Li Zhiyun directly turned around and raised a mirror and came to the opposite side of Zhao Qi and a group of Goguryeo soldiers.


Directly aim the mirror at the sunlight that is not particularly strong, and concentrate on Zhao Qi's face!


Qi immediately covered his eyes, because the person with that light was extremely dazzling and wanted to vomit!

The corner of Li Zhiyun's mouth smiled badly.

Scold! This is just a mirror can't stand it?

Li Zhiyun made another look at the tiger iron rider on the side, and the nine tiger iron riders immediately raised the nine mirrors and shot all the reflected light onto Zhao Qi's face!

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts!

Zhao Qi opened her mouth wide and gasped:

"Don't shine on my face!"

"Get out of here!"

Zhao Qi felt a hot tingling on her face, as if a bunch of torches were roasting her face!

Unbearable for a quarter of an hour!


It's unbearable for a moment!

Li Zhiyun waved his hand, and the tiger iron rider turned all the mirrors to the other side and aimed them at a wooden stake five hundred meters away.

No one noticed this detail, because the soldier looked at Zhao Qi's painful expression and was happy.

They all stepped forward and raised the mirror to shine on Zhao Qi and others, shooting around, and having fun!

Relief, what a fucking relief!

This mirror can make these tall dogs extremely uncomfortable!

"Emperor! I didn't expect that this mirror could really illuminate Lord Zhao's dog's eyes!

Liu Min said excitedly, suddenly!

Liu Min's gaze seemed to have stopped, and the whole person stood in place dumbfounded, his brain turning rapidly.

"Bright blind Lord Zhao's dog eyes?"

Liu Min subconsciously repeated what he had just said, and his eyes began to be filled with essence.

"Liu Min, what do you mean? It's okay for Li Zhiyun to insult me, you..." Who

knows, Liu Min recklessly patted Zhao Qi's thigh and said excitedly:

"Isn't your Goguryeo city built on the mountain?"

Zhao Qi: ???

"Aren't you guys going to be a husband?"

Zhao Qi: ???

"Then we'll use a thousand noodles... No! Blind your dog's eyes with 10,000 silver mirrors!

"Let your soldiers defending the city not open their eyes, and they can't see clearly the siege route of the soldiers of my Shenzhou Empire!"

"You can only stay in the city and wait for death, or go out of the city to fight!"

"You guys have to be careful every day with the sun next!"

"Because for others it is a bright sun, for you it is a place to die!"

"My day!"


Zhao Qi and a group of Goguryeo envoys and soldiers looked at Liu Min in panic, and their hearts were shocked!

And Li Yuan, Li Shimin, Yu Shinan, etc. also opened their mouths in surprise, and subtexted in their hearts:

"My day!"


"What a weapon, what a good scheme!"

"Liu Riwen, Liu Riwen, how can you do this?"

"No wonder this Li Zhiyun takes you with him at all times!"

Li Zhiyun also passed an appreciative look to Liu Min.

Not bad!

Liu Min has already understood his intentions.

But that's just one of them.

The power of mirrors is more than that!

Zhao Qi and the others were played badly, and their eyes that were almost blinded were full of anger!

"Li Zhiyun! You also underestimate me Goguryeo!

"Have you forgotten that my Goguryeo warship is invincible in the world!"

"At that time, the army of our naval division Chen Bing will be on the Yellow River, destroy all the embankments of the Yellow River, and flood the people of your empire!"

"Although your Luoyang City is tens of meters higher than the Yellow River, you can't bear to watch the people downstream die for you?"


All the soldiers suddenly became much quieter.

This is the ambition of the wolf, the ruthlessness, and the villain posture!

But everyone, including Li Yuan, couldn't say a word, because what Zhao Qi said was good.

Goguryeo's sailors have a long history and rich combat experience!

If Goguryeo and Xiao Mill unite again, then the cities along the Yellow River and the Yangtze River will not be peaceful!

At that time, the crowd will be excited and revealed!

And in what way will the Shenzhou Empire gain a foothold?

Zhao Qi raised his head high, and the afterlight swept towards the group of people, and a contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, excuse me."

A powerful hand slapped on Zhao Qi's shoulder in the middle of YY.

Zhao Qi was in pain for a while, almost knelt down, but turned his head to find that it was Li Zhiyun who was full of spring breeze!

Everyone immediately focused their attention on Li Zhiyun, and a restless heart slowly slowed down a lot.

Because, the emperor is laughing!

The emperor smiled, and the enemy hung up!


Li Zhiyun changed his tone

, "Lord Zhao, your Goguryeo warships are all made of wood, right?"


Zhao Qi was inexplicably asked by Li Zhiyun, whose warship is not made of wood?


"Our Goguryeo warships are all made of the hardest ironwood!"

Zhao Qi still has a condescending attitude, and he is already sure in his heart that he won this round!

"Well, his eldest uncle and his second uncle are all his uncles, and the high tables and low benches are all wood!"

"I don't care if you are iron wood or steel wood, look over there!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly stretched out his right hand and pointed to a wooden stake five hundred meters away.

In an instant, everyone looked in the direction pointed by Li Zhiyun.

"Wow, look at that stake, why is it so eye-catching?"

"Look over there, there are ten mirrors shining on the stake!"

"Look quickly, why is the stake smoking!?"

And the next moment, I saw a flash of fire suddenly burst out, and the stake burned!


Everyone was shocked!

Using the reflection of the mirror, can make wood spontaneously combust?

Isn't the sail on that ship even less important?

I thought that the mirror had enough functions, but I didn't expect it to burn sails and destroy ships!

When he boarded, the entire training ground boiled again!

All the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire looked at Li Zhiyun with admiration, and looked at Zhao Qi who was stunned with pride on their faces.

Li Yuan kept nodding his head in amazement, and Li Shimin was more depressed.

Ay... You have to do everything you can to learn the technology of making this glass!

Otherwise, why would this Tang Kingdom compete with the Shenzhou Empire?

And Zhao Qi immediately quickly covered his shocked heart, and said in a somewhat intermittent voice:

"Do you think that my Goguryeo warships are all fools, standing still in the water for you to shine?"

"And I see that although this mirror can burn wood, it seems to have little power, right?"

Everyone went quiet again.

I was overjoyed just now, how did I lower my IQ?

This Zhao Qi really countered with some truth!

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Zhiyun again, hoping to find the answer from him.


They really want this group of tall dogs to eat!

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