
A bang!

The back of the old farmer's head smashed into the hard concrete floor!

After a sound of pain, the old farmer closed his eyes!

Blood instantly emerged from the ground covered by the skull!

The surrounding people immediately leaned down to check on the situation of the old peasants.

Old farmer, there is no breath anymore!

Suddenly, all the common people were angry!

"Zheng Xinran, you... What did you do?

"The old man is sixty years old, what can he do to you?!"

This unexpected scene made Li Yuan not expect, and he did not react for a while.

Liu Min looked at Li Yuan and the others with even more regret, and hurriedly rushed towards the crowd, he wanted to see the situation of the old farmer.

A young man with a hoe immediately rushed in from the back of the crowd, knelt down in front of the old farmer, tears welling up:

"Dad! Father! Wake up!

"Zheng Xinran, you! You! You! "

I fought with you, aaa

The young man raised his hoe and rushed towards Zheng Xinran.

Liu Min wanted to grab him, but was squeezed out by the crowd!

Zheng Xinran immediately roared, "

I'll give you a hundred taels of silver!"

But the young man still did not stop, picked up the hoe and smashed it!

It's too late, it's too soon!

Yu Bunka immediately pulled out the horizontal knife and wiped his neck with one sword!


Everyone gasped!

Two people died in one fell swoop!

But Yu Wenhe did not show any discomfort, but playfully took out a cloth and wiped his horizontal knife, as if he had just killed a dog!

Li Yuan realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately turned to everyone:

"Don't panic, don't panic, this matter can be discussed slowly!"

At this moment, we can only stabilize everyone.

But the common people have been filled with anger, not to mention that this is Luoyang City!

If you don't know the situation here, then do you want to ask Wang Shichong at the beginning?

Dare to bully the people?

In an instant, everyone took up the hoe and rushed towards Li Yuan and Zheng Xin!

No matter how Liu Min shouted behind him, he only stopped a part of the people!



Yu Wenhe's five hundred soldiers had arrived, and Yu Wenhe gave an order:

"Protect Your Majesty the Emperor!"

In a few breaths, the soldier drew his knife and rushed forward!

Li Yuan and the others were pulled back to the mansion by Zheng Xinran!

The scene was suddenly chaotic!

Taking advantage of the chaos, Samurai Bin did not hesitate and immediately mounted his fast horse and galloped towards the Taoist Breaking Temple!

He is going to see if Li Zhiyun is awake now?

If you don't wake up, immediately notify Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin and others to come and calm down this fight!

But what Samurai didn't know was that it was when they first stepped into Zheng Mansion.

The medicine king Sun Simiao had already rushed over from Shanxi to the party and rode the Wuchi war horse.

At this time, inside the dilapidated Taoist temple.

Sun Simiao was giving Li Zhiyun a pulse, and a group of people were looking at Sun Simiao expectantly.

But he frowned and had a complicated feeling.

Be reasonable, never should!

His Royal Highness the Emperor had a steady pulse, a strong pulse, and even breathing, and just now he took the "Soul Returning Pill" he opened.

This "Soul Returning Pill" is made with more than 30 herbs such as gall southern star, scorpion grass, red danzi, Lilou egg, Mao turmeric, mountain ju poor, and thistle!

According to time calculations, the emperor has been in a coma for so long, it will always have some effect!

Everyone felt lost when they saw the nervous and helpless expression on Sun Simiao's face.

Especially the poppy on the side, tears could not stop flowing.

In this chaotic world, it is difficult to find a reliable lover, if she does not wake up again, then she does not want to live.

Shang Shu Yu Shinan, who was busy outside the construction of the school and restoring the examination system, also hurriedly came, looking at the comatose emperor and the sad daughter, his heart was broken.

In the entire Taoist temple, there was a thick sorrow.


Cheng Yanjin on the side suddenly shouted:



The emperor's fingers moved!!

Cheng Yanjin immediately knelt down in front of Li Zhiyun, pointed to Li Zhiyun's right little finger and said:

"That's it, that's it, Old Cheng won't be mistaken!"

Sun Simiao immediately checked, and everyone was also staring intently.

Sure enough, Li Zhiyun's little finger moved again.

"Wow, great, great, the emperor is about to wake up!"

"Emperor, emperor, can you hear the concubine?"

"Emperor, Emperor, it's Lao Cheng, you answer!"

But Li Zhiyun didn't seem to hear anything, even the little finger just now, after only moving twice, there was no reaction again!

"Dao Chief, why hasn't this emperor woken up yet?"

The crowd asked with unusual anxiety and frustration.

Sun Simiao looked solemn, closed his eyes and stroked his beard in deep thought.

After a moment of difficulty breathing, Sun Simiao opened his eyes:

"The emperor has already shown signs of awakening!"

"But if you want the emperor to wake up completely, I'm afraid you have to make him feel some strong stimulation!"


Everyone's eyes shone again again, but they immediately fell into gloom.

Strong irritation?

How can you stimulate him without harming the emperor?

Just as everyone was pondering, Poppy, who was half-lying on the side of the bed crying, suddenly stood up!

Touching the tears on his face, a pair of eyes became extremely firm:

"You guys!"

"All out!"

"Let me come!"

All of them:???

With a "creak", the door of the Taoist Temple closed.

The midday sun shone through the cracks in the roof and reflected on a beautiful tear-stained face.

PS: The protagonist will definitely wake up in the next chapter, don't worry, the author Jun has worked very hard to advance the plot, but if the foreshadowing is not enough, how to slap the face next, hehe-


The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the "Stars Like a Dream" gift of "popping more flowers", the author Jun is very moved! Thank you very much Demon God Huayan, Fried Heaven Gang Dongshi Family, User V5 Domineering, Obscure, Dark Night, Don't Ask, Ask is God of War, User 31617868, Super Like Di Youyou, Yi Jiangnan, 521 to send gifts, the author Jun has seen it, thank you! Thank you very much for the five-star ( ̄▽ ̄) praise sent by the Fried Heavenly Gang Dongshi Family, and the Fried Heavenly Gang - Dragon Ancestor First Emperor!

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