(Thank you very much for the gift of [big health care] sent to the author by the big guy [Jiujiu Xiaojiu]!!

Once again, I set a record for the biggest gift this little flutter street has since the tomato codeword!

Hereby add a chapter to the big guy [Nine Nine Little Nine]! Also

thank other readers and friends for their strong support, the author is very moved, thanks!

Li Zhiyun carefully put down the glass in his hand and swallowed the peanuts in his mouth.

"Liu Min, come in!"

Liu Min pushed the door and said with a panicked expression:

"Emperor, it's not good!"

"What's so panicking?"

"Emperor! That Goguryeo Gao Jianwu sent three envoys to negotiate with us, and the people are already in the main hall of the Ministry of Ceremonies!

"I have to see you!"

Liu Min said a little flustered.

Li Zhiyun was slightly stunned.

High dog away?

As far as Li Zhiyun knew, Goguryeo was a frontier ethnic regime in the southeastern part of China and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula.

The main body is the Goguryeo people, as well as the Jingqi and Khitan ethnic groups.

Historically, Li Shimin once sent troops to Liaodong to attack Goguryeo, but because he was too stable, he did not take advantage of the situation to take Pyongyang and won a surprising victory, and finally because of poor grain transportation, he fell short and was forced to withdraw his troops!

Scold! I didn't expect Goguryeo to be so non-stop, to come to seek destruction so early!

Since you took the initiative to find something, then don't blame me for being unkind!

"Want to see me?"

"Then where are Shang Shu Yu Shinan and Li Shimin of the Ministry of Rites?"

Liu Min's expression tightened: "Lord Yu and His Royal Highness King Qin are receiving them, but the situation is not good, the two sides have already quarreled!"

Li Zhiyun chuckled.


Only cowards will quarrel, true warriors will only ... Fight up!

"Lead the way ahead, I'll go see what tricks they play!"

Liu Min immediately turned around and suddenly stopped again.

Because while turning around, a dazzling green appeared in his eyes!

This green color made him look excited!

"Emperor, what is on your table...?"

Liu Min said and pouted as he pouted ahead.

It turned out that Li Zhiyun ate the remaining half of the cucumber.

Without waiting for Li Zhiyun to answer, Liu Min actually leaned over with a small broken step.

Cucumbers are generally cultivated in greenhouses and are ready to eat from February to April.

In this late autumn season, cucumbers are rare and hard to find!

Especially in Luoyang City after the war, how can he have the mind to engage in these good things?

The more Liu Min looks, the hotter he gets, this cucumber can not be sought!

As... Pick it up and put it in your sleeve, go back and taste it slowly?

Seeing that Liu Min was about to pick up half of the cucumber, Li Zhiyun took a step ahead of him and grabbed the cucumber.


Put it in my mouth!

In an instant, the fragrance of cucumbers accompanied by a crunchy sound wafted throughout the room.

Liu Min: ???


The fuck drool is dripping down, but you tell me to drink the saliva back?

Li Zhiyun looked at Liu Min's funny expression and smiled heartily.

Turned around and took out a pot of cucumbers from under the bed like a trick, there were twenty or thirty!


Liu Min was suddenly stunned in place, at a loss.

That's twenty or thirty cucumbers!

Can you change to a good horse, do you believe it?

Can you believe that a hotel can be a place for everyone to check in?

Can you make a seventh-grade sesame official rise to the sixth rank, do you believe it?

Liu Min couldn't help but have questions.

With so many cucumbers, where did the emperor come from?

"Emperor, I want to... I... May I?

Liu Min's eyes were full of expectation and excitement, and he stretched out his right hand with a gesture of eagerness.

For the literati, he took the initiative to ask for something, and it was still something to eat.

This is the first time!

God knows how much determination he made before he spoke!

Li Zhiyun nodded, and Liu Min immediately excitedly took a cucumber.

Suddenly, something was wrong:

"Emperor, I... Is it okay to take another one? "

I want to give General Cheng..."

Li Zhiyun nodded again, and Liu Min picked up another cucumber and put it in his wide sleeve bag.

"Emperor, I..."

"Oh, you don't bother, go ahead!"

Li Zhiyun directly put a pot of cucumbers into Liu Min's arms:

"You take this pot and share it with them!"

"If it's not enough, there is still under the bed!"

Liu Min immediately smiled, picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth.

Li Zhiyun smiled gratifyingly.

These actions of Liu Min all show that in this Shenzhou Empire, the monarchs and subjects are united and the soldiers are united!

In this way, then the unification of China and the nine-nine to one will no longer be a dream!

When the people of Huaxia stand on the top of the world, then no matter who you are, only surrender!

"And the peanuts and tomatoes on the table, you can also take them together, and give one to Xiao Meiniang and Poppy next door!"

Li Zhiyun pointed to the two basins on the table and said.

It is not easy for two women in the army, it is better to care about it.

Liu Min suddenly remembered that there was something serious: "Then what about the emperor, the envoys of Goguryeo?"

"Let them quarrel, don't rush this moment!"

After Liu Min listened, he immediately focused his gaze on the table, on the pot of nuts and red things.

Carefully picked up a tomato and took a bite.

Suddenly, Liu Min's eyes lit up:

"Wow, Emperor!" This is what you call peanuts?

Liu Min immediately picked up a peanut again, did not even peel the skin, and put it directly into his mouth.

"Wow, Emperor! This is the tomato in your mouth? Li

Zhiyun: ???

Liu Riwen, Liu Riwen, don't you claim to know astronomy and geography?

"They're called peanuts and tomatoes, but you're doing the opposite!"

Liu Min smiled awkwardly, quietly put a handful of peanuts and two tomatoes into his purse, and then ran to Poppy and Xiao Meiniang's room at a very fast speed.

Moreover, he very carefully selected a cucumber to put on the surface and sent it to Poppy's room.

Well, let's taste the cucumber together!

Then, Liu Min selected another cucumber, also put it on the bright side, and sent it to Xiao Meiniang's room.

Liu Min also asked the tiger iron horse to send some for the soldiers.

In an instant, all the soldiers went crazy!

Don't say eat a bite, just smelling the fragrance of cucumber, I feel in a beautiful mood!

After doing all this, Li Zhiyun walked leisurely with Liu Min towards the main hall of the ceremonial department.

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