I saw a sturdy war horse, mobilizing the muscles of the whole body, as if stepping into the air!

A young man stood on a war horse, his face was resolute and cold, his eyes were spraying raging fire, and he was holding a red flame war halberd tiger tiger and tiger wind!!

Behind him is the black-clothed tiger who followed Su Muxiao to kill!

The black cloud pressed the city and wanted to destroy, and the armor light opened to the sun and gold!

"Grey Law!"

A roar of horses resounded in all directions, the young man gripped the reins, the black red war horse stepped on the iron hoof, and a thick and powerful voice burst out:

"Who! Get you on your knees!

"The people of my Shenzhou Empire will stand up for me dignified!"


Everyone was shocked!

Lee Ji-yun!?

It's Emperor Li Zhiyun coming!

In an instant, all the common people clenched their fists, full of endless power!

If nothing else, just for the sentence "The people of my Shenzhou Empire will stand up for me dignified!" "!

What a power and uplifting!

All the ordinary people kneeling on the ground were also excited, trying to break free from the rope and try to stand up!

When Li Yuan saw Li Zhiyun standing on the horse, his face instantly smiled.

"Old Fifth, finally woke up, but I am worried about being a father!"

Li Shimin also immediately said with a weak heart:

"Fifth brother, during this time when you are in a coma, your second brother and I are worried about death, you just wake up!"

Right now.

From the end of the street, people came and waited!

I saw that Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin arrived with hundreds of civil and military officials!

Cheng Yanjin immediately helped Liu Min loosen his binding.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them, at a loss.

Because, the story of Li Yuan and Li Zhiyun, they have heard about it.

Countless pairs of eyes shifted their gaze to Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun suddenly glared at Li Yuan and Li Shimin, and roared angrily: "

Er and others executed the people of my Shenzhou Empire without authorization, and all these foreign invaders were taken down by me, and the crime was judged according to the facts!"

In an instant, the tiger rider moved when he heard the order!

Yu Wenhe suddenly looked startled, and quickly shot the tiger and iron horse.

Less than a hundred?

"All soldiers obey the order!"

"King Li Zhiyun of Chu actually took the lead in committing the following crimes, intending to rebel!"

"Quickly protect His Majesty the Emperor!"



The five hundred soldiers immediately pointed their horizontal swords at Li Zhiyun!

Yu Culture and even more are the first to rush out!


Just this smelly child, also worthy of my uncle's hand?

It's just that....


What about people?

The moment Yu Wenhe looked up, he was surprised to find that the Wuchi War Horse had rushed towards him!

Li Zhiyun's expression was cold, and the right hand holding the reins suddenly exerted force, and the hind legs of the Wuchi war horse kicked hard!

Unexpectedly, he crossed the people kneeling on the ground in the middle, and a pair of powerful iron hooves kicked Yu Wenhe to the ground!

A dazzling red light in the sky quickly enlarged in Yu Wenhe's eyes!


Before everyone could see what was going on.

A blood-red head flew out!

It happened to roll down at Li Yuan's feet!


Silent like a wooden chicken!

Countless soldiers and ordinary people in the audience looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

Zheng Xinran was even more paralyzed to the ground, feeling that disaster was coming.

The civil and military officials of Luoyang City looked at this scene incredulously!

Above that bloody head, a pair of dead eyes still had horror hanging in them!

Before Yu Wenhe could react, he had already ended his dirty life!

The Tiger Iron Rider did not hesitate, raised the silver spear in his hand, and knocked all five hundred soldiers to the ground at an extremely fast speed!

In an instant, the hearts of the five hundred soldiers were greatly frightened.

Every shot that fell on their bodies was as if Tarzan had crushed their muscles and shattered their bones!

What kind of terrifying power are these tigers?

A large cold sweat broke out on their faces, and they lay on the ground in pain, but they all gritted their teeth, and none of them dared to make a sound!

They knew that the emperor in front of them was decisive in killing, and if they dared to speak out, they would definitely end up with the same fate as Yu Wenhe!

The chaotic scene was easily controlled by Li Zhiyun in an instant.

Xiao Meiniang on the side showed a knowing smile for the first time since Yang Guang's death.

For some reason.

Although she is a whole round older than fifteen or sixteen-year-old Li Zhiyun, her heart is flustered, like a deer bumping!

For the first time, she realized what a heartbeat of love is....

She looked at Li Zhiyun's eyes as if she had BGM

: "You who fell from the sky fell on my beautiful back..." Faced

with this sudden scene, facing the countless people of Luoyang City, Li Yuan suddenly felt that his old face was lost, suddenly flicked his sleeves, and said angrily:

"You rebel! Xu came from Chang'an to help you kill Liu Heimin and Luo Yi and rescue you from danger!

"Even when you were in a coma, you cared about Luoyang City and took care of it in an orderly manner!"

"Is that how you repay Xuan?"

"There is simply no king and no father, and the beast is inferior!"

Li Shimin even continued:

"Fifth brother, what the father and emperor said is true!"

"Do you want to risk the world's condemnation and attack your father and emperor for the sake of more than two hundred dog things?"


All the onlookers turned their expectant eyes to Li Zhiyun!

Li Zhiyun still stood on the horse, silent.

The countless lights instantly dimmed again.

Not bad!

On one side are His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Kingdom and His Royal Highness the King of Qin.

On one side are the ordinary people at the bottom!

There is no suspense about which is more important than the other!

This is a contest without selectivity!

It's just that Li Zhiyun wants to give everyone a high-sounding explanation in front of everyone at the price of killing Yu Wenhe!

Li Zhiyun raised his head and swept towards Li Shimin, his eyes were full of cold light, and he was not angry with himself:

"Li Shimin!"

"I deliberately cultivate you on a daily basis, but you only care about the lives of the people for your own selfishness!"

"Don't you know that this common people is water, the emperor is the boat, and the water can carry the boat, and it can also overturn the boat?"


Li Shimin's eyes flashed with shock!

Can water carry a boat, can it also capsize a boat?

"Fifth brother, who said this?"

Li Zhiyun looked around, his gaze fell on the civil and military officials, and said righteously:

"You all have to remember this sentence, although it comes from the mouth of a fool, but this sentence is a good saying for thousands of years, and it is extremely important to remember!"




The civil and military officials were crawling on the ground, in stark contrast to all the ordinary people who were standing.

At this moment, the common people seem to have ignited the flame of hope again!

"Liu Min! Tell the world all that has happened, and punish it as sin!

Liu Min immediately stepped forward and explained the ins and outs of everything.

The more everyone listened, the more angry they became, and they targeted Li Yuan and the others.

Li Yuan still looked like a high emperor, looking down on everyone.


What can you do for me?

And the next moment, Li Zhiyun will let him know.

I couldn't have been so wrong!


PS: Thank you for your support and encouragement, beautiful girls and beautiful girls, give the author a five-star praise and support!

Move the little hands that make a fortune, brush a wave of free "power generation with love", the author kneels and thanks you!

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