Liu Min knows that etiquette is for quality people, and it is obviously inappropriate for this kind of opportunistic and reneging Zheng Xinran!

"Zheng Xinran! You old puppy!

"How did you promise His Royal Highness the Emperor in the first place?"

"Since these lands have been allocated to everyone, it is not up to you to decide what you want to plant!"

"The emperor did not cure you of the crime of cleverness and arrogance, but you went against the emperor's will!"

Liu Min's eyes widened angrily, but his thin figure looked domineering:

"Do you want to think about how Cui Xiao of Shuofang City died?"


Now it was Zheng Xinran's turn to gasp!

I heard that Li Zhiyun will never be soft on the family clan!

This... Will it kill itself?

Immediately, Zheng Xinran stopped speaking, and his face was full of fear.

Listening to Liu Min's words, the people seemed to be even more indignant!

"Yes! Lord Liu is right!

"We have lived most of our lives, and finally we have our own good land for the first time, how can we offer it with both hands?"

"I planted the corn two days ago, and now I want to return it?"

"Even if it is death, it is impossible!"


Hearing this, Yu Bunka finally understood what was happening.

Li Zhiyun ordered that all the clan's land be distributed to the common people free of charge.

And now Li Yuan means that he wants to take these lands from the hands of the common people and return them to the world!

For Li Yuan's approach, Yu Wenhe is convinced.

After all, he was also from a famous family, and when he was an official in the Sui Dynasty, he could feel the pressure brought by the five surnames and seven families!

No matter what generation or generation, the clan is the absolute speaker of this era!

They don't look at the appearance of a family, but behind it is intricate.

Maybe more than half of the civil and military officials in Luoyang will have nepotism with the clan, and even they will act according to the orders of the clan.

Therefore, between a small number of ordinary people and the clan Zheng Xinran, Li Yuan chose Zheng Xinran, which is undoubtedly right!

After thinking about this, Yu Wenhe, who was eager to make meritorious contributions in front of Li Yuan, moved again!

Yu Wenhe whispered orders to the adjutant general to recall the five hundred soldiers who were eating in a nearby restaurant!

Then he pushed away the thin Liu Min, stretched out his angry finger at everyone, looked like a loyal minister, and accused:

"Er and other people, stubborn and extremely stupid!"

"You face His Majesty the Holy Tang Emperor, if you don't kneel, forget it! Dare to openly defy the Holy Will!

"You don't want to believe His Majesty the Emperor, but you have to believe Liu Min's words this dog day!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

For Yu Wenhe, who has been fighting on the battlefield for many years and doing nothing evil, he is better at bullying soft and fearing evil, especially in the face of these defenseless flat-headed people, it is even more unnecessary.

Fuck, it's really not good, kill the chicken and frighten the monkey!

Xiao Meiniang in the mansion heard Yu Wenhe's words, and had already guessed that this house was afraid to attack the people!

Although, she really wants to make Yu Bunka and make a big mistake here!

But these people are innocent!

So, Xiao Meiniang immediately rushed over and said to Yu Wenhe:

"General Yuwen, this is Luoyang City, but not Xu Du, since you have already declared your majesty's subject, then everything still has to be arranged by your majesty!"

Suddenly, Li Yuan's eyes lit up.

Why is this little lady talking so beautifully?

But Li Shimin immediately realized the problem.

This Xiao Mei girl is not simple!

One sentence directly provoked Yu Wenwen and Li Yuan's vinegar intention!

But he certainly wouldn't let that happen!

"What General Yuwen said is good!"

Li Shimin threw up his hands and said

, "Father, this is your first day in Luoyang City, and these people don't take the majesty of your emperor in their eyes, so where will they stand here after that?"


Li Shimin will always hit the nail on the head and hit people's hearts!

It can be seen that it is not only tactical, but also in people's hearts!

He knew well what it meant for an emperor to have someone disobeying orders!

Especially for Li Yuan, who has not been out of Chang'an for many years, it is a fatal blow!

Li Yuan was accustomed to sitting in the position of the king of a country on the dragon chair, and it was impossible to accept Li Zhiyun's avant-garde ideas in a very short time.

One new and one old, once collided, there will be sparks everywhere!

This is actually understandable.

It's like if you let an ancient person wear it back to the twenty-first century, and you tell him that everyone has a mobile phone in their pocket and that you can contact the other person wherever you are, then he will not believe it!

You tell him that you can grow spring vegetables even in the cold depths of winter, and he certainly doesn't believe it!

Everything requires a process.

But Li Yuan wanted to control Luoyang City, and he was obviously in a hurry.

And Li Shimin took advantage of this.

Sure enough, Li Yuan withdrew his gaze from Xiao Meiniang and fell back to the front.

Yu Wenhe understood Li Yuan's thoughts, it seems that in front of the emperor's majesty and women, this old man still knows which is more important than another!

"Xiao Meiniang, it's very dangerous here, you better go in!"

Yu Wenhe immediately made a look at the people around him, and the two soldiers put Xiao Meiniang back to the house.

Samurai Bin, who had never spoken on the side, was very clear in his heart.

Yu Wenhe, Li Shimin, Zheng Xinran, and Xiao Meiniang are just taking what they need!

But looking at the uncontrollable situation in front of him, Samurai Bin still tried to persuade:

"Your Majesty, the old minister believes that this matter should be handled properly, and must not be rushed!"

"If you provoke a conflict between the common people and the clan and cause a riot, then Li Zhiyun, the king of Chu, will inevitably leave a handle for the world to backtrack!"

"This is extremely unfavorable to King Chu and to Your Majesty!"

"If you lose the hearts of the people, you will be used by others!"

Li Yuan's old face sank, and he was pulled back a little by Samurai Bin's remarks, and he also felt that what he did just now was a little too much!

Well... Let's take it easy!

Who knows at this time!

An old farmer in the crowd who had just arrived, after hearing what happened to the whole thing, raised his hoe emotionally and came towards Zheng Xin!

Zheng Xinran, who was afraid of death, suddenly pushed hard and pushed the old farmer to the ground heavily!

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