has been fully launched.

At the beginning, the people could not accept it, but after Cheng Yanjin made a few "model houses", everyone praised and rushed to rebuild their old houses.

After retaining a large number of historic houses, Cheng Yanjin rebuilt all ordinary houses, using a combination of cement and wood.

After a period of work, the people in Luoyang City have accepted these new things.

But these soldiers of Yu Wenhe came to Luoyang City for the first time.

How can they not be confused?

Yu Wenhe's two eyes have been insufficient, and everywhere he goes is shocked!

My heart also began to change rapidly.

He came to Luoyang with the intention of cheating and drinking, and running away with a wave of grain and grass, but now he doesn't think so.

Well, gotta find a way to behave, must stay here!

Xiao Meiniang in the carriage was also wearing a curtain, and a pair of beautiful eyes stopped to watch, and her heart was difficult to understand.

Isn't this picture of peace in front of him what he has been pursuing and yearning for?

"Your Majesty, you are worthy of being a Ming Sovereign with great ambitions in the world, seeing that this Luoyang City is governed by you in such an orderly manner, the concubines admire you!"

Old Li Yuan's face turned red, a little embarrassed.

These are all planned by Li Zhiyun, and I have a hairy relationship?

Oops, no!

He is this Li Zhiyun's old son, then it has a relationship!

"Xiao Meiniang is wrong, these are far from enough, after you live for a while, you will find that there are still many new things!"

"Your Majesty, the concubine wants to ask, what happened to my eighth brother Xiao Yao?"

Li Yuan's expression suddenly tightened, and then he immediately pressed down.

Xiao Yu had followed Li Jiancheng's army to Yan'an County before, but he never thought that he would not come back now!

"You eighth brother, you are honest and capable, and you have a deep heart! It's the Inner Shi Ling!

Li Yuan paused and continued

, "Xu arranged for him to go to Shuofang before, and he is currently on his way back to this Luoyang City, and he will arrive in the near future!"

After Xiao Meiniang listened, a rare smile finally appeared on her face, which may be the only thing that can make people happy in this chaotic world!

Li Yuan saw that Xiao Meiniang was "amused" by herself, and her color became bold, glancing at Xiao Meiniang's two peaks from time to time, thinking in her heart about what excuse to use to get these girls back to Chang'an.

But Xiao Meiniang's gaze never stayed on Li Yuan's face more, but in order not to embarrass the atmosphere, she still forced herself to vomit and occasionally glanced at Li Yuan.

As far as Li Yuan's careful thinking was concerned, how could she not know?

Although she has long had the idea of leaving Yu Wenhe, she will not choose to follow Li Yuan.

After all, Li Yuan's configuration is placed here!

Forget it, or live for a while, find a way to provoke the contradiction between Li Yuan and Yu Wenhe, and let Yu Wenhe be buried here!

He went to the Eastern Turks to join his sister-in-law Princess Yicheng!

But what Xiao Meiniang didn't know was that when she saw Li Zhiyun, all her thoughts changed again!

Not long after, everyone arrived at Zheng's mansion.

Although the Zheng clan experienced the days of being besieged and sealed during Wang Shichong's period, they were hungry and hungry.

But based on its huge connections and profound heritage, it was immediately resurrected with blood at the moment when Luoyang City opened.

Liu Min got down from his horse and came to the carriage:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the Zheng family has arrived, you wait for a while, I will tell them to come out quickly to greet them!"

After Liu Min finished speaking, he turned around and walked directly towards the gate.


Li Yuan hurriedly stepped down from the carriage and quickly came to Liu Min, saying, "

All of us are waiting at the door, you go first to report Zheng Xinran!"

Li Yuan knew very well in his heart, this Zheng Xinran was the eldest son of the Zheng family, and he was very noble!

That Xingyang's Zheng Daoran is just the seventh son of Xingyang!

You can see how big this gap is!

In line with the purpose of maintaining a good relationship, Li Yuan felt that he still had to reflect his etiquette, and it was probably not good to trespass like this!

Liu Min went in helplessly, and came out again in a moment, followed by a group of people.

At the head was a middle-aged man in his forties.


Xinran led everyone to kneel down directly:

"The old man Zheng Xinran has seen His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom!"

Shan shouted:

"Long live Your Majesty, long live long live!"

"Quick! Get up!

Li Yuan hurriedly personally pulled up Zheng Xinran, looking very cordial and respectful.

Zheng Xinran: ???

Didn't Lord Liu say just now that this Li Yuan was the emperor's own father?

Why is the routine completely different?

He clearly remembered that when he saw Emperor Li Zhiyun for the first time, Li Zhiyun's attitude was arrogant!

Directly withdrew the land, not to mention, but also stunned that more than a thousand family members in the family were dissolved!

Say let them go back to their hometown to farm!

Looking at this Li Yuan's attitude, could it be that the sky in this Luoyang City is about to change again?

Lao Tzu is here, and the son can't speak well?

A trace of anticipation floated across Zheng Xinran's face, and he immediately said enthusiastically:

"Your Majesty, it's better to move to the cold house, the old man has already sent someone to prepare delicious food, and there is another altar of old wine that has been burning spring for many years, just waiting for His Majesty to open it personally!"

After Zheng Xinran finished speaking, he looked at Li Shimin, Yu Wenhe and the others behind Li Yuan, and many soldiers, and also said with a smile:

"Adults together!"

"Gentlemen have worked hard, butler! Each person arranges ten taels of silver, and then goes to the restaurant outside to arrange a luncheon! For

Zheng Xinran's arrangement, Li Yuan was very satisfied, and Yu Wenhe's eyes were shining.

This clan is a clan with deep pockets!

Li Yuan and his party followed Zheng Xinran to the living room.

Everyone had just sat down and the food had not yet been served, when they heard a noisy sound outside the gate.

The butler of Zheng Mansion ran in in a fiery manner:

"Family master, family master! Not good! Not good!

"When were you so flustered and didn't you see His Majesty the Emperor here?"

Zheng Xinran said angrily.

"There are many ordinary people from outside that gate, most of them are old people from our prefecture, saying that they want to ask you for an explanation!"

Li Yuan put down the chopsticks in his hand, and in the purpose of showing favor, he got up and said

, "Patriarch Zheng doesn't need to panic, go and see with Xuan!"

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he got up and walked out.

Everyone had to follow.


The author has something to say:

for the big guy "stars like dreams" hereby add a more chapter! Thanks to the big guy for sending "popping more flowers"!

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