Li Yuan, Li Shimin, Liu Min and the others lined up together with Li Zhiyun, and the light emitted by the convex mirror in their hands was focused together.

The light gathered through the convex mirror is like the most dazzling lightning, which is shocking and cannot be seen directly.

On top of the stakes.

In just a few breaths, a trace of green smoke was ignited on the stake

! And then

! The green smoke immediately became thick and billowing into

smoke! "Look! That's fire!" In

an instant, a dazzling fire appeared in everyone's pupils!

Everyone looked at the picture in front of them in amazement.

Shocked, complex, stunned

! Just these ten convex lenses the size of a pot lid burned half of the stake in a moment!

And right now.

"Ah!" A

scream interrupted everyone's thoughts!

I saw Zhao Qi jumping up violently, his hands frantically pounced on the fire on his lower clothes

! "Li Yuan! You actually aimed at my eggs!" Zhao

Qi scolded angrily at Li Yuan for a while.

Li Yuan was suddenly stunned, and hurriedly stuck the convex lens in his hand on the ground.


Li Yuan smiled awkwardly: "I'm old, I can't lift this mirror, but I didn't expect to hurt Lord Zhao, I'm sorry!" Although Zhao

Qi's behavior at this time was quite funny and embarrassing, it still couldn't hide the shock on his face.

Just now, Li Zhiyun's operation has refreshed his understanding of this world!

Let me ask, this light convex lens, what if every soldier of the Shenzhou Empire carries a copy? If a hundred thousand convex

lenses are aimed at the warship, even if the warship is speeding by the wind and waves, but the speed is fast?

Thinking of this, Zhao Qi was full of mixed tastes in his heart, and he was already beginning to seriously doubt whether the strategy formulated by Gao Jianwu to join forces with Xiao Mill to attack Li Zhiyun was right!

I saw that he sorted out the burned tattered clothes, pressed back the head of the bird, and said to Li Yuan:

"Li Qi... Your Majesty, where are you old?" "

I think that when I fought with you on the battlefield, it was only a few years ago, and now you are still in the prime of life!" Li

Yuan: What the hell is this TMD,

why does it change his face faster than himself?

It was his good son who brought him all this respect!


signal soldier came on horseback, knelt in front of

Li Zhiyun and said, "Emperor Qiyu, General Cheng said that cement and stones are in a hurry, and they want to blow up mountains and quarry!" "

But now that you encounter a thorny problem, send your subordinates to ask you for advice!" Li

Zhiyun was happy in his heart, and the opportunity to pretend to be forced came again.


Qiyu, explosives need to be ignited at a long distance to ensure safety, but the explosive leads we make will always have accidents because the distance is too long!" "

Sometimes we see that the explosives are not moving, thinking that they are not ignited and go up to check, but when we go up, we find that the leads are burning, and we are afraid that it will be too late!" Speaking

of this, everyone seemed to understand the problem that the communication soldier said.

This is like a modern child inserting a firecracker in cow dung, obviously remembering to light the lead, but the firecracker just doesn't sound

! When he pouted his butt to see what was going on, he was blown up with cow shit!

Zhao Qi was suddenly stunned, what is this?

Li Zhiyun pondered for a while, looked around, focused his gaze on a mound not far ahead, and said

to Liu Min: "Liu Min, you arrange for someone to put ten packs of explosives on the hill in front, I will show you how to detonate explosives from a distance!"

Liu Min instantly understood Li Zhiyun's intention, this is to blow up Zhao Qi's dog eyes!

Could it be that Li Zhiyun wants to use so-called "explosives" to blow up these stones?

Ten packs of explosives were placed halfway up the hill.

Li Zhiyun immediately aimed the convex lens at the explosive, and muttered to himself:

"Everyone remember, this is called timed explosives, also called long-range explosives!" As

soon as the words fell, he only listened to a loud sound of


! The mountain stream shook, the earth roared, sand

and stones flew, and gunsmoke billowed out

! Everyone thought that an earthquake was coming, and subconsciously bent down!

Everyone was surprised to find that this hill had been blown up by explosives into a large pit visible to the naked eye!


this moment, Zhao Qi had basically determined in his heart that the strategy of "linking Xiao to attack Li" formulated by Gao Jianwu was purely to find death.

Gao Jianwu, fool

! If you want to defeat this Li Zhiyun and take so many good things for yourself, one Xiao Mill is far from enough

! You have to pull the two younger brothers of Silla and Baekje to go up together!

After going back next time, you will show Your Highness Gao Jianwu the strong strength of your Shenzhou Empire, and make Your Highness give up the unrealistic idea of attacking the Shenzhou Empire!"

Zhao Qi bowed his hand respectfully to Li Zhiyun for the first time, and he had the idea of going back early.

Because it's really scary here!Li

Zhiyun glanced at Zhao Qi.

But do you think this is a vegetable market

? Come and go if you want? If you want to be


, you must completely make you tall dogs submit

!" "Lord Zhao, there will be a heavy rainstorm in two days, I'm afraid this road is not easy!"


It's been busy for half a morning, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, have


Zhao Qi and the others thought about it, but still followed behind.

Damn, don't eat for nothing!

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