Two days later, late at night, the time was close to midnight.

The courtyard of Zhengfu is brightly lit.

Civilian, military, and military officials gathered here.

Li Zhiyun sat on the side, and the main seat was vacant.

Li Yuan looked at the "main seat" and was eager to try it several times, but finally did not sit down, but sat on the side.

Poppy and Xiao Meiniang, both women with the word "beauty", lined down one left and one right.

From time to time, the two have an eye encounter, a battle between mountains and ravines.

Countless pairs of eyes are glued to the copper ruler inside the kettle, waiting for midnight in the morning.

In order to facilitate timekeeping, Li Zhiyun and the "Dr. Leakage" of the Tiantai invented the "water clock" for timekeeping.

This water clock consists of four leaky jugs, the day jug, the moon jug, the star jug, and the receiving jug, which are placed on the four layers of the stepped iron frame.

The first three pots have dripping faucets, and the water drips into the pot located below, which is equivalent to the kind of "feng shui ornaments" sold in modern society.

In the kettle, Li Zhiyun designed a copper ruler with twenty-four hours engraved on it.

At first, everyone was not used to the 24-hour timekeeping method, after all, they had been using 12 hours.

But after these two days of use and observation, everyone was convinced by Li Zhiyun's design, and they also felt that they finally had a "concept of time".

Zheng Daoran, the new head of the Zheng family, greeted everyone warmly.

As the seventh son of the Zheng family, he never thought that he wanted to control the entire land of China, and he never thought that

the person who talked to Xuanzang about the Buddhist scriptures was actually the famous emperor Li Zhiyun!

Therefore, the more he looked at Li Zhiyun, the more pleasing his eyes became, and he repeatedly enthusiastically emphasized that Li Zhiyun must always live here before the completion of the Luoyang City Palace.


the leadership of Cheng Yanjin, after the efforts of the military and people in the past few days, day and night, almost all the hidden houses in Luoyang City have been built into cement houses.

The common people also happily lived in.

Zheng Wenxiu also dug up the huge Luoyang Lake within the specified time!

and also dug two medium-sized lakes in other places.

Li Zhiyun had also arranged for several war pigeons to transmit orders to the Shuofang army on the road.

The army set up camp in the area and waited for the heavy rain before marching.

This is the moment.

The people of the entire Luoyang City did not sleep, they lit candles, all stood in the courtyard, or took to the streets.

For them, after two years of severe drought, Luoyang City has never seen a heavy rain coming

, not to mention that the emperor said, this is a heavy rainstorm that can fall for five days and five nights at once.

If this heavy rainstorm can come as scheduled, it will definitely make this perennially arid land drink enough at once, and it

will also have extraordinary significance for crop cultivation in the next year or two!

Time passes minute by minute.

Si Tiantai's "Dr. Leakage" suddenly stepped forward and beat the drum: "

Zero o'clock in the morning, it's here!"

Suddenly, everyone looked up, silently closed their eyes, and expected the heavy rain to hit their faces unscrupulously!

In the past two years, the northern drought has long been dry and cracked.


Qi on the side looked up at the night sky suspiciously, although the night sky was dark and there was not a single star.

But the wind

at this time is comfortable; the air at this time is mobile! There

is no depression and bitterness before the rainstorm comes.

Can this rainstorm really come

? Can Li Zhiyun really predict the weather?

Zhao Qi's heart muttered, and the two Dao Elders on the side, Sun Simiao and Yuan Tiangang, also had doubts on their faces.

It's not that they don't believe Li Zhiyun, it's just that they have already calculated, but they have never calculated the signs of heavy rain today!

"Dr. Leakage" suddenly shouted again:

"1 a.m., it's here!" Well


everyone looked at "Dr. Leakage" in surprise, did time pass so quickly?

Looking at everyone's doubtful expressions, Li Zhiyun suddenly felt very uneasy in his heart, and immediately withdrew his wet hand from the rice field on the left and right, holding his chin and pondering.


this is the case, then this forced pretense is big, and this face will be lost!

Li Zhiyun quickly adjusted his consciousness and connected to the weather forecast system.

"Excuse me, what is the weather like in Luoyang City at this time?" After

waiting for a moment, the weather forecast system responded.


Zhiyun: Good fellow

, is this special to open your eyes and say nonsense

! At this

moment, what about the rain?"

"It's not raining in this Luoyang City!" [Ding! Luoyang City

is raining heavily!

] "Wow, Emperor Emperor, it's

raining, it's raining!" "Ah, it's really raining, a lot of dripping on my face!" "

Dry! It's so refreshing, this rain is so sweet and thick!"

Suddenly, the civil and military officials in front of them boiled, and they all raised their faces to feel the washing of the rain, and danced cheerfully hand in hand!

It turned out that the angle of the "day pot" on the first step was not correct

! This caused the "water clock" to be one hour faster

! The weather forecast system was still reliable

! In an instant, the common people of Luoyang City went crazy collectively! They

ran excitedly in the rainstorm and happily played with mud! They

"snapped" to their heart's content amid the "banging" sound of raindrops

Li Yuan was also excitedly kicking the rain on the ground, happy like a child.

Li Shimin looked at Li Zhiyun with a face full of horror, since January this year, what has this

Li Zhiyun experienced, is he still not the same

Li Zhiyun before? and Zhao Qi was deeply shocked, he finally understood why Li Zhiyun left him!

This means that he can know when it is sunny, when the sun is the most dazzling, and when he can use a convex lens to burn the warship

! This Li Zhiyun properly showed himself a complete set of tumultuous operations in just one day!

"Queen Mother, if it weren't for this rainstorm, our mother and son might have met sooner.

"Xiao'er, don't worry, I'm fine in Luoyang City, and I never take the initiative to interact with women. The

poppy and Xiao Meiniang on the side looked at Li Zhiyun in a daze and smiled heartily, this emperor is really infatuated and single-minded, but since the others are hopeless, just get along harmoniously.

After saying that, the two shook hands and retreated together.

Li Zhiyun's expression relaxed:

"It's still so good, I just don't know how those novels in the future will be written, it's inevitable that some people say, this is a single heroine plot?!"




"Qing'er, are you thinking about my brother Yun again?"

Wu Shu suddenly smiled strangely, directly grabbed Qing'er's hand

, and said, "Say, are there any other routines you haven't taught me?" "Shu'er

, regarding the massage and massage techniques, the slave has left it all to you without reservation!" Wu Shu's

big smart eyes looked at the huge raindrops in the night sky, and said to the generals Yao Dayong and Zong Luo:

"Ling! After the rain stops, the army is advancing at full speed, and the main palace will arrive in Luoyang City within two days!"


this moment, Wu Shu seemed to have withdrawn the childishness on his face, reflecting the domineering spirit of a generation of empresses.


PS: Thank you beautiful girls for your support and encouragement to the author Jun, if you like this book, please also [five-star praise] [Power with love] [Click to urge change]!

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