Poppy looked at Li Zhiyun, who was sleeping in front of her, and two lines of hot tears rolled down her beautiful cheeks.

"Emperor! You have said that today's chaos is falling apart, warlord wars are still frequent, and the lives of the people are ruined!

"If you have foresight and compassion!"

"Concubine, please wake up quickly!"

"Save Cangsheng, Pinghai Nei, let this hall Huaxia stand on the top of the world!"


Li Zhiyun's little finger moved again.

"Emperor! You once said that you would take the soldiers of my Shenzhou Empire to see the outside world!

"Is it all a lie?"

Poppy wiped her tears and continued to say firmly:

"Even if there are many difficulties along the way, even if this life is full of ups and downs, don't be afraid!!"

"When you are tired, everyone will give you warmth!"

"When you're thirsty, people make you a glass of your favorite milk!"

"When you're hungry, everyone will prepare delicious meals for you!!"

"All this is because you have the world and the people in your heart!"

"Now, if you are gone, what will happen to those people, and what will they !!do?"


Li Zhiyun's little finger moved again!

Poppy saw this picture and immediately cried with joy.


Because of the excitement, Poppy actually fell.


After half a column of incense.

The moment Poppy raised her head, she was suddenly stunned!

Big eyes looked at Li Zhiyun, who was half-sitting, and suddenly burst into tears.

Li Zhiyun has opened his eyes and woke up!

At this moment, he is looking at her stupidly!

Who am I?

Where am I?

What happened?

"Emperor, you're finally awake, woo-woo!"

"I... Did it hurt you just now?

Li Zhiyun, who had just woken up, had his head buzzing, and hurriedly asked,

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"Back to the emperor, you have been in a coma for eight hours!"

Li Zhiyun breathed a long sigh of relief, fortunately, there was no mistake.

But he knew that this time was too dangerous, and it seemed that forcibly starting the physical rush would not work!

Be sure to pay attention next time!

It's just that he seems to have recently destroyed other countries' forces, why is there no reward in the system?

Could it be that the coma was delayed?

Or is it "more than enough"?

"Emperor, how do you feel now, hungry or not?"

Poppy asked nervously.

Li Zhiyun raised his head and saw Poppy kneeling in front of him with a haggard face.

Li Zhiyun immediately understood everything.

Hey, what an infatuated woman!

Thinking that she had been sleeping for too long, this woman couldn't wake herself up, so she had to take a step back.

Wake yourself up with the world!

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyun gently lifted Poppy up.

"Poppy, if you have made great achievements, I will appoint you as a first-class female official who manages the country's commerce!"

Although Poppy was a little lost, she nodded happily.

"I'm really hungry right now and want two glasses of milk."

Poppy was flattered and immediately knelt down to present Li Zhiyun with two glasses of milk.

The eyes are full of the aftermath of the disaster.

Li Zhiyun: ???

Or the ancient woman is gentle, let her do whatever she wants!

Never ask: Why?

Although she is a female official, she is still gentle.

It's not like the strong women of later generations.

Aggressive, chattering.

For example, they will keep asking.

Why is that?

Why don't you explain it clearly to the old lady, your mother forced it!

Only...... Very disturbing!

Just when Li Zhiyun gradually recovered his strength.

There was a noise outside the Taoist Temple!

"General Cheng, General Cheng!"

"Is the emperor awake?"

Cheng Yanjin "shh": "

I don't know, I may still be resting."

"Master Wu is so flustered, just tell Lao Cheng!"

"May I ask General Cheng, is the emperor already awake?"

The samurai's expression was very nervous.

"Come in!"

A voice came into everyone's ears, which made everyone overjoyed!

"Emperor... Already awake!

"The emperor has woken up!"

Everyone cheered.

Everyone immediately walked in, hushing around Li Zhiyun and asking for warmth, forgetting even the most basic etiquette.

However, Li Zhiyun did not care.

The samurai said anxiously:

"The emperor is not good, the common people in front of the Zheng Mansion and His Majesty have clashed, and the two sides have fought!"

"One is the emperor's father, and the other is the emperor's second brother, it doesn't look good!"

"Moreover, there are people who have been beaten to death....


Everyone gasped!

Li Yuan's old man is really not worrying!

Cheng Yanjin hurriedly pulled up Luo Shi Channel:

"Go, let's go and take a look quickly!" Don't kill anyone! Saying

that, the two stepped on their horses and set off.

Li Zhiyun was even more angry, and said loudly:

"Where is the Wuchi War Horse?!"

Grey Law!

A hiss resounded in all directions!

"Where is the Tiger Iron Rider?"


Ninety-nine black-clothed tigers rode solemnly and killed Xiao, and immediately gathered behind Li Zhiyun!

This is already the limit of his patience!

"Cheng Yanjin, summon the civil and military officials to rush to the Zheng family's mansion!"

"I'm going to see for myself who can be so arrogant!"

Li Zhiyun immediately stepped on his horse and rushed towards the Zheng Mansion!

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