Sun Simiao stopped and naturally understood what Li Zhiyun meant:

"After Poor Dao received the flying pigeon transmission from Lord Liu Min, he was very uneasy about the emperor's body, so he let Lord Liu use the Wuchi War Horse to take Poor Dao!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly asked again a little nervously, "

Then does my mother still have Xiao'er?"

"Don't worry, Poor Dao, Poor Dao made his own claims in private and did not tell them, firstly, to avoid them being worried and afraid, and secondly, Poor Dao was also worried that once others knew that the Emperor was unwell, it might be detrimental to our army!"

Li Zhiyun bowed his head slightly, and bowed his hand to Sun Simiao: "

The Dao Chief has a heart!"

The spoon in Xiao Meiniang's hand suddenly trembled slightly.

Wu Shu?

Who's this?

Listening to this Li Zhiyun's tone, this Wu Shu seems to be very important!

He originally thought that at the age of eighteen Li Zhiyun, he was already very glad to have met him at such an early time.

But I never thought that there was a woman named Wu Shu in front of me!

Who knows, the next moment.

"Hmm... Dao Chief, is Qing'er's girl okay?

As soon as Sun Simiao heard this, his expression immediately became serious: "

Emperor, don't you say that I forgot, the day after you left Shuofang, Poor Dao found that Qing'er's mouth was a little swollen!"

Lee: Well???

"Qing'er's mouth seems to have been hurt by some sharp weapon."

Li Zhiyun was suddenly a little worried, wouldn't he be bullied by this girl Wu Shu?

"That Daolong, how is Qing'er now?"

"Fortunately, Poor Dao gave her some medicine, and her lips are no longer swollen."

Li Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief.


The spoon in Xiao Meiniang's hand suddenly trembled again!

Which woman is this?

I thought that it was disturbing enough to have a Wu Shu in front, why did another one appear?

What exactly is the story between them?

Xiao Meiniang actually subconsciously made up for it.


I see!

Xiao Meiniang's mood was a little hurt, but she still comforted herself.

Fortunately, fortunately, the emperor is handsome and dashing, and the two women are not much!

Who knew that the next moment, Xiao Meiniang saw it.

On the street of Changxia Avenue, a horse-drawn carriage came quickly!

Rushing down from the carriage came a graceful and delicate woman.

Although it is not as beautiful as his own, he has a youthful atmosphere that is intoxicating.

Under everyone's incredulous gaze, the young woman took a small step of urgency and came to Li Zhiyun

: "Emperor, let me report to you, we are currently dealing in milk, glycerin, charcoal..."

Xiao Meiniang: Who is this special?

Which woman is this?


Believe it or not, this palace brought his daughter Princess Nanyang!

Mother and son are of the same heart, and their profits are broken, and they compete with you!

The moment Poppy turned her face, she also saw Xiao Meiniang, who was a little more beautiful than herself!

Suddenly, the two women looked at each other.

However, then Poppy smiled heartily.

This woman in front of her must have thoughts about the emperor, right?

However, you seem to be thinking too much?

The emperor has no interest in me, can it be interesting to you as an old woman?

However, she didn't bother to explain, but felt that if she did, it was a little bad.

And right now.

In Li Zhiyun's mind, a long-lost voice suddenly sounded!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating Liu Heiyuan and Luo Yi, sixteen forces came to descend and obtain multiple blue dot treasure boxes, please open it?

Li Zhiyun did not speak, but looked at the two women in front of him, thinking that it was obviously not appropriate to accept the system's reward here.

Suddenly, Li Zhiyun pretended to be a rush and almost fell to the ground!

Li Zhiyun held his head, his face was full of pain!

Liu Min and Yu Shinan immediately pulled Li Zhi nervously:

"Emperor, are you all right?"

Sun Simiao even put his hand directly on Li Zhiyun's wrist.

Li Zhiyun suddenly raised his eyebrows with his back to Sun Simiao, making a face.

Sun Simiao swept towards the two women, and immediately understood:

"The emperor suddenly feels unwell and needs bed rest!"

When everyone heard this, they all became nervous.

Xiao Meiniang and Poppy held Li Zhiyun's hand left and right, secretly pushing towards their side.

And Li Shimin was suddenly happy in his heart.

This... Won't be comatose again, right?

Don't be in a coma for a long time, three days in a coma!

I have the confidence to make this Luoyang City change within three days!

"Chief Sun Dao, how can this be good?"

The second daughter asked in unison.

"It's better to take a break in this Zheng Mansion and return to the dilapidated Taoist Temple when your health is better!"

"After all, the conditions of the Taoist Temple are somewhat poor!"

Sun Simiao said, Li Zhiyun immediately "took the initiative" to break free from the second daughter's support, and instead walked straight towards Zhengfu under the escort of two tiger iron riders!

But the second daughter did not mean to leave, and immediately walked into the Zheng Mansion!

"Emperor, is it okay for your subordinates to install a local phone to contact you?"

Poppy looked at Li Zhiyun's figure and asked anxiously.

But Li Zhiyun didn't pay attention to it, but instead found a room at the back of Zheng's mansion and walked in alone.

"Squeak" and the door closes!

The tiger iron rider is guarded outside the door, and no one is allowed to enter without his permission!

He's been waiting for the system sound for a long time!

He had a lot of questions to ask about the system.

———— especially thanks to the following friends for their gifts————

Big Brother Ling who loves pork ribs, Mo Yan, super like Di Youyou, unknown, true love fans, don't ask, ask is the God of War, Jiujiu's Xiaojiu, Du Shiyi with clear eyebrows. I love my little brat, Tang Yifenglin, Peng Yuyan who can't think of a name, will she still remember you, Fried Heavenly Gang - Sunshine and Stars, Stars Like Dreams, fans of Royal Warriors, Demon First Emperor, Qianqiu loves orange orange, smoke, Fried Heavenly Gang, Sword Sect Master. , Mobi, Cao Cao, who love to eat wildfire rice, the Fried Heavenly Gang - Immortal Emperor, the Fried Heavenly Gang... Ye Liangchen eats the god, call me Boss Cao, you and I are both Cao thieves, the Exploding Heavenly Gang [Love Saint Old Ancestor], tomb robbery notes # Zhang Qiling. Fried Heavenly Gang Phantom ☞ Killer God, Tengyun of Sang Town, Eating Spicy Strips Without Bad Hands, Wang Ruizhi, Ye Chenyi of Yadi Ancient City, Xiaocao, Gong Gao, Fried Heavenly Gang ☞ - Chaos Ancestor, dragging the law? , confused, Ziyuan and Yan Xin, Nangong~. Fried Heavenly Gang - Jade Face Xiaolangjun, Ziyuan and Yan Xin, Telephone Call, Two-Dimensional Spit Master, Fried Heavenly Gang - Rough Elder, Stunning 555, Chinese New Year's Eve Night, Fried Heavenly Gang - Immortal Emperor, ~: Good and Evil: ~, Single Dog Association - President. Gao Fierce, who loves to eat sal quiche. Iasi, White, [Lonely] Chaos, Nine Ghosts, who robbed Li's lollipop.

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