I saw Li Zhiyun suddenly laughing up to the sky

! The laugh was panicking and stunning!

"Li Yuan, you are right

!" "I am a person who has a mother and no father!"

Everyone looked startled, but the corners of their mouths turned up slightly.

Li Shimin hurriedly helped Li Yuan stabilize, but there was some schadenfreude in his eyes.

For this controversy, he did not say a word from beginning to end, but held the mentality of watching the play with the melon-eating masses.

If this is the case

, then in front of everyone, Li Yuan will lose his majesty, and Li Zhiyun will lose his filial piety!

Li Yuan tried to stand firm, wondering in his heart why the 100,000 troops in Baoding, Hebei Province had not arrived in Luoyang for

too long? Thinking of this, Li Yuan's gaze was fixed on the 150,000 Great Tang soldiers behind Zong Luo.

Li Yuan turned

his tone and pointed to the 150,000 Great Tang soldiers behind Wan Xuanyu,

"These soldiers have been detained by you in Shuofang for half a year

!" "Now it's time to let them go back to their families!"

Sure enough,

all the soldiers looked at Li Yuan and Li Zhiyun with complicated expressions.


are very conflicted.

During this time in Shuofang City, there was no parting of life and death, no cruel fighting, no suffering!

His usual life was farming, brewing wine, mining coal, refining milk, and being teased by his sister-in-law.

Wan Xuanyu and Wu Shu also treated them equally, and did not treat them as soldiers.

With Xiao Yao, Tang Jian and other ministers of the Tang Kingdom accompanying them, they found a home to rely on.

Especially through their own efforts, when we ushered in a bumper harvest of golden corn, huge watermelons, and fragrant wheat.

They finally saw the dawn of peace and prosperity shining on their faces!

This feeling is unique in Chang'an City, but

they are extremely contradictory.

Because I always think about my parents, wife and children who are far away in Chang'an City.

This alarmed them.

They also tried to bring their families to Shuofang, but few succeeded.

Li Yuan not only explicitly forbade any unauthorized behavior out of the city, but also strengthened the surveillance of their families!

I don't know how to choose.

Everyone could only look at Li Zhiyun expectantly.

Hopefully, he can make a decision.

Li Shimin looked a little flustered, unconsciously clenched his fists, and even his breathing became a little rapid.


present, there are 100,000 troops left in the country, and Liu Wenjing, Yin Kaishan, and Fang Xuanling are the commanders.

The defenders scattered in other counties add up to tens of thousands

! But most of this part of the troops came from Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong, Liu Heibian, and many other troops

! In other words, this group of people was Li Zhiyun's selection of the remaining people!

Their strength and military spirit could not be included in the battle sequence.

There were still 100,000 troops in Baoding, and this group of people did not know why they had not arrived in Luoyang City.

On the other

hand, Li Zhiyun

has 100,000 troops and Shuofang's army has 300,000 troops, which is 400,000 troops!

This does not include the large armies stationed in various places such as Turkic County and Western Qin County, and the local troops led by Li Jing, Su Dingfang, Wei Chi Jingde, and others.

There is no harm without comparison, and the disparity in strength between the two sides is huge.


so, the strength of the Tang Kingdom will reach 350,000! and Li Zhiyun will become 250,000! The Tang Kingdom can still make meritorious achievements in this chaotic world, and can also fight with Li Zhiyun!

Therefore, Li Shimin thought clearly, these 150,000 troops must do everything possible to return!"

Fifth brother, the father and the emperor are right, these 150,000 soldiers of my Great Tang have been away from their homeland for several months, and they have long been looking forward to returning home in their hearts.

"Every soldier throws his head and spills blood on the battlefield, so that one day he can return to his family and enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life?" But

Li Zhiyun did not respond to Li Yuan and Li Shimin, but held Wan Xuanyu's hand and shushed and asked for warmth.

Li Shimin looked at Li Zhiyun, who was silent, and suddenly his teeth were closed, his heart was crossed, and a trace of grief was squeezed out on his face:

"Fifth brother, you may not know, their families have long been thinking about Chang'an day and night, sleeping hard, and always looking forward to their return!"

Even if you are an emperor, you can't force others to do what you don't want and restrict the way these soldiers go home!"


full view of everyone, he intended to morally kidnap Li Zhiyun!

Sure enough, Li Shimin's "sincere" words instantly infected all the soldiers of the Tang Kingdom.


the soldiers of the Great Tang suddenly knelt in front of Li Zhiyun:

"Emperor, I beg to return to Chang'an and see my family!"

The subordinates have never seen their newborn son, and at the moment they miss the orphans and widows at home very much..."


All the soldiers' faces were full of sadness, and some couldn't hold back their tears.

Even Xiao Yu and Tang Jian at the back of the crowd lowered their heads and did not dare to look straight ahead.

They also miss their families a little.

The corners of Li Yuan's mouth were slightly upturned, his toes were high, and a disdainful "hum" came out of his mouth!

Obviously, in the eyes of everyone, Li Zhiyun fell into a dilemma.

To agree, it means to be soft; to disagree means to turn away from the soldiers, regardless of their life or death

! The civil and military officials and military and civilian officers and soldiers of Luoyang City, who are in their eyes and anxious in their hearts, really pinched a sweat for Li Zhiyun!

At this moment of stalemate, a voice came.

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