The main hall of the ceremonial department.

Li Shimin, Yu Shinan and the three envoys of Goguryeo looked at each other, looked at each other, and saber rattling!

Neither side spoke, just stared at each other, blinking their eyes before anyone.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward and eerie, and the two sides fell into a stalemate in negotiations.

At this time, the sun slowly set.

Although it was already time for dinner, various delicacies had already been prepared in the main hall of the Ministry of Ceremonies.

But Li Shimin did not want to entertain them.

He felt that these tall dogs were not worthy of eating even a grain of rice or a stick of noodles on the land of Huaxia!

Well... Might as well feed the dog!

"Rebel! Unfilial son! Unfilial son!

"I didn't even bring food to Xuan, Xu was very hungry and angry!"

Li Shimin: ???

Only the sound of a carriage outside the door and the angry scolding of a man could be heard.

Zhao Qi was suddenly stunned.

This sounds familiar!

Li Shimin reacted immediately!

You can't go wrong with this sound that has been heard for more than twenty years!

It must be Father Emperor Li Yuan!


Li Shimin got up and walked straight out the door, and Zhao Qi and the others followed.

Everyone came to the door.


Everyone was suddenly blinded by the scene in front of them!

I saw a semi-open cell with four wheels below and three sides of wood on it in front of me parked at the door, one left and one right, two tigers riding on the left and one right, and two horses in front.

"Father!" Li Shimin immediately shouted, "Why are you here?

Li Yuan kicked the iron fang on his feet, and an ear-piercing sound sounded instantly.

"Rebel! Unfilial son! Unfilial son!

"Dare to lock up Xu here, and still not give food or drink!"

"Hmm..." After

Li Yuan said the word "drink", he immediately clamped his legs and held back the urge to urinate.

Zhao Qi on the side was horrified when he recognized that this person in front of him was His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom and his "top boss" many years ago!

What's really going on here?

Why is Li Yuan here?

And a pair of iron fangs on your feet?

Could it be Li Zhiyun the "rebel son" in his mouth?

Did Li Zhiyun defeat the Tang state, capture Li Yuan, and force Li Shimin, the king of Qin, to become a courtier?

If this is the case, then the entire north of this Chinese summer belongs to Li Zhiyun!

It seems that it is somewhat difficult to defeat Li Zhiyun!

After some brain supplementation, Zhao Qi's face was not good-looking!

At the last moment, he also swore that the Li father and son would not join forces!

Now it seems that even if Li Yuan is unwilling, it can only cause the established fact that the troops are united!

This Li Zhiyun is really a trick and ruthless, even his own father can get his hands on it!

This person must not be taken lightly!

After returning to Goguryeo, you must explain His Royal Highness Gao Jianwu in detail, and before there is an absolute chance of victory, everything must be considered in the long run!

Zhao Qi still decided to test Li Yuan and figure out Li Zhiyun's true strength from the side!

"Your Highness Li Yuan, I haven't seen you for many years!"


Li Yuan suddenly stopped struggling, because he heard a voice that made him hold the most grudge in his life!

Suddenly, a cold light in Li Yuan's eyes shot towards Zhao Qi!

"Zhao Qi, it's actually you!"

"You sold the owner for glory, defected to Huaxia, and became that Gao Jianwu's dogleg!"

"What face do you have to come to my Huaxia land now?"

Zhao Qi's face froze, her body trembled, and there was a little fear in her heart.

After all, this Li Yuan has been his master for more than ten years, and the sense of asymmetry brought about by this relationship cannot be changed at once.

However, he wants to change it now!

"Huh! Your Highness Li Yuan, why are you like this?

Zhao Qi's pair of Danfeng eyes playfully looked at the embarrassed Li Yuan.

Li Yuan suddenly felt that his majesty was greatly challenged, suddenly kicked the iron shackles on his feet, and said angrily: "

Before asking me, I'd better ask you first!"

"Say! What are the intentions of the few of you coming to the Central Plains this time? "

Believe it or not, after the unification of Huaxia, you tall dogs will definitely kill the piece of armor!"

"So, go back and tell that Gao Jianwu to return me two hundred miles from Liaodong!!"

Although Li Yuan's face was haggard, these words were full of power, which made Li Shimin and Yu Shinan couldn't help but hold their fists and praise.

Zhao Qi was caught off guard by Li Yuan's serial cannon, and his eyes were very complicated.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, we are here this time on the order of His Highness Gao Jianwu, to return the Dragon Boat Festival, a festival that originally belonged to us!"

"From now on, the Houwu Festival, which is a traditional festival in our country, has nothing to do with your Huaxia!"

"Bah! Bah me!

Li Yuan suddenly spat out, his eyes full of weirdness

, and said, "Zhao Qi, what you owe me hasn't been returned yet!"

Zhao Qi: ???

"Don't be in a daze, you were the product of a night with your mother, and now you regret it and want to take it back!"

"Although the little bug has become the current you, you can die, which is equivalent to returning it to me!"

Zhao Qi immediately realized that Li Yuan was cursing, and said angrily: "

If there is no basis, how can you talk nonsense?"

Li Yuan suddenly said with joy:

"You fucking know that you can't talk nonsense if you have no basis?"

"Count the Dragon Boat Festival as yours? What is your basis? "

Look at you trying to dream, see you want to eat farts!"

"This Dragon Boat Festival is our traditional festival!"

Everyone's faces were happy, and they gave a thumbs up to the witty Li Yuan.

Zhao Qi's expression changed, annoyed and angry, and said in an unkind tone:

"Li Yuan, then you mean that you don't want to return the Dragon Boat Festival?"

"After you think about it....."

, "It's a Dragon Boat Festival, why not give them it!"

Before Zhao Qi could say the word "fruit", he was interrupted by a sonorous voice.

Everyone instantly looked towards the back of the carriage.

From there came a man with a grim face, a strong qi, and a strong imperial aura bursting out of his body.

It was that Li Zhiyun!

What is "a Dragon Boat Festival, why not give them"?

This Li Zhiyun is afraid that he is going to be confused, right?

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