In front of the Zheng Mansion.

Nearly two hundred angry civilians have been subdued by Yu Wenhua.

Each of them was injured to varying degrees, all tied hands and feet, and knelt there in rows.

And on the ground on one side, there are more than a dozen corpses lying impressively!

The older ones are almost in their sixties, and the younger ones are only fifteen or sixteen!

On the concrete floor, there were traces of blood.

And Liu Min was also tied up because of poor management and gagged his mouth with a rag.

The people of Luoyang City gathered around in horror, and no one dared to speak.

They were very confused in their hearts, where did Emperor Li Zhiyun go?

They did not know the truth, and the good feeling that Li Zhiyun had just risen in their hearts suddenly fell into the abyss.

It seems that in this chaotic world, no one can be trusted!

At the critical moment, the holders of these powers are still on the side of the strong!

Who can have mercy on them, the people at the bottom of society?


It's just a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites!

Li Yuan stood in front of everyone, his hands turned upside down, his eyes like a torch.

Just now.

Although he has already hidden in Zheng's mansion.

But it is these people who hold up their hoes and do not measure their own onslaught!

They even tried to break into the house and attack themselves!

If it weren't for the guards of Li Shimin and Qin Qiong beside him, he would have almost been injured by these people with a hoe!

Ben had a hint of pity for them, but now it seems completely unnecessary!

And Zheng Xinran's face had a victor's smile on it.

It seems that this Li Yuan can still carry it clearly, and the common people and the family are more important than each other!

Li Shimin's face was incomprehensible.

Things exceeded his expectations, and after all, he underestimated the combat effectiveness of the common people of Luoyang City.

"Your Majesty, these miscreants are openly rebellious and intend to do evil to you!"

"What should I do?"

Yu Wenhe was holding a rag in his hand, wiping the horizontal knife that was dripping blood, and looked at all the ordinary people's eyes, full of disdain.

"Li Shimin, you come and tell them, what should they do?"

The cunning Li Yuan threw this question to Li Shimin!

Li Shimin frowned, and had to say bluntly:

"According to the 'thief' in the seventh chapter of the Great Tang's Wude Law, these people committed the crime of conspiracy and great rebellion, which is actually the first of the ten evils!"

Li Shimin paused:

"According to the five punishments, flogging, rods, discipleship, exile, death, etc... Capital crime! "


All the people of Luoyang City who were watching around were surging in their hearts, but they did not dare to offend Li Yuan and Li Shimin.

After all, one is the father of the emperor, and the other is the second brother of the emperor!

What's more, there is a murderous demon next to him!

Everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, but they all knelt down, hoping to intercede in another way!

"Your Majesty the Emperor, please open the net! These are ordinary people!

"Please be aware that they must have been seduced by others!"

"Please remember that their stupid heads are easy to be used, and please Your Majesty not to sentence them to death!"

"Your Majesty, we are willing to return all Yongye Tian, just ask Your Majesty to think twice!"

Everyone fell to their knees and pleaded for the people.

Xiao Meiniang on the side even showed the unique charm of a woman, looking at Li Yuan softly, her eyes were full of affection:

"Your Majesty, the concubines know that the emperor's majesty is inviolable, but please remember that these people are ordinary people, or let them have a way of life!"

When Xiao Meiniang said these words, she was also very puzzled in her heart.

The world said that Emperor Li Zhiyun was not an ordinary mortal, why had he not appeared until now?

Could it be that this Luoyang City really belonged to Li Yuan?

Li Yuan replied to Xiao Meiniang with a helpless expression:

"Meiniang, this is the bottom line of the law, you must not violate the law, and I will explain it to you clearly in the future."

Li Yuan had obviously made up his mind!

On the first day of this Luoyang City, he wanted to use laws and actions to tell the world what the consequences of committing the great crime of rebellion were!

Since ancient times, the most taboo thing for all emperors is the word "rebellion"!

Not to mention that ordinary people who commit crimes and should be condemned according to the law, even if the princes and ministers rebel, they will not be treated equally!

Yu Wenhe understood Li Yuan's meaning, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

The horizontal knife, which had not yet been wiped dry of blood, was once again pointed at the people kneeling on the ground.

"All the soldiers obey the order!"

"These people are all killed according to the law, and none of them are left!"

In an instant, five hundred heavily armed soldiers pulled out their horizontal knives and walked towards them expressionlessly.

Liu Min, who was tied hands and feet and covered his mouth, "whined", it was a desperate cry, it was a helpless despair!

He hated in his heart.

Hate Li Yuan, hate Li Zhiyun even more!

This is the river and mountain that is hard to beat, this is hard to calm down the people's heart, this is finally about to usher in a peaceful and prosperous era!

Will it be buried in their hands?

More than two hundred ordinary people kneeling on the ground closed their eyes in pain.

Death, they are afraid.

But there is a despair that makes them unloveable in troubled times.

Perhaps, enter samsara early, die early and get out early.

I only hope that in the next life's reincarnation, I can meet a truly divine and wise emperor to lead them to meet.

What does this peaceful and prosperous era look like?

And right now.

I only felt that the earth trembled, and I only heard the roar of the horse!

Even the breeze in the air became urgent!

Everyone immediately looked towards the end of the avenue.

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