"Li Zhiyun, don't you hurry up and release the Father Emperor!"

Li Shimin didn't have time to understand what this thing in front of him was, and he just wanted to rescue Li Yuan at the moment.

Because, what Li Yuan lost was not his own face, but the face of the entire Tang Kingdom!

If these reach the ears of the local people, it will only make the royal majesty disappear!

Li Zhiyun gave a look at the tiger iron rider, and the tiger iron horse immediately carried the glass in front of Li Yuan's eyes piece by piece.

But at this time, Li Yuan obviously couldn't bear it!

Unfortunately, Zhao Qi was still immersed in thinking about what the glass in front of him was.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuan's ghost sent a step forward, ready to touch these glasses!


A thick commotion fell from the sky and hit him directly in the face!!

Zhao Qi looked up.

"Choked to death by urine!"

Zhao Qi immediately touched his face with his hand, and sniffed the clothes on his body, and suddenly became angry and angry!!

Li Yuan was very embarrassed and said

, "Zhao Qi, this is not deliberately to pee on you!"

"It's you who took the initiative to step forward and accept the rain and dew of Xuan, this is no wonder Xuan!"

Burst... Whoops -

"Haha, hahaha!"

Everyone suddenly laughed, and even Li Zhiyun couldn't help but turn the corners of his mouth slightly.

If this scene is passed on to the world, it will also laugh out of the big teeth!

If Goguryeo's Gao Jianwu heard about it, what would be the effect?

Li Zhiyun actually felt at this moment that Li Yuan was not old, and he inadvertently struck at the enemy's arrogance!

Zhao Qi's face was very ugly, but he was speechless.

Because, what Li Yuan said makes sense, he really took the initiative to step forward!

It's all to blame for this so-called "fetish" in front of you!

Zhao Qi's old face was crossed, and he suddenly stretched out his right fist and smashed into the glass!

The tiger iron rider was just about to make a move, but was drunk back by Li Zhiyun's eyes.

Bang bang!

A piece of glass on the ground was torn apart by Zhao Qi.

Zhao Qilque felt a burst of pain, and blood came out of his fist.

Li Zhiyun looked at Zhao Qi playfully and said with a smile:

"Zhao Qi, don't you want to ask me, why are we going to defeat Goguryeo?"

Li Zhiyun stretched out his finger to the glass on the ground, "Glass, just rely on this!"

Zhao Qi wiped the blood on his fist and laughed:

"Hehe! Glass? What kind of weapon should I be to weep ghosts?

"Do you want to use this to defeat us?"

Zhao Qi raised his fist to his mouth, and licked the blood on his fingers while squinting viciously at Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun: What is the situation?

Everyone: I lean!

This product is really heavy on taste!

Is it that the urine content is not enough, and you need to add some blood!

Considering that the next operation required to prepare some materials, and the picture in front of him was really unbearable to look at directly, Li Zhiyun pondered for a moment and said,

"I see that it is late today, and the envoys have not eaten yet!"

The "conical face" and "bitter eyes" behind Zhao Qi immediately nodded.

It's really very right, it's been talking all afternoon, dripping water, can you not be hungry?

But Zhao Qi suddenly flicked his sleeves:

"This meal, we don't eat it!"


Zhao Qi stepped away angrily.

"Master Zhao!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly spoke, "

Dare to ask, do you have the courage to come to my training ground tomorrow morning?"

Zhao Qi's leg was slightly sideways.

Training grounds?!

This is a good place to spy on each other's reality.

"At that time, this emperor will show the power of this glass!"

Zhao Qi flicked his sleeves and said, "

Good!" Then I'd rather take a good look at what tricks you guys are playing!"


Zhao Qi and the three left quickly with a full of urine.

"Oh, they don't eat just right, and they're still hungry!"

Li Yuan suddenly covered his hungry stomach.

Since peeing just now, he has also loosened a lot and lost the emperor's idol baggage.

Li Shimin immediately ran to the side hall, picked up a roast chicken and ran over, handing it to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan held the roast chicken and found that Li Shimin did not let go!

What does this thing mean?

Li Shimin was slightly stunned.

That's not right!

I seem to have said that these things are used to feed dogs!

Forget it, don't think about it.

"Father, please use it!"

Li Shimin spread his hand.

Li Yuan gobbled it up.

Li Zhiyun called Liu Min aside and ordered him to prepare some materials tonight and put them in the training ground.

Liu Min left quickly.

Li Zhiyun calculated that there were still two days of heavy rain coming.

Li Shimin and Yu Shinan looked at the glass on the ground and the confused confidence on Li Zhiyun's face, and muttered in their hearts.

What kind of weapon is he going to use these for?

Could it be more powerful than that bamboo grenade and explosives

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