What is desulfurization?

Li Zhiyun is very clear.

Since the last time a large amount of coal was found in Shuofang, because he did not carry out desulfurization work, he almost poisoned the coal and lost his life!

To put it bluntly, it is washed coal, so that it reduces carbon dioxide emissions when burning, and reduces the ignition point, making it safer and more environmentally friendly.

Li Zhiyun looked at Zhao Qi and Li Yuan who were stunned, and did not intend to explain the meaning, but directly ordered people to set the coal on fire.

In a moment, the raging fire began to burn, a heat wave rushed towards everyone, and the soldiers who were adding coal actually oozed sweat on their foreheads, wiping their foreheads from time to time.

The surrounding air is filled with a different smell.

All the soldiers were calm, because they were no longer surprised by coal.

But Li Yuan saw it for the first time!

I saw him with his hands turned upside down, his eyes were like torches, and he leaned over with small broken steps.

After feeling the temperature of coal, Li Yuan had already compared coal and charcoal in his heart.

"Li Zhiyun, how much is the reserve of this coal?" Li

Yuan knew very well in his heart, most of the current territory of the Tang Kingdom is extremely cold north, usually summer is a little better, but every winter will be extremely cold.

The small dachwurst hanging in the house will also be frozen to the size of a small toothpick.

It is good to use charcoal to raise the temperature, but after all, the cost of charcoal is too high and very limited.

Even if he is the king of a country, he does not dare to let go of the use of the people of the entire palace, and those ordinary people are even worse, they can't afford to use charcoal at all, they can only hide in the cold room and stare.

Zhao Qi also glanced at Li Zhiyun quietly, looking forward to Li Zhiyun's answer.

To be reasonable, in a short period of time, Li Zhiyun brought him a lot of shock.


way, Goguryeo is in the cold land of the East Arctic, and winter is much more difficult than this Chang'an and Luoyang

! In recent years, some ordinary people have begun to flee to the Central Plains with their families because they cannot bear the harsh winter conditions!

Faced with Li Yuan's problem, Li Zhiyun unhurriedly asked Liu Min to fetch some lime, soda ash and tin.

I saw that he put lime, soda ash, and tin in the pot and stirred them with broken glass, and then he said without raising his head:

"The amount of coal stored in this Shuofang is not very large.

After Li Yuan heard this, the brilliance in his eyes dimmed down, and Zhao Qi also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Who knows, Li Zhiyun has not finished speaking:

"If you save some use, you can meet the needs of all the common people on this Chinese land for 200 years!"

Zhao Qi's heart was instantly unbalanced, why did Li Zhiyun have these coals? "Li Zhiyun

, I don't

think this black coal is something on the ground!"

"Mining coal should require a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is very difficult, right?"

Li Zhiyun's eyes moved slightly

: "Indeed, most of Shuofang's coal mines are underground, and it takes a certain amount of effort to mine them!" Zhao Qi's face was delighted: "I just said it's not easy, not to mention transporting these coals from Shuofang, it's not a small price!" Zhao Qi's face

was once again full of confusion and confidence, and he looked at Li Zhiyun playfully.

"You're right!" Li

Zhiyun still did not look up, but vigorously stirred the glass fragments in the iron pot.

With the blessing of lime, soda ash and other "fluxes", glass fragments are melting rapidly; with the blessing of tin, the chemical stability and glass strength of glass are also improving.

"So, considering the long distance of Shuofang, I will kill Luo Yi in that Youzhou!"

Li Zhiyun wiped the sweat droplets on his forehead and continued.

Everyone was stunned.

Kill Luo Yi in Youzhou

? What does this have to do with coal?

Could it be that Youzhou... And coal?

Sure enough.

Li Zhiyun's next words made it difficult for everyone to calm down for a long time!

"That Youzhou has a large amount of coal exposed, and it can be directly mined without effort!"

"The reserve is not very large, it can probably only satisfy all the people in the entire Chinese land...

"Everyone: ???

reserves are not very large

? Three hundred years?

The emperor can really

joke! Zhao Qi was even more shocked, and almost fell to the ground, his eyes were full of shock, envy, and jealousy!


knows, Li Zhiyun's next words made Zhao Qi almost die of a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot!


Zhao Qi, if I supply this coal to the people of the whole world for free, guess what will happen?"

"If I reveal this news to the people of Goguryeo, what do you think


Goguryeo is located in the cold land of the East Arctic, and in the past, because they could not bear the harsh winter, their families fled to the Central Plains

! If Li Zhiyun really supplied all this coal for free, there would be only one result

! The people of Goguryeo would flee more and

more! I can't imagine

it! Li Yuan looked at Zhao Qi in shock, and he was even more energetic!


Yuan stepped forward directly to Li Zhiyun, and the "Li Zhiyun" he had been calling in his mouth also became "Old Fifth":

"Do you say there is a coal mine in Chang'an?"

Suddenly, Li Shimin and Zhao Qi looked at Li Zhiyun with great expectation.

One of them especially hopes that Chang'an can also have coal mines, so that the people can live a good life and have a foundation in the world

! while the other does not want to hear good results, if Chang'an also has such a huge amount of coal, then will Goguryeo not become a no-man's land?!

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