Luoyang City, Ministry of Engineering Laboratory.

Here is Li Zhiyun's copy based on Shuofang's "Ministry of Engineering Laboratory".

The main purpose is to improve the level of local tool building and invention.

Li Zhiyun knew very well in his heart that Goguryeo in this era was not a weak regime like the Yi Joseon in the later life!

It has occupied Liaodong in China for more than 200 years, and has built many cities that are easy to defend and difficult to attack by the mountains!

In other words, even if you have the Wolong Fort, bamboo grenades, and giant explosives, it is not easy to use!

And Goguryeo's standing army is no less than 600,000, and it is even more enslaved by many ancient ethnic groups in the northeast such as the Jurchens and Khitan for his use!

Therefore, this battle must be done with caution!

After analyzing all the pros and cons, Li Zhiyun has formulated a strategy against the enemy in his heart!

First of all, it is necessary to make it afraid and afraid of the Shenzhou Empire psychologically, and win precious time for the establishment of the Shenzhou Empire and the rapid resurrection of the economy and people's livelihood!

Second, it is necessary to improve the strategic equipment for maritime operations, such as the equipment of advanced long-distance ships and artillery.

Third, it is necessary to pay close attention to training the soldiers in maritime combat skills and solve the supply and communication problems of long-range operations!

Fourth, we must also stabilize the other forces in the land of China!

And next, it is the first step for Li Zhiyun to implement the strategy against the enemy - to make Goguryeo psychologically afraid and afraid of the Shenzhou Empire!

Li Zhiyun immediately drew carefully on the paper, and soon a drawing came out.

And the people from the Ministry of Works were directly dumbfounded.

"Emperor, this seems to be a moving room... Cart? "

See you marking: wood on three sides and transparent 'glass' on one side?"

"What is this glass?"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Li Zhiyun turned around and quickly came to the courtyard behind the Ministry of Engineering, took out dozens of pieces of glass from the system storage bar and placed them on the ground.

Everyone then followed, looking at these new things in shock.

If you don't look closely, you won't notice that there's something on the ground!

But when touched with your hands, it is a real existence!

What a god!

"You guys will build it based on my drawings!"

Li Zhiyun gave the order.

Not long after, a four-wheeled luxury cell was built.

Inside the cell, according to Li Zhiyun's requirements, there were also some green potted plants, strange stone sculptures, and even... There are also a few ropes, which look a lot like a zoo.

"Pull it to Luoyang Prison for me!"

Li Zhiyun turned his back and walked towards the direction of Luoyang Prison.

Liu Min chuckled inwardly.

This... It won't be prepared for His Majesty Li Yuan, the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom, right?

Luoyang City Prison.

Li Yuan squatted on the side of the prison with a haggard face and a shawl, cursing and cursing in his mouth:

"Rebel! Unfilial son! Unfilial son!

"Without Xuan, can you defeat Liu Heifeng and Luo Yi?"

"It's a wolf's heart, it's a son of man, and the beast is not as good as ..." Li

Yuan scolded tired and slumped on the ground:

"Come man! I want to drink water! But

the entire cell was silent and there was no response.

"Come man! I want to eat chicken! "

It's still quiet in the cell.

"Come, go to the toilet!"

Li Yuan clamped his legs slightly, with some urge to urinate and the urge from the chrysanthemum.

But his voice remained the only one in the entire cell.

Li Yuan looked at the bare cell floor, and then looked around, and after seeing that there was no one, his face was stunned, and his heart was crossed!

Forget it, I can't hold it back!

Whatever emperor dignity his mother has, let's solve it on the spot here!

Li Yuan began to untie the Qiankun belt around his waist, pulled open the dragon robe, and took out a small sausage.



The door to the cell outside was opened!

A bright light shot in.

Li Yuan immediately slammed the urine that came to the horse's mouth and held it back!

He pinned the Qiankun belt into his waist and straightened his clothes and loose hair.


It must be this rebel who has come to ask for death!

The majesty of my Tang Kingdom Emperor is inviolable!

Who knows, two tiger iron riders walked in outside the door, one left and one right directly set up Li Yuan, and carried onto the luxury four-wheeled vehicle!

"What are you doing?"

"Don't hurry up and tell that rebel son Li Zhiyun to kneel in front of me!"

"Otherwise, I will tell everything here to the world!"

"Let him bear the notoriety of unfaithfulness and unrighteousness, unkindness and filial piety, impermanence, kinglessness and fatherlessness for the rest of his life!"

The tiger rider did not say anything, but locked Li Yuan's ankle with a dangling leg iron.

Li Zhiyun, who was sideways, did not look good.

"Tell the world?"


The previous name of "green hat thief" is still being ridiculed by the world!

What can't you Li Yuan do?

Li Zhiyun's expression tightened:

"Pull Li Yuan to the main hall of the Ministry of Rites!" Show the people of the world the fate of my Shenzhou Empire if they do not return!

Liu Min hesitated, but did it anyway.

At this time, it was already evening, and the tiger iron rode away the trail again.

Not many people in Luoyang saw this embarrassing scene.

Therefore, Liu Min felt that this Li Zhiyun still left some face for Li Yuan!

Li Yuan, who was standing in the luxury four-wheeled prison car, was still cursing.

"Rebel! Unfilial son! Unfilial son!

"Where are you going to take Xuan?"

Specially, I can't hold it anymore!


PS: Hello guys, friends who have free "power generation with love" in their hands, give the author a brush to support, thank you~

If you like this book, please also give the author a five-star praise support!

The author bacteria every night the codeword is one or two o'clock, no way, my brain is stupid, and I want to write better, so my physical strength is almost unable to keep up every day~

--The author has something to say:

Thank you very much for the [Big Health] gift sent by the big guy [Nine Nine Little Nine] to the author fungus!! Once again, I set a record for the biggest gift this little flutter street has since the tomato codeword! Special thanks to the President of the Single Dog Association, Bobo Milk Tea! Love snack fairy, fried heavenly gang ✘ Torrecchia, the only virgin in Shandong Province sent likes! Special thanks to Demon God Huayan, Dark Night, Demon Book, User 23217722, Uchiha Izuna, H., Fried Heavenly Gang-Madara -, Fried Heavenly Gang-Han Xiaotian for the gifts, thank you!

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