The system saw that Li Zhiyun did not respond, and the prompt sounded again:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi, sixteen forces came to descend and obtain multiple blue dot treasure boxes, please open it?


Li Zhiyun instantly felt that the densely packed red lights on the avenue in his mind had disappeared eighteen at once!

Eighteen blue lights appeared, and the road suddenly stretched forward!

Li Zhiyun once calculated that he has obtained 23 blue lights so far!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the cooldown to 3 hours! [

Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the cooldown to 3 hours! [

Ding! Congratulations to the host Lü Bu Xiangyu for increasing his combat power to 500 points! [

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1,000 kg each of extremely fast and high-yield potato seeds, sorghum seeds, peanut seeds, cucumber seeds, tomato seeds, and 10,000 kg each of the corresponding finished product! [

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining glass production technology and penicillin production technology, the relevant principles have been integrated into the mind, and the corresponding finished products are obtained 1,000 pieces and 10,000 capsules respectively! [

Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning a total of twenty-three blue lights, rewarding a lottery opportunity, seventeen short of the next lottery, please ask the host for the lottery?]

Li Zhiyun: ???

What kind of stuff?

Can you also draw prizes?

Looking at it like this, the criterion for the lottery should be to destroy or subdue twenty forces!


Li Zhiyun said immediately.

Don't draw white, don't draw, see what big prize the system can give!

[Ding! The turntable is on! [

Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing 10,000 boxes of condoms, each box of ten! Li

Zhiyun: Lying groove, a!

Is the system so awesome?

It's so frustrating!

Although condoms are good, they can prevent diseases, and they can also say goodbye to the helplessness of giving birth to one at the beginning of the year and one at the end of the year, and improve the quality of children.

But... Can't people interact sincerely and unhindered with each other?

"Excuse me, can I redraw the lottery?"

The system did not reply, but Li Zhiyun felt that all the above items had been placed in the system storage bar in his mind.

After waiting for a while, the system is still silent, obviously the system reward this time, this is the end!

Li Zhiyun feels that something is wrong!

It is said that this time he destroyed the two major forces of Liu Heiban and Luo Yi, and subdued many anti-kings, and the reward of the system should be more!

This time, even the habitual reward - the tiger iron ride is not available?

"Excuse me, is the lower reward this time related to the last time I forcibly used physical rush?"

[Ding! Warning: The host must not forcibly initiate the physical rush, which will cause irreversible damage to the host's body! [

Ding! In view of the host's first offense, only a part of the reward is deducted, which is harmless to the body, and I hope that the host will do it well. Li

Zhiyun was a little speechless, but he felt the storage bar in his mind, and he was still quite satisfied!

The cooldown time for Stamina Rush and Matchless Rush has been shortened from 12 hours to 3 hours!

That said, now you can come every three hours! Simply not too perfect.

In the face of no matter how fierce and many enemies there are, Li Zhiyun feels that this is not a problem!

How about going together?

If this emperor is the sun, then you are the earth!

Everything has to revolve around me!

Don't ask why you're circling me.

Because this emperor will let you perish in minutes!

If this skill reward had come earlier, he wouldn't have fainted!

Lv Bu Xiang Yu's double combat power increased to 500 points?

What is this concept?

The combat power of an ordinary soldier is 10 points!

Lü Bu Xiangyu's initial combat power is 90 points!

This is equivalent to the combined force of five and a half Lü Bu Xiang Yu!

Split up, that is equivalent to eleven Lü Bu and eleven Xiang Yu!

I rub!

Of course, one plus one is not equal to two, but greater than two!

Kill fifty ordinary soldiers in an instant!

If you add the blessing of physical rushing, the effect is self-evident!

Li Zhiyun picked up a round ball made of stainless steel in the room and placed it in the palm of his hand.

Hold on tight!

The ball turned into an oval pie!

It's just that the thickness is still a little thick, and it doesn't meet the standard in Li Zhiyun's heart.

1,000 kg each of potato seeds, sorghum seeds, peanut seeds, cucumber seeds, and tomato seeds?

The first thing that attracted Li Zhiyun's attention was this cucumber seed, because the cucumber in this period is definitely a royal tribute, a valuable one!

Li Zhiyun immediately took out a green cucumber from the storage bar, put it in his hand to play with, and put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed.

Well, it's no different from the appearance of cucumbers in the previous life, only a little bigger!

This may also be to take care of this period, women's preference for fat for beauty!

Cucumbers are watery, basically protein carbohydrates, low in calories, crisp and juicy, raw and cough!

There are many ways to eat cucumbers, directly nibbled, directly inserted, stir-fried, cold mixed...

It's not too beautiful!


Li Zhiyun bit the cucumber in his mouth, instantly!

A refreshing smell accompanied by sweetness and crispness, mixed with a little charming bitterness, wanders the taste buds!


Li Zhiyun wiped the green moss at the corner of his mouth, looking excited!

During this period, cucumbers had slender roots and weak regeneration ability, so since Zhang Qian sent an envoy to the Western Regions to bring back cucumber seeds from India, cucumbers could only be cultivated in greenhouses.

This also leads to the hard to find!

"Purple case delicacies, silver cup green tea, golden bottle nectar, jade plate cucumber"!

That's the cucumber!

But now it's different, with extremely fast and high-yield cucumber seeds, everything is starting to change!

Finally, the majority of ordinary people can eat cucumbers!

Finally, I can let female friends all over the world apply a mask to everyone!

"Sorghum seeds"?

Li Zhiyun smiled heartily.

Malanshan finally has one more brother - Niulanshan!

But Li Zhiyun does not want to replace Malan Mountain with Niulan Mountain, and the two brands of wine can meet the taste of more people!

Without staying too long, Li Zhiyun focused on "peanuts".

Because peanuts have the effect of nourishing blood and milk, promoting development.


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