Xiao Meiniang walked towards Li Zhiyun with extremely dignified and elegant steps.

"Concubine Xiao..."

"Commander Sun, why are you here?"

When Xiao Meiniang didn't finish her first sentence, she was interrupted by Li Zhiyun.

I saw a man with clear bones and fairy wind Dao bones walking in front of him.

Sun Simiao swept the blush on Xiao Meiniang's face, as well as the chicken movement on Li Zhiyun's face that was trying to hide, stroked his beard and smiled:

"Emperor, you called the wrong name of the poor road!"

Li Zhiyun was stunned, suddenly realized something, and smiled awkwardly:

"I'm sorry, it's not Commander Sun Cannon, it's Chief Sun Dao!"

"Emperor, you came out for most of the day, it's time to go back and take medicine."

Sun Simiao said, and took out a small sealed wooden jar from his arms.

The moment it was opened, a strong porridge fragrance permeated the surroundings.

"Emperor, please drink a bowl of porridge to nourish your stomach before taking medicine, you came here after waking up dripping water, which is very harmful to your body!"


Li Shimin looked at Li Zhiyun with a jealous expression.

What kind of treatment is this?

Grandeur Medicine King Sun Simiao!

He could even grovel and personally send porridge and medicine to Li Zhiyun!

But the next scene hit Li Shimin even harder!

I saw Xiao Meiniang staring at the porridge in Sun Simiao's hand, stunned, and had an idea in her heart!

The next moment.

Xiao Meiniang plucked up the courage to take a small broken step, came to Sun Simiao, and took the porridge from his hand very naturally!

Xiao Meiniang picked up a small wooden spoon with a pair of Qianqianyu hands, dug up a spoonful of porridge, and gently placed it on her red lips and teeth.


Blew it.

Then he handed it to Li Zhiyun's lips again, and said softly:

"Emperor, the concubine also learned that you fainted before, and now you are rushing to deal with these things, presumably your body is a little weak."

"Still... Let's let the concubine Xiao Meiniang feed you porridge. "

The concubine helped you blow it just now, and the temperature is just right."


It's the sound of the heart beating, from Li Zhiyun!


It's the sound of a broken heart, from Li Shimin!

Li Shimin looked at the delicate and charming Xiao Meiniang, and suddenly felt pain in his chest!

What a treatment this is!

No matter how he secretly sent Qiu Bo to her before, Xiao Meiniang didn't say a word to herself, and she never looked at herself!

And now, she is drinking porridge for Li Zhiyun with that Qianqianyu hand!

Also helped him blow the porridge cold!

Special, that's enough!

Li Shimin suddenly regretted staying at this moment.

Look at this sour dog food now, it's better to follow Li Yuan to the prison!

What a spicy eye!

Li Zhiyun's starry eyes moved slightly, and quickly swept over Xiao Meiniang.

I have to say that this Xiao Mei girl is really the best in the world!

As a person who came through time, why did Li Zhiyun not understand Xiao Meiniang's past and future?

Xiao Meiniang, that is, the former Empress Xiao, a representative figure of female history in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and a descendant of Xiao Yan, the emperor of Liangwu!

His people are gentle and intelligent, knowledgeable, proficient in medical skills, and quite knowledgeable!

In the face of the ruling immorality of the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, he gave tactful advice many times, but it was never fruitful.

With the Yu culture and the change of Jiangdu, and the death of Emperor Sui, Xiao Meiniang began to live like duckweed!

First, he went to Yuwen and Dou Jiande, and then went to Eastern Turks to his sister-in-law, Princess Yicheng.

In the end, after Li Jing conquered the Eastern Turks in the fourth year of Zhenguan, he returned to Chang'an.

the eldest son, Yang Zhao, died of illness; The second son, Yang Xuan, was killed by Yu Wenhe; Her daughter Princess Nanyang married Yu Bunka He's younger brother Yu Wenshihe.

But Yu Wenshihe abandoned his wife and fled to the Tang Dynasty!

Princess Nanyang eventually escaped into the empty gate and became a monk at Fuqing Temple.

Xiao Meiniang can be described as a stormy life, which is distressing.

But now because of his arrival, everything is not needed!

Dou Jiande had already fallen under the law, Yu Wenhe had also been killed, and the Eastern Turks had already become a county of the Shenzhou Empire!

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyun, as a cousin, actually felt a little pity.

This may also be a natural desire for protection in men.

Li Zhiyun actually noticed Xiao Meiniang in the corner when he first came here.

But because Shang Shu Yu Shinan of the Ministry of Rites is next to him, after all, the people are from the Ministry of Rites.

How can you wear your face?

In fact, Li Zhiyun himself thought too much!

Although Yu Shinan is a scholar of the Ministry of Rites, you must know that he is a poet and calligrapher himself!

Life is full of different perspectives and ideas!

In his opinion, women can also hold up half the sky!

Otherwise, he would not have cultivated his daughter to read and hyphenate!

"Emperor, your body is weak, and I and a few others are old and rough, this kind of meticulous work is still let Xiao Meiniang come!"

Li Zhiyun was stunned, unable to believe that this sentence came from Yu Shinan's mouth.

Xiao Meiniang and a young woman suddenly happily put a spoonful of porridge into Li Zhiyun's mouth like a little girl.

Then he pulled up his white sleeve robe and gently helped Li Zhiyun wipe the porridge stains at the corners of his mouth.

The sweet and frustrating picture in front of them made everyone look away awkwardly.

But Li Zhiyun didn't have any other thoughts, he kept thinking about Wu Shu.

Sun Simiao chuckled, stroked his beard and turned to leave.

"Chief Sun Dao, don't leave first, I still have a few questions for you!"

Li Zhiyun blushed slightly and continued to ask,

"Can my mother and Xiao'er know about my fainting?"

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