The next day, early in the morning.

On the outskirts of Luoyang City, Beiqi Training Ground.

There are more than 50,000 soldiers here, responsible for guarding the north gate of Luoyang City, and the training equipment is based on the replica of the Shuofang Field Camp, and many new elements such as shaking simulation and shot put area have been added.

The purpose is to keep up with the rhythm and develop the soldiers' ability to fight on the water and throw bamboo grenades.

Li Zhiyun was leading the soldiers out for morning exercises.

I saw that on the huge training ground, a man with a shirtless upper body and a sandbag tied to each leg in front of him was carrying out cross-country ten-kilometer training with a group of naked people with black pressure.

"One, two, one! One, two, one! "



The voice is loud and uniform.

The morning sun hit the faces of a group of hot-blooded men, reflecting everyone's resolute expression through transparent sweat droplets.

Around the training ground, there were also a group of old men and women watching the excitement in the surrounding villages and towns, and some disabled people who had nothing to do.

Li Shimin and Yu Shinan also came here very early.

Li Yuan was originally about being in the prison, but he couldn't bear him cursing and cursing all night, but Li Zhiyun still allowed him to come and observe.

He also focused on the meaning of "observing".

"Father, if you look at Li Zhiyun's upper body, it's hard to imagine that there is not a single scar!"

"And these soldiers, there are very few scars!"

"I don't know if they've ever been on the battlefield!"

Li Shimin pointed to Li Zhiyun on the training ground, said with a complicated meaning, and quietly mentioned the pants that Li Zhiyun gave him, revealing several scars on his calves.

During this period, the soldiers were proud to have scars on their bodies!

This also represents the mark of their heroism in the battlefield!

Li Yuan stroked his beard and nodded, quietly rolled up his sleeves, revealing a scar the size of a soybean grain.

Father and son, looked at each other and smiled.

Yu Shinan: ???

Is it a neuropathy?

This is good to say, although one of you is Li Zhiyun's father and the other is Li Zhiyun's second brother, in the territory of this Shenzhou Empire, the boss is Li Zhiyun, okay?


Yu Shinan snorted, raised his neck and glanced at Li Shimin obliquely, saying,

"Those who have the ability will not be injured, and those who are not capable will be knifed!"

"Most of the soldiers were injured, either because their own combat ability was not good, or the first general was not good, or or... There is no way to command from above! Li

Shimin: ???

Li Yuan: ???

Are you talking about me?

At this moment, Zhao Qi appeared with a "conical face" and "deep eyes of hatred", followed by dozens of Goguryeo soldiers.

The looks are basically the same.

Except for one big tall one who stands out, everyone else has a short nose, a conical face, and a bitter and bitter eye!

It's no wonder why sticks and devils in later generations like plastic surgery!

When Zhao Qi saw that Li Zhiyun was sweating and training with all the grim-faced and strong soldiers, he was really surprised!

These new training methods look like that!

I just don't know what the real effect is!

Zhao Qi decided to test the true strength of these soldiers

under Li Zhiyun: "Li Zhiyun, these guards under me are all first-class masters of Goguryeo, I wonder if I can compete with the soldiers of this Shenzhou Empire?"

Suddenly, twenty guards behind Zhao Qi immediately came out and watched these soldiers of Li Zhiyun with a fierce eye.

With a playful smile on Zhao Qi's face, there were just twenty soldiers, who had been fighting on the battlefield for more than ten years, each with one enemy and ten!

And at this moment, a logistician with a spoon ran over and said to Li Zhiyun:

"Emperor! General Cheng Yanjin sent someone to ask you, the soldiers in front need four meals a day because they rushed to make cement overnight!

Li Zhiyun nodded: "No problem!" The

logistician arched his spoon with a smile, and when he turned to leave, Li Zhiyun stopped him:

"Lao Wang, how is breakfast done?"

"Back to the emperor, it's almost there."

"Okay, you go back and call twenty people over!"

Lao Wang immediately ran towards the kitchen.

Zhao Qi: Hmm???

Listen to this meaning, how it feels violated!

Are you kidding?

Pit these chefs against their own elite troops?

Before long, twenty logisticians were in place.

Li Zhiyun put on his shirt, came to everyone, took the towel in his hand and wiped his sweat while saying:

"You twenty people, accompany the soldiers of Goguryeo to have a discussion!"

In an instant, twenty logisticians were eager to try.

And Zhao Qi's side exploded the pot, cursing and cursing.

"You just beat to death, I will be responsible for the human life!"

"Remember, this battle must be won! It's about the majesty of my Goguryeo!

Zhao Qi gave the order.

Twenty Goguryeo soldiers looked playfully at the logisticians on the opposite side and showed disdainful smiles.

Just these people?

One person is enough, right?

The two sides quickly agreed to conduct hand-to-hand combat.

Li Yuan, Li Shimin and the others also gathered around this side, and said to

Li Zhiyun uneasily: "Li Zhiyun, although this is a competition, it must not be a child's play, once defeated, it will damage my Chinese majesty!"

"Fifth brother, what the father said makes sense, why don't you arrange for these regular troops to go into battle?"

Li Zhiyun said to the soldiers who were practicing behind him:

"They have to hurry up and train, they don't have the leisure to do this!"

Zhao Qi: I'm special... Feel violated again!

The soldiers of both sides were already in their positions, and the drums of war sounded.

Zhao Qi was dumbfounded!

I saw Li Zhiyun's logistics troops suddenly form a four-sided formation, five people on each side, advancing towards each other rapidly!

A big man in Goguryeo, who ran in the front, riveted and slammed into the logistics soldier wall!

In an instant, the frontal formation of the logistics troops immediately revealed a gap, and the big man did not bump into people, but entered the formation of the logistics troops.

Then, the formation immediately shrinks towards the middle.

When the logisticians rushed forward again, there was a big man lying on the ground with a broken head and wounds all over his body!


Zhao Qi said nervously: "Don't underestimate the enemy, give me the formation that rushes them from all directions!" "

The soldiers of Goguryeo immediately adjusted their strategy, also in groups of three or five, each group against a formation plane.

Who knows, the four fronts of the logistics troops suddenly turned into one formation, and then rushed towards the opponent's group!

When he boarded, twenty people beat the five-person Goguryeo soldiers to death!

And then!

And immediately concentrate on the other group!

After a while, all twenty soldiers of Goguryeo were lying on the ground, their expressions painful!

This scene made Zhao Qi dumbfounded!

Pack wolf tactics?

They all saw it, but they didn't expect that this group of logisticians could also play this tactic to the fullest!

Zhao Qi was a little embarrassed, and he was going to pretend to be forced, but he was instead sunned!

"Bring me your emergency medicine bags and medicate these people!"

Li Zhiyun waved his big hand, and twenty logisticians immediately took off a small bag they were carrying.

From it, he took out a bottle of smeared Chinese herbs specially developed by Sun Simiao for them.

Three times and five divided by two, it was wiped on the face, eggs, and legs of the Goguryeo soldiers lying on the ground.

In an instant, a wave of coolness rushed to their whole body, making people feel that the pain was not so intense all of a sudden.

As a soldier, his mind was relatively simple, and everyone nodded slightly to Li Zhiyun with gratitude.

They felt that this person had a bodhisattva heart.

But Zhao Qi knew very well in his heart that this was Li Zhiyun telling him in disguise that the soldiers had a strong self-rescue ability!

"Li Zhiyun, this competition is over here!"

Zhao Qi didn't want to be embarrassed anymore, and immediately changed the topic:

"Don't you want us to see the power of this glass?"

"Let's start now!"

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