When the father and son met, their eyes were red!

Li Yuan immediately pointed at Li Zhiyun and scolded:

"Rebel! You rebel!

"Don't let go of Xu soon!"

Li Yuan suddenly felt in his heart that it was very bad to be watched by everyone, which was completely opposite to the court.

Above the court, even a word and action of himself will attract the onlookers of all the ministers.

But now he doesn't want to be watched by everyone in this way, he feels like a monkey, being played by everyone.

Zhao Qi suddenly came to Li Zhiyun with a smile, and said slightly: "

If His Royal Highness the Emperor is willing to return this Dragon Boat Festival to me Goguryeo, then our supreme king Gao Jianwu will definitely befriend you!"

"No! What are you doing this rebel?

Li Yuan struggled again and pointed at Li Zhiyun:

"Don't you know that this is collusion with the enemy and treason?"

"Sure enough, when you were in Chang'an, when Xue Wanche said that you collaborated with the enemy and treason, you still played drums in your heart!"

"Now it seems that you really are!"

"You, really don't deserve to be the son of Xuan!"


Collaboration with the enemy and treason?

Li Zhiyun hates others the most in his life to say these four words!

Not worthy to be your son?


If you say you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it, but how do you know that you don't deserve to be a father at all!

Scenes of the past instantly appeared in Li Zhiyun's mind, and Li Zhiyun immediately returned the salute to Zhao Qi:

"I have many Chinese festivals, and you Goguryeo should also be familiar with these festivals, just like ... Dragon boat festival! "


Everyone gasped, what did this Li Zhiyun do?

Is it true that the Dragon Boat Festival will be surrendered to Goguryeo?

Li Shimin glared at Li Zhiyun with extreme annoyance, and said angrily

, "Fifth brother, what are you doing?" Why give this Dragon Boat Festival to Goguryeo!

Even Yu Shinan, the old man who greatly admired Li Zhiyun on the side, was not calm, and hurriedly persuaded:

"Emperor, this Dragon Boat Festival is not only a festival, but also can promote the unity of all ethnic groups in China, and fiercely establish a unified and rich China!"

Liu Min behind Li Zhiyun also wanted to persuade Li Zhiyun, but he still did not speak.

What the emperor has to do, naturally has his reason!

Li Zhiyun looked directly at Li Yuan, and once again said something amazing, quite provocative.

"Hehe, this Dragon Boat Festival is Goguryeo's, so why not?"

Ring the bell!

Li Yuan suddenly slammed into the cell violently, and said hysterically:

"You rebel! If you agree to this request of Goguryeo, it will inevitably attract the world's heroes to attack, and you will also be left behind for ten thousand years! "

Ring the bell!

Li Yuan was kicking his ankle vigorously again, trying to break through its restraints.

Zhao Qi looked at Li Yuan, who was almost crazy, and smiled even more happily:

"Then Zhao Mou will thank the emperor for being fulfilled, and from now on this Dragon Boat Festival will be my Goguryeo."

Li Zhiyun nodded solemnly:

"Well, no problem... Anyway, Goguryeo is also a part of Huaxia, why should it be so clear! "


Everyone was suddenly stunned, what kind of stuff?

Goguryeo is also part of Huaxia?

Scold... Huh....

Liu Min's face was the first to show surprise, and he excitedly shouted "Long live the emperor, the emperor is wise", he almost thought that Li Zhiyun would go astray just now!

This Goguryeo occupied Liaodong for more than 200 years, and in the final analysis, it is still possession, not possession.

Li Yuan, Li Shimin, and Yu Shinan's angry expressions eased a little.

How could Li Yuan not understand that Li Zhiyun had gone to such great lengths to mess up this messy cell, and it was this villain who was changing tricks to deliberately inflict gas on him!

In fact, Li Yuan thought too much, but it really wasn't!

They are happy, but some are not happy.

"Li Zhiyun, what exactly do you mean?"

"I am a Goguryeo, how can you wait to defeat!"

"If you don't believe me, do you want to go underground and ask Emperor Wen of Sui and Emperor Sui!?"

Li Zhiyun knew that what Zhao Qi said was good, and Goguryeo was indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If Goguryeo could be simply captured, there would be no situation in history where Yang Guang fought three times and Li Shimin fought three times, but they didn't fight down!

Goguryeo is arguably one of the hardest bones to gnaw.

But Li Zhiyun thinks so, but does not say so.

"The land of projectiles, do not run rampant! If I destroy you, it will be easy!

"If you don't believe me, do you want to ask Liang Shidu and Shibi Khan who are underground?"

"Huh!" Zhao Qi sneered:

"How can these little characters compare with me in Goguryeo?"

"Why are you so confident in defeating me Goguryeo?"

And right now.

Li Zhiyun had not yet answered this question.

Only listening to the muffled sound of "bang", Li Yuan suddenly collapsed to the ground, cold sweat broke out on his face, and he tightly clamped his legs.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Li Shimin immediately stepped forward and wanted to get into the car to rescue Li Yuan.

Because in the gray weather in the evening, Li Shimin thought that this was a semi-open cell, and there was nothing else in between!

So he rushed straight over.

Who knows, the next moment.

Li Shimin's outstretched hand suddenly retracted again with a "bang", and his eyes looked forward dumbfounded.

What just happened?

As if something foreign is blocking you?

The others were also suddenly stunned and looked carefully.

This time, Li Shimin learned to be smart, and first carefully leaned forward with his hand.

Suddenly, he touched something that was unusually smooth and almost transparent!


What is it?

Even Zhao Qi and the others were stunned in place.

What kind of fetish is this?

Why is it not very clear to see, but can be touched?

Cool, hard, with a feeling of transparency but opacity?

There is actually such a thing in the world?

It's really shocking!

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