Zhao Qi looked around and found that the "restaurants" here were lined up from

No. 1 to No. 5! Each restaurant was very large-scale

, covering an area of about five acres!

Moreover, it seemed that restaurants No. 1 to No. 3 were places for the soldiers to eat, and restaurants No. 4 and No. 5 were open to the public.

The ordinary people who were just watching there walked into restaurants No. 4 and No. 5 one after another.

Zhao Qi couldn't help but secretly say in his heart

, this Li Zhiyun is also too special, and actually used the military camp to do the business of the common people! No wonder this product is so rich to make these ghost names such as glass and explosives

! And the moment Zhao Qi entered the restaurant, he was instantly attracted!

Because this place is completely a replica of Li Zhiyun according to the restaurant of the Shuofang Field Camp.

There are countless tables about three feet high distributed in the restaurant, which can accommodate 20,000 people at the same time!

Li Yuan and Zhao Qi came here for the first time, and the surprise in their eyes was overflowing.

The Goguryeo soldiers behind Zhao Qi also looked at them with great envy.


wonder the people here are so tall and powerful!

But the next moment, it was unexpected by Zhao Qi and others.

He originally thought that Li Zhiyun had attracted him to eat here, just to continue to show off the powerful strength of the Shenzhou Empire.

Who knows, when he saw one soldier after another carrying the "tray" in his hand, sitting on the stool next to him to eat.

Only then did he see clearly the "breakfast pairing" here! A

spoonful of wild vegetable egg soup and two wild vegetable cakes! "Everyone, please sit down, we still have a lot of things to do after eating!" Li

Zhiyun took the lead and sat down, and the soldiers on the side began to "serve"!

A small pot of wild vegetable egg soup and

more than ten buttercakes were suddenly placed on the table.

Li Zhiyun, Liu Min, Yu Shinan, and Li Shimin grabbed a buttercake and ate it with relish.

But Li Yuan, Zhao Qi and the others did not move.

This thing is not delicious

, but why do you feel fragrant when you look at the way they eat?

With doubts, Li Yuan and Zhao Qi picked up a piece of buttercake and put it in their mouths to take a small bite.


"Bah!" The

two immediately vomited, this special one is too unpalatable, right?

"Your Royal Highness, the treatment of your soldiers is so bad?"

Zhao Qi threw the buttercake in his hand on the table, a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes, and he guessed the reason behind it in his heart, it must be that this Li Zhiyun was exhausted in force and used the strength of the whole country to develop new things, but ignored production!

Li Yuan obviously didn't mean to eat.

And all the soldiers were still eating in large quantities, because this Luoyang City had already been consumed by the time Wang Shichong was in his hands!

Yu Shinan immediately said squarely:

"Oh, if you don't eat, no one forces you to eat, what do you know?" Li Zhiyun waved his hand and said,

"If you are not used to eating, then go to restaurant

No. 4 to eat!" Restaurant No. 4? Zhao

Qi looked at it, isn't this where the common people eat?

Zhao Qi immediately raised his butt and went towards restaurant No. 4, Li Yuan hesitated for a moment and followed.

Sure enough, after entering Restaurant No. 4, Zhao Qi found that the breakfast here was indeed extraordinary!

I saw that the people here were carrying bowls of steaming porridge, holding fragrant lamb stuffed buttercakes in their hands, eating happily.

Although you can see the lamb in the cake, it is such an insignificant little bit of meat foam, but it is enough to arouse people's appetite.


"This Li Zhiyun is also too much, he actually gave those ghost things to the soldiers, but he started a common people's business here!"

Li Yuan scolded angrily with a solemn expression, and the good feeling that had just risen for this rebel son also quickly decreased.

Zhao Qi found a place to sit down and asked the people around him

: "Uncle, how much does Li Zhiyun charge you for this bowl of porridge and a cake of yours?"

I saw that the old man was suddenly stunned for a moment, and his expression was a little angry:

"This adult is really blind and farts

!" "The emperor saw that I had no children and no daughters, so he let me come here every day to eat, and never received a penny from us!"

Zhao Qi: I'm so angry

, this Shenzhou Empire is very strange!

Even the uncle is so domineering

? Who knows, the surrounding people also said in unison:

"What are you two doing?

We've been eating here for months, and the emperor has never received a penny!" "

Believe it or not, if you talk nonsense again, we will use this chopstick to kill you?"

In this world and chaotic times, Li Zhiyun is probably the first person to really take

the people to heart! And if a king wants to be forever, doesn't he rely on the common people to whom these people's hearts aspire

?" "Have you finished eating?" "After eating

, follow me, and it will rain in two days, so I have to hurry up and help the soldiers repair their houses!"

Just now, the old man who scolded Zhao Qi for farting a few times waved his arms, and all the people got up and walked out.

Zhao Qi: ???

have you been brainwashed by Li Zhiyun

? This bright sun is shining cloudless, and he said that you can believe it when it rains?


, Lord Ben really won't leave

! Let's gamble, I'll see if there will really be a heavy rainstorm in two days!

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