According to Li Zhiyun's memories of his previous life.

Peanuts were introduced from South America and slowly cultivated since the Song Dynasty!

Li Zhiyun immediately took out a basin from the storage compartment, peeled the shell and put it in his mouth.

The taste is crispy, sweet and delicious, and the white oil aroma at the corners of the mouth is endless!

Well... After eating one, I want to eat the second.

According to the memories of his previous life, Li Zhiyun knew that peanuts have the functions of coagulation and hemostasis, nootropics and longevity.

Well, give Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin more to eat them, which can increase intelligence!

Peanuts have a high calcium content, which also has the effect of nourishing blood and milk, and promoting development!


Wait a minute!

Nourish blood and promote development?

Li Zhiyun smiled strangely, and something that should not be thought of in his mind.

"Haha! Not bad, then let Wu Shu eat it every day!

Li Zhiyun took out another piece of tomatoes from the storage compartment, and took a bite without washing it!

Well, the sweet and sour taste is good, and if you sprinkle some white sugar, the mouth is even better!

Li Zhiyun felt more and more abundant storage slots, and his confidence increased!

At present, there are already pumpkins, wheat, corn, cotton, watermelons, potatoes, sorghum, peanuts, cucumbers, tomatoes, exactly ten varieties!

The variety has basically satisfied the "modern life" of this period!

It can also make the whole world return to the heart and change the fate of the world!

It's like this potato!

It is dozens of times higher than the yield of chestnut rice, the main planted crop in this period!

Imagine what it means to grow potatoes throughout the north and even in remote northern regions

It means that the problem of feeding the local people can be solved once and for all!

Why did the Turks, Jurchens, Dazi and other foreign races in ancient times constantly attack the Central Plains?

Why have our dynasties always adopted a defensive policy against foreign races outside Serbia?

To put it bluntly, it is a food problem!

If everyone is fed, who will eat enough to go to war?

Isn't it nice to enjoy the scenery?

Li Zhiyun decided to plant all of this after the heavy rainstorm!

Wait until Chinese New Year's Eve this year, come to a hundred flowers bloom, a national harvest!

And next, for the first time in his life, Li Zhiyun took out a piece of glass with some trembling hands!

Not because of excitement, but because in his previous life, he was afraid of glass since he was a child!

I remember one time when he was hiding in his extremely cramped office with his laptop and watching the Tokyo HOT movie, he was watched by the whole company!

Just because that damn piece of "one-way see-through glass" cut corners!

Let everyone see the thrilling, two-pronged picture!


But at one moment and another, now the world is all his own!

Why worry that the room is not big enough and there is not enough toilet paper?

Thinking of toilet paper, Li Zhiyun suddenly wanted to create this thing another day!

With rice paper, it's a bit of a slash!

Li Zhiyun looked at this piece of glass that was two meters long and about one meter wide, and had already thought about the next step in his heart.

Make a giant mirror, in front of the mirror....?

Make a telescope and give it to the voyeuristic Luo Shixin?

Make curved mirrors, illuminate a thousand mirrors, blind the eyes of the enemy's dog, and burn the enemy's warship?

Seem... This mirror was tailor-made for himself and Xiao Mill in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River!

In the end, Li Zhiyun focused all his attention on penicillin!

This is also what he considers to be the best category of items since receiving the system reward!

Just because, it's about human life!

On the battlefield, what is the most brutal?

Not a dead soldier!

But those soldiers who were not killed by a single knife!

When the two armies fought, many people were stabbed, lost their arms and legs, but did not die immediately.

And what will happen to them?

Simple bandaging?


Sun Simiao's "basic self-help knowledge"?

Treat wounds with antiseptic water?

No kidding!

Washing wounds with this thing will bring a lot of side effects!

Simply put, it kills both bacteria and normal cells!

Die faster!

Therefore, when the soldiers are injured, if they lose the ability to walk, they can only stay with the dead in battle.

Those who can't survive can only die here!

But with penicillin, everything is different!

As the world's first antibiotic, alias is also called penicillin!

What pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, otitis media, meningitis, can be effectively treated!

What anthrax, tetanus, rat bite fever, syphilis, gonorrhea have a certain effect!

Well...... Wait a minute!

This penicillin has to give Luo Shixin hundreds of pills first!

Pair it with hundreds of boxes of condoms!

Because this product likes to old ladies!

You have to guard against it!

But Li Zhiyun realized that 10,000 penicillin is still too little!

Gotta find a way to make some of your own!

After all, these thousands of soldiers are important, and these tens of millions of people are also important!

Me, Lee Ji-yun!

It is incumbent upon you to come here!

And while Li Zhiyun was planning his mission in the next few days.

"Knock knock! Knock knock! "

Emperor Qiyu, Wei Chen has something important to report!"

When Li Zhiyun heard Liu Min's voice, he was not annoyed.

Thinking about it, Liu Min dared to disobey his order and break in.

Something big must have happened!


PS: The author Jun asks for help from all the big guys! If there is a free "power generation with love" small gift, brush one for the author Jun, thank you, the author Jun is doing a fan list, and there are still some friends left ~

--The author has something to say:

Special thanks to the demon god Hua Yan, Wu Nai Ru father alas! , Taosheng Swastika Yiyi, Dung Sea God of War - Maggot, Exorcist Emperor Kui, Second Finger Skill Man, Jiujiu's Little Nine, Ancient Fenghua, @三尺青锋, Chitu who claims to be a combination of people and horses, Ba Sanhu in Sanya, Yi Jiangnan, User 31617868 and other gifts sent by friends! The author Jundu saw it and was very moved, thank you!

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