The Wuchi war horse bent down, and Li Zhiyun got off the horse and turned his hands upside down.

A pair of starry eyes looked into the distance, and the angular side face was very solemn.

"First, Liu Min drafted two letters!"

"The first letter informs everyone in the world that the lone general is scheduled to hold a huge founding ceremony and enthronement ceremony on October 1 on this Ziwei Square in Luoyang City!"

"The second letter also tells everyone in the world that those who lead the army to surrender will be canonized together, and those who do not return will bear the consequences!"

"These two letters were sent to various places by Tiger Iron Riding Thousands of Miles Rush!"


Everyone was extremely excited to hear this first one, and their eyes were full of essence!

Domineering! Mighty! Powerful!

From Chang'an to Yan'an County, from Yan'an County to Shuofang, from Shuofang to Lanzhou!

From Lanzhou to Zhenzhou, from Zhanzhou to Luoyang, from Luoyang to Baoding!

The fighting spirit of this road is high, and the universal benefit of this road!

Finally, I waited for the moment when the Shenzhou Empire was established!

The Shenzhou Empire will stand on the land of China with a new attitude, those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me die!


The people of Luoyang City fell into madness!

Today is September 11th, and there is still a month to go!

In the future, this Luoyang City will be the divine capital of the Shenzhou Empire!

And they are the first original inhabitants of Shendu!

This glory is precious enough!

"Second, three days later, a heavy rainstorm will come, and this rainstorm will fall for five days and five nights, and it will be fierce!"

"Please drop all your work and get ready for the rainstorm!"

Li Zhiyun never thought that Li Yuan would do himself a big favor by preventing everyone from planting!

If you plant crops now, it is estimated that they will be washed away by heavy rain.

He wanted to tell everyone about the situation, but he fell unconscious at a critical moment!

Li Yuan: ???

Heavy rain after three days?

And five full days?

Li Yuan suddenly felt that this Wuzi was simply fooling around!

"Li Zhiyun! Could it be that you asked that Zheng Wenxiu to recruit a large number of people to dig the lake just to store water?

"How can you be sure that there will be a rainstorm in three days?"

"I see that you want to arouse the anger of the people and follow the old path of Emperor Sui!"

Even though Li Yuan was controlled by the Tiger Iron Rider, he was still chattering there.

"Shut his mouth for me!"

Li Zhiyun frowned and made a look at Liu Min.

Liu Min immediately picked up a dusty rag on the ground and walked over cursing.

Woo hoo....

Liu Min immediately stuffed the rag into Li Yuan's mouth and said against Li Yuan's ear:

"Uncle, just shut up, your son is wiping your ass!"

Li Yuan: Uncle?

Who do you call Uncle?

Li Zhiyun glanced at Li Yuan and continued: "

Water Conservancy and Lake Division Zheng Wenxiu obeys the order!"

Zheng Wenxiu immediately dragged his knees to Li Zhiyun's feet and crawled on the ground.

"Let you dig the lake in the next three days, 50 li long, 30 li wide and 20 meters deep!"

"The lake should be connected to the Yi River, Luo River, Dai River and Jian River, and the water storage needs to meet the needs of Luoyang City for a year!"

"According to the characteristics of the terrain in the field, the field canal system is made of cement, and a gate is set up to facilitate drainage and irrigation!"


"Field canal system"?

Zheng Wenxiu and Liu Min were shocked at the same time.

What shocked them was not the field canal system itself, because as early as 256~251 BC, the Dujiangyan was built, and the water outlet had been built with gates or other control facilities!

The introduced water is sent to the field through the field canal system such as introduction, transportation, distribution, and irrigation!

They were shocked by how much Li Zhiyun attached importance to water conservancy facilities!

In this chaotic world, various forces change frequently, and they are overwhelmed!

No one cares about the lives and deaths of the common people!


When the onlookers heard the news, their eyes were full of long-lost memories.

Many years ago, Luoyang City also had an irrigation system!

But the stones that have been broken and smashed down by the mountains and rivers have buried everything!

Zheng Wenxiu no longer hesitated, glanced at Li Yuan, and immediately led the way!

If it weren't for this uncle, the lake would have been half finished, okay?

He now has to rush to work to complete this task as soon as possible!

"Construction Division Cheng bites Jin to listen to orders!"

Cheng Yanjin immediately dragged his knees to Li Zhiyun's feet and crawled on the ground.

"In the next three days, you will mobilize all the people to speed up the progress of cement capping on the basis of the unified planning in the early stage, so that all the people can live in it before the rainstorm!"


In this regard, Cheng Yanjin is still more confident, because a lot of work has been done before, and many houses are basically built, just waiting to be capped!

So there's time!

When he heard Li Zhiyun mention "mobilizing all the people".


all fell to their knees at once!

"Our grass people are willing to listen to General Cheng!"

"Our grass people are willing to listen to General Cheng!"


At this time, the number of onlookers had approached two thousand!

The largest road in Luoyang City, Changxia Avenue, has been surrounded by water leakage, and the black pressure is all the people!

Their voices are loud and heartfelt!

Their expressions are reverent and respectful!

All the ordinary people listened to every decree of Li Zhiyun, and they were closely related to them, and their hearts were very excited.

Think about it, when Li Zhiyun first entered Luoyang, they disdained this new master and did not trust much.

And now it seems that Li Zhiyun is different from everyone else!

It's different from the original Emperor Tai Lord!

It's even different from Wang Shichong!

They even felt that if under the leadership of Li Zhiyun, they could contribute to the construction of Luoyang City, it would be a supreme honor!

This glory is precious enough!

In less than a moment's effort, all the onlookers followed Cheng Yanjin and disappeared into Changxia Avenue!

This scene stunned Li Yuan and looked stupid Li Shimin!

Look at Xiao Meiniang on the side who is stupid!

This kind of scene of monarchs and courtiers with one heart and all people with one heart!

Since 611, when the Shandong peasants first launched an uprising, and the Wagang army led by Zhai Rang and Li Mi resisted the violent Sui.

Never appeared!

But Xiao Meiniang was happy and lost at this time.

Isn't it beautiful yourself?

Why didn't Li Zhiyun look at himself from beginning to end?

At this moment, Xiao Meiniang suddenly found that Li Zhiyun's pair of starry eyes began to scan everyone.

Suddenly, Xiao Meiniang lowered her head shyly, and Gu Pansheng was pitiful.

But Li Zhiyun didn't seem to set his eyes on her, but continued: "

Emergency Si Luo Shi listened to the order!"

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