After Li Zhiyun listened to Liu Min's statement, the roaring flames in his eyes became even more imposing.

Li Zhiyun moved his gaze to the civil and military officials of Luoyang City.

Meeting Li Zhiyun's gaze, hundreds of officials, led by Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Yu Shinan, Liu Min, etc., buried a shameful head lower.

In the afterlight, it was all the look of the emperor's anger.

This was the first time they had seen Li Zhiyun's cold and serious expression in a long time!

Coupled with the fact that all the people around were standing, they seemed to be surrounded by eyes like monkeys in a zoo.

"You guys!"

The Red Flame Halberd in Li Zhiyun's hand suddenly pointed at them!

"Weichen is here!"

"The end is coming!"

Everyone seemed to feel that a catastrophe was coming, and some ministers couldn't help but tremble all over their bodies because of fear.

"During this time when I was in a coma, you, as officials of Luoyang City, actually left the decision to outsiders, which is really hateful!"

"Ignoring my trust in you and the great hopes of the people of the city!"

"This is a serious dereliction of duty!"

Everyone chuckled inwardly.

Every word and sentence of the emperor cannot be refuted!

Misjudging the situation by yourself, nor is it the emperor's first opinion, which is extremely undesirable in chaotic times, and it is easy to make a big mess.

"Wei Chen/The last general is guilty, please ask the emperor to punish!"

The onlookers looked at Li Zhiyun with burning eyes and great worry, and asked one after another:

"Your Royal Highness, are you all right?"

"It turns out that His Royal Highness the Emperor is in a coma, so I said how could the Emperor not care about us?"

Everyone understood the cause of the matter through Li Zhiyun's words.

They originally thought that the emperor had abandoned them, but now it seems that they have thought wrong.

Li Zhiyun waved his hand to all the people, and then!

"Where is the tiger iron riding!"


Ninety-nine black-clothed tigers pressed up with a fierce stride, and all stood in front of the civil and military officials.


Everyone gasped!

What is the emperor going to do?

Is it true that it is necessary to openly punish these ministers and generals in front of the people?

This is something that has never been done before!

Some of the ministers kneeling on the ground were sallow and uneasy, and cold sweat ran down their foreheads.

Not to mention being punished, let's say that the matter of openly kneeling in front of the common people has never happened!

After this, how to make the people obedient?


"Give me twenty big boards each!"

"Wei Chen/Last General Guilt!"

In an instant, the tiger iron rode!

I saw them picking up the people's hoes from the ground, temporarily using the hoe handle as a board for beating people, and hitting the ass of the courtiers fiercely!

Although this pain was unbearable, everyone clenched their teeth and clenched their fists!

They knew that these twenty boards were not a loss compared to the eighteen lives lying on the ground!

All the onlookers looked at the picture in front of them in amazement, and their eyes were full of deep admiration for Li Zhiyun!

What a magnificent scene!

All civil and military officials are punished in front of the people!

This is not only a picture that has never appeared in the history of Luoyang City, but even in the entire Chinese Dynasty!

Even Xiao Meiniang on the side was shocked!

Ask yourself, she has also experienced the Northern Zhou, Sui Dynasty, and Xu Kingdom!

But it has never been as shocking and exciting as today!

Xiao Meiniang's chest has been rising and falling violently, and she really wants to ask Li Zhiyun personally.

You, exactly?

Why is it so powerful?

Li Zhiyun looked at the civil and military officials who had been suffering from pain but had been enduring, and continued: "

What you must know is that I originally wanted to give each of you fifty big boards!"


All the civil and military officials suddenly felt a cold murderous aura in the air.

Among them, there were many of Wang Shichong's former subordinates, and they thought they had never seen any kind of king.

But for Li Zhiyun, who is extremely strict in reward and punishment, it is the first time to see it!

Fifty big boards?

Wouldn't that cost them their lives?

"But the thought is that you don't know the relationship and lead to misjudgment, so the other thirty boards are counted!"

All the ministers immediately quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hope you can remember these twenty big boards for the rest of your life, why did you hit you!"

"I also hope that you will know at any time and place that I, Li Zhiyun, am your master!"

"The common people of this world are your masters!"

"And my common master with you is the thousands of ordinary people under this world!"


All the onlookers are boiling again!

Are we "masters"?

We are the "masters" of all your civil and military officials?

We are even the "masters" of the emperor?

Li Zhiyun's remarks can be said to completely subvert their understanding of the feudal dynasty!

Even Yuan Tiangang on the side couldn't help but quickly ask, he wanted to calculate whether the emperor in front of him was a human or a god!

And the next two sentences of Li Zhiyun hit people's hearts!

Li Zhiyun looked at the civil and military officials, and his eyes were full of undoubted firmness:

"Since you are an official, you must benefit one party and shoulder the duty of serving the people!"

"What you must know is that the rivers and mountains are the people, and the people are the rivers and mountains!"


"Serve the people?"

"The rivers and mountains are the people, and the people are the rivers and mountains"?

Everyone's eyes burned towards Li Zhiyun!

Since ancient times, when did the common people become the masters of your civil and military officials?

Throughout the dynasties, the common people are the objects of your oppression?

And now, everything... The other way around?

Xiao Meiniang, who had never spoken on the side, had been nodding silently, full of appreciation for every word Li Zhiyun said.

She couldn't even imagine that this was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man who could say it!

"Wei Chen/Last General remember the teachings of the emperor!"

"Serve the people!"

"Jiangshan is the people, and the people are the rivers and mountains!"

Although the civil and military officials knelt on the ground, they felt the most valuable responsibility for an official for the first time!

These two simple sentences are the wisest way to engage in politics from ancient times to the present!

Li Zhiyun looked at the performance of the hundred officials and the expression of admiration, and bowed his head slightly.


How can this not be justified if this came from the mouths of two of the greatest people in the entire world?

And the next moment.

Li Zhiyun's gaze shifted to the five hundred Yuan Yu culture and soldiers lying on the ground.

Suddenly, the five hundred soldiers who were lying on the ground and enduring the pain were terrified!

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