Li Zhiyun felt the expectant eyes of all the soldiers, pursed his lips and squinted at the invincible Zhao Qi, his eyes highlighted a murderous aura, and he said without anger: "Zhao Qi

, do you think that if you are an envoy of

Goguryeo, you can be arrogant?" "Are you because my Shenzhou Empire does not have the strength to defeat

Goguryeo?" "In my eyes, this Goguryeo is not worthy of being a subject to me at all, and all that awaits you is the destruction of the country!"

Li Zhiyun's face was full of serious expressions and a thick murderous aura, which shocked all the soldiers

! This is the strength of my Shenzhou Empire - Emperor Li Zhiyun!

Zhao Qi's face is not good-looking.

At the moment of eye contact with Li Zhiyun, he felt for the first time the powerful imperial aura emanating from Li Zhiyun's body!

In the eyes of everyone, Li Zhiyun is obviously angry! It's no wonder that Zhao Qi is too blind to anyone!

But everyone is worried about Li Zhiyun

, the current situation is not impossible to be angry, but it is not to the point of tearing his face.

Not because he was afraid of this Goguryeo, but because the current land of Huaxia was divided and divided, and it was not the best time to start a war with Goguryeo!

The next moment, everyone was stunned

! Li Zhiyun really became angry! I saw that he threw the mirror two meters long and one meter wide in his hand

into the big iron pot! Bang

! The mirror shattered into slag!

Li Zhiyun still did not stop, repeating the action just now, smashing all the mirrors into different large iron pots!


The soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire, looking at such an angry Li Zhiyun, also had a big stone blocked in their chests, and their eyes spewed out raging fire

! Oh

! This Goguryeo is simply deceitful

! Taking advantage of the turmoil in the land of China, they intend to take advantage of the void!

Do you think that the emperors of my Shenzhou Empire are easy to bully? Do you think that the soldiers of my Shenzhou Empire

really can't destroy all of you?

In an instant, all the soldiers clenched their fists and glared angrily at Zhao Qi.

Zhao Qi directly ignored this knife in his eyes, and looked at the scene in front of him with meaning.


, the prince of a dignified country, he was easily angered by himself

! Seeing that this is going to break the jar and break

it! Do you want to destroy Goguryeo

? Dream it!

And those of you who are soldiers, do you think that if you clench your fists, I will be afraid of you?

Do you think that our villains are too weak

, just like those degrading villains on tomatoes?

What a joke!"

"Li Zhiyun, what a pity to break these mirrors!

"Haha, what our Lord Zhao said is right, I'm afraid the mirror can only be used like

this!" "Yes, you see that these ten huge mirrors gathered together for a whole incense to ignite that small piece of wood, isn't it very powerful

!" "That is, you still want to use this to attack our warship?"

"It's just a dream!"

The Goguryeo soldiers behind Zhao Qi talked one after another.

Listening to the criticism of these people, the soldiers and people of the Shenzhou Empire looked at Li Zhiyun with distress.

The clenched fists are like youth with nowhere to place, I don't know whether to smash into this group of dogs, or let go according to the current situation.

Because, the emperor has not yet spoken.


seems that in the future, this "Ministry of Works Laboratory" will still have to study frequently, and it seems that this usual training still needs to be strengthened, and strive to make some achievements by relying on their own efforts as soon as possible to ease the pressure on the emperor!

If the emperor gave an order, they would definitely tear up these tall dogs

! Li Yuan and Yu Shinan's expressions were not good-looking, in their hearts

, this Li Zhiyun was their son! Li Shimin looked at Li Zhiyun with a complicated expression, never thinking that this product also had a helpless time! Who knows, Li Zhiyun

raised his head and looked at everyone:

"What are you all doing there?"

My pots are all set up, don't you hurry up and bring me some coal!" "


? Everyone suddenly froze, the emperor didn't get angry just now

? Could it be that the emperor wants to make a fire and process these mirrors into something else?

Suddenly, everyone was interested, and their eyes were once again full of essence.

Liu Min, whose face was full of worry, suddenly smiled with joy and immediately arranged for the soldiers to pull a whole cart of coal!

Li Zhiyun picked up a piece of coal and observed:

"Liu Min, the desulfurization of this coal is not very thorough, burning it will be detrimental to the human body, next time you must pay more attention!"

Liu Min immediately nodded.

Looking at this cart of black things, Zhao Qi did not understand, and Li Yuan did not understand!

Because there is only charcoal in their world.

What is this coal? What is


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