Li Zhiyun stared at them with a pair of harsh eyes, and the gazes of all the people also shifted.

Li Yuan, Li Shimin, and Qin Qiong all just quietly looked at everything in front of them.

But in fact, they have mixed tastes in their hearts.

Li Yuan felt that this was his son in Liwei!

Although some of the remarks damaged his image as an old father, it didn't matter.

These civil and military officials should really teach a good lesson!

Well, the son did what Lao Tzu wanted to do but didn't do, cool!

As if Li Yuan still looked like a high emperor.


That is to say, I just said a few words, and it didn't do anything.

What does his own son dare to do to Lao Tzu?

And Li Shimin was shocked in his heart, silently comparing the gap between himself and Li Zhiyun in his heart!

When will he have such a united civil and military official?

When will he be able to believe in his people in this way?

"You guys!"

The five hundred soldiers immediately trembled, and their faces fell to the cold ground.

"As a warrior, you do not go to the battlefield to benefit the people, but help the mischief, right and wrong!"

"All damn it!"


The soldiers who were crawling on the ground looked horrified and terrified!

They know the person in front of them does what he says!

The blood that burst out of Nayu Culture and the human head is still hot!

Li Zhiyun winked at the Tiger Iron Rider, and the Tiger Iron Rider immediately walked towards them with firm steps.

At this moment, there were many people who were already overwhelmed with fear, and their legs lying on the ground were shaking.

More timid people, their pants are already half wet.

"Emperor... We know it's wrong!

"Please Emperor give us a chance to be a man again!"

"All my soldiers wish only the emperor and the horse are the first to follow!"

"Let us die in battle!"

Everyone is expressing determination.

At this moment, they ignored Li Yuan and Li Shimin standing behind them, these two people they thought they were the biggest backers!

And now it seems that Li Zhiyun simply does not give Li Yuan and Li Shimin any right to speak and room for negotiation.

Tiger Iron Rider quickly picked up eighteen soldiers among these five hundred people!

Because on the horizontal knife placed next to them, it was all blood!

The other soldiers were not arrested.

In an instant, everyone understood everything.

It turned out that these eighteen people were the murderers who killed the people just now!

"Can you identify them?"

Li Zhiyun asked the onlookers.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Li Zhiyun scanned Li Yuan and Li Shimin with a pair of starry eyes, and said word by word:

"Dare to ask His Majesty the Great Tang Emperor, according to your Wude Law, what should these eighteen people do?"

A deep voice sounded, hitting the deepest part of Li Yuan's heart!

Li Yuan's old face immediately turned red.

I never expected that Li Zhiyun had been unwilling to take care of himself before.

This is the first time my son has taken the initiative to talk to himself!

Instead, it's this kind of opening statement!

In an instant, everyone's gaze shifted to Li Yuan's face.

This person who established the Great Tang Empire at the fastest speed in the chaotic times.

This is the one who has just stirred up the storm and is invincible.

At this moment, it was extremely embarrassing.

"Old Five! These people are on the orders of Xun to suppress those who rebel!

"Killing people to save lives in times of danger, so it's understandable!"

"According to the Wude Law, you should..."

Li Yuan was about to say "cane", but Yu Guang swept everyone's angry gaze and changed his words:

"It should be punished by exile!"


Eighteen soldiers who were held by the neck seemed to rekindle hope!

They thought they were going to die!

Li Zhiyun's grim face looked at all the angry ordinary people

, and said, "In my world, there is no Wude Law, only fairness, fairness, or fairness!"

"The hands of these eighteen people are stained with the blood of innocent people, and their crimes are punished!"


Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Eighteen soldiers instantly collapsed and cried!

"Li Zhiyun, see if you dare!"

A voice came out, it was Li Yuan, who still couldn't tell the situation!

But what he didn't know was that here!

In this Luoyang City, which is about to become the divine capital of the Shenzhou Empire!

In front of this Shenzhou Empire Emperor Li Zhiyun!

It is useless for anyone to intercede!

Sure enough, the next moment.

The tiger and iron riders moved when they heard the order, and all the onlookers closed their eyes!




The screams rose one after another, and one head after another flew out in panic!

The Tiger Iron Rider cleans the scene at great speed.

When the onlookers opened their terrified eyes, they were surprised to find eighteen corpses lying on the ground!

All damned people, already under the law!



scene happened.

All the common people suddenly knelt on the ground, countless pairs of eyes were full of tears, mountain shout!

"Long live the emperor, long live long live!"

"Long live the emperor, long live long live!"

"Long live the emperor, long live long live!"

For thousands of years, this is the first time they have shouted their hearts from their bones!

It is not so much to wish Li Zhiyun long live, but to say that they hope that this river and mountain will be forever fixed and give them a peace of all ages!

Li Yuan looked at Li Zhiyun, who dared to openly violate his holy will in front of everyone, and he held a breath in his stomach.

"King Li Zhiyun of Chu!"

"Xu just made it clear that this group of people committed the following crimes, intending to attack the head of the Zheng family and Xuan!"

"I have persuaded them with good words, but I still don't repent!"

"Don't you know the consequences of disobeying the Holy Will?"

"And you are too impulsive to kill these soldiers who are making meritorious achievements on the battlefield for the sake of these eighteen rebellious people?"


Li Shimin, Qin Qiong and the others on the side looked at Li Yuan in amazement.

Just these few words, quite wise!

It not only speaks the essence of the matter, but also leads the contradiction to the heads of the clans and soldiers!

Use the clan and soldiers to put pressure on Li Zhiyunnan!

Moreover, it also cleverly mentions the "eighteen miscreants", leaving aside the other angry people!

Li Shimin realized that it was not for nothing that his father Emperor Li Yuan could enter the Central Plains and establish the Tang Dynasty in this chaotic world as quickly as possible.

Li Zhiyun also looked at Li Yuan for the first time, and there was a little admiration in his eyes.

This Li Yuan has really grown!

Looking at Li Zhiyun's slightly moving star eyes, Li Yuan seemed to have confidence in his heart.

It seems that this old fifth is not afraid of heaven and earth!

What have emperors been most afraid of since ancient times?

The most afraid of discord with the clan, the most afraid of alienating morality with the soldiers!

Even Zheng Xinran, who was extremely nervous on the side, breathed a sigh of relief.

What about the emperor?

And what is an emperor?

Culture is in the hands of my family, and when I say you are a comatose king, that is a faint king!

You are just the spokesperson of our clan!

And at this moment, the invincible Zheng Xinran found that Li Zhiyun's gaze shifted to himself!

In an instant, a solemn and sanitize look broke Zheng Xinran's psychological defense, and goosebumps all over his body suddenly rose.

There was a premonition that he was about to suffer a catastrophe!

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