This torrential rain really fell for five days and five nights as Li Zhiyun said.

After the rainstorm stopped, Li Zhiyun immediately arranged for all the soldiers and people to rush to plant crops such as pumpkins, wheat, corn, and potatoes.

He also knows that some crops are simply not supposed to be planted this season, but the system also says that these are extremely fast, high-yield seeds.


two days of comprehensive paving, all the work was accelerating, and Cheng Yanjin of the Construction Department wanted to temporarily build a huge "hotel" in preparation for the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, so that all the envoys could be seated.

In order to highlight the momentum of the Shenzhou Empire, Cheng Yanjin built the hotel extremely luxuriously, and each room was equipped with a double bed, a crown mirror, and a condom.

In the room of the female guests, a large and long batch of cucumbers will be arranged (Note: not edible).

Shenzhou City, the only imperial palace in the history of China, has also been repaired.

This pinnacle building complex has more than 3,500 halls, platforms and halls, and more than 9,990 palace rooms.

The main entrance of Shenzhou City is Yingtianmen, and the main hall is the Ming Hall.

There are sub-halls in the east and west of the Ming Hall, which are the Wensi Hall and the Wucheng Hall.

This also represents Li Zhiyun's good wishes for the people of the Shenzhou Empire.

With the efforts of everyone, Luoyang has fully recovered, and its name has been renamed Luoyang, the capital of God.

Greeting the first rays of the morning sun, Li Zhiyun stood on the top floor of the heavenly heaven hundreds of feet high, Tongtian Buddha, overlooking this magnificent building complex, and couldn't help but sigh.

This is the capital of the Shenzhou Empire

! This is the place where the land of China rises! This is

the peak of the gathering of the whole world!

"Report!" At

this moment, a signal soldier rushed and knelt at Li Zhiyun's feet breathlessly:

"Qiyu... Emperor, ahead... Ahead..."

Li Zhiyun suddenly cheered, if this Tongtian Futu hundreds of feet high wants to run up, it really takes a lot of effort

! No! Another day you have to install an "elevator


"Don't worry, first smooth out the qi!" The

signal soldier tried to adjust his breath and said:

"Ahead quickly come to report, Shuofang's army will arrive in Luoyang, the capital of God, in two hours!"

Li Zhiyun's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said eagerly

: "Quickly notify the civil and military officials to prepare to go out of the city ten miles to greet them

!" The communication soldier was suddenly stunned: "Emperor, you may not know yet..."

"Well, what don't I know?" The

communication soldier immediately pointed his finger in the direction of the north gate of Luoyang City:

"Emperor, please look!" Li

Zhiyun turned to the north of the Tongtian Floating Massacre and looked down ahead.

Li Zhiyun was shocked by the distant picture, his blood boiled, and his eyes were

full of tears! I saw that on the north avenue of Luoyang City, the black pressure was full of people!

They were moving towards the north gate in an orderly manner.

Li Zhiyun saw that this military-civilian team was five miles long.

In front of the team, it should be the Tiger Iron Cavalry Team and all the soldiers led by Liu Min, Cheng Yanjin, and Luo Shixin.

Each soldier wiped the armor on his body spotless, and walked with Kong Wu's powerful steps.

In the middle of the team, there are the civil and military officials of Luoyang City.

They were dressed in blue clothes and wore the Jin Xian crown, and every place was extremely delicately organized.

At the end are the people of Luoyang City, they have old people who are not confused, middle-aged and young people with strong blood, and children wearing open pants and showing birds.

They picked the colorful wildflowers in the field and held them in their hands, which looked magnificent from a distance.

In the past few days, after learning that the person who came today was the queen mother of the emperor, the soldiers and people of Luoyang City made full preparations and took out their most sincere and solemn courtesy.

The black red war horse on the ground raised its head and roared, and the eyes of the horse looking at Li Zhiyun were full of expectation.

Li Zhiyun looked down and smiled.

It is no wonder that this black red war horse is also full of expectations for the arrival of Shuofang's army, presumably it misses the dozens of mares and foals in Shuofang.


Li Zhiyun rode on the Wuchi war horse and galloped, and soon came to the front of the group.

Along the way, he also spotted several familiar figures.

Li Yuan stood on a tall horse, after the tiger and the iron horse and before the rank of civil and military officials, he looked like an emperor of the head of a country.

He thought clearly in his heart.

After Wan Xuanyu came to this Luoyang City, he must reprimand Wan Xuanyu fiercely, and let her persuade her rebel son Li Zhiyun to return to Chang'an and become the king of Chu!


didn't understand what Li Zhiyun said before: If an emperor has no military merits, how can he stand in the center of power for a long time?

Through leading troops to fight this battle, he profoundly understood the taste of military power, and at the same time he must also profoundly appreciate the helplessness and distress of not having military power

! Just like now, he is subject to the rebel son Li Zhiyun everywhere

! Behind Li Yuan, the samurai is walking forward expressionlessly!

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