"Li Yuan, it's not that Yun'er doesn't agree, but..." Well


Li Yuan was stunned suddenly, his gaze quickly shifted, but he was surprised to find that the person who spoke turned out to be Wan Xuanyu! Wan Xuanyu

disdained Li Yuan's angry expression, and still said unhurriedly:

"Rather, you owe me Yun'er a clean slate, an explanation!"

Li Yuan was immediately furious, and in his imperial rules, women were never allowed to interfere in politics

! Who gave her the guts to interject

? And who gave her the guts to call her by her name?

It was simply looking for death

! Just as the two sides were fighting each other, another voice came!

"Father and the emperor please stop being angry!"

Everyone immediately looked towards the crowd, and an eager figure came out of the crowd and came to Li Yuan and Li Zhiyun.

Only then did everyone find out in surprise that this person was Li Jiancheng, the prince of the Tang Kingdom!

Just now, when Li Jiancheng in the crowd heard Li Yuan ask for someone, his brain was already rapidly thinking about his next move.

How could he not understand that this might be his only chance to leave Luoyang and return

to Chang'an! How could he not understand what kind of damn idea this Li Shimin was fighting

! It was nothing more than to take these 150,000 soldiers and let him take them back to Chang'an

! But how could he make this kind of thing happen?!

Well, if you want to go back to Chang'an, he will also go back

! I saw Li Jiancheng hurriedly trying to adjust the expression on his face, and said to Li Yuan:

"Father and the emperor are angry! Wan Guifei just wants to share the worries for the fifth brother, which is actually nothing more than a subconscious move of being a mother."

Li Jiancheng paused, Yu Guang observed Li Yuan's expression, and further said:

"Father, Emperor Wan Guifei is right, the fifth brother is indeed a little aggrieved, he needs a clean slate, an explanation!"

Is it

saying that Li Zhiyun is really wrong in this matter?

For Li Jiancheng's abnormal move, even Li Shimin on the side could not see clearly.

Seeing that Li Yuan was on the verge of rage

, Li Jiancheng immediately continued: "It's just! "

The innocence of the fifth brother does not need to be given by the father and the emperor, but should be my eldest brother who does not argue

!" Saying that, Li Jiancheng actually bowed his head to Li Zhiyun and arched his hand sincerely.

Well: ???

everyone immediately looked at Li Jiancheng in amazement, could it be that this product changed sex?

Li Yuan was also stunned, and immediately understood Li Jiancheng's intention.


Yuan's angry expression eased down a lot, and he began to look at Li Jiancheng carefully.

I didn't have time to take a look at it just now, but now I found that Li Jiancheng was a little different from when he was in Chang'an!

The cynical temper on his body was much less, but he looked knowledgeable and gentle as jade.

Even Li Shimin glanced at Li Jiancheng more.

I thought that during the days when Shuo Fang was detained, Li Jiancheng, who had no ball to play with, would have a nervous breakdown and his mind completely wasted

! But he never thought that he would be even more mentally mature and slightly generous than before!

There was already a lump in Li Yuan's heart, that is, on the night of this year's Chinese New Year's Eve, he simply and rudely pronounced Li Zhiyun's sentence

! Perhaps all the predicaments in front of him originated from this!

But as the king of a country, as the father of this rebellious son, how could he bow his head and admit his mistake?


What is your responsibility?" asked

Li Yuan quietly at Li Jiancheng.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes focused on Li Jiancheng again

! Because they have also been concerned about this issue

! Li Zhiyun's name of "green hat thief," no one in the world knows who does not know?

There are still many people laughing at this past, but they just don't mention it!

Li Jianyuguang swept towards Li Yuan and Li Zhiyun.

"Father, the sons and daughters have been seriously reflecting on themselves during this time, and found that I am really derelict in my duty as the

eldest brother!" "Now that I think about Chang'an's Chinese New Year's Eve night, as the eldest brother, I didn't delve into the truth behind this matter!" "

I believe that the fifth brother must have been killed by that Yin Yanxue... Concubine Yin De was framed!" Everyone

looked at each other, and Li Zhiyun was also surprised.

Everyone who knows knows that the mastermind behind this whole thing

is Li Jiancheng! But now Li Jiancheng actually took the initiative to give

Yin Yanxue out? Li Jiancheng spun around with a pair of eagle eyes, and further said frankly:

"The son inadvertently recalled a detail, that is, Yin Yanxue and Zhang Shujie had a grudge in private


!" Everyone looked at Li Jiancheng, who had a sincere face, and was a little stunned.

How does this product feel that everything is true?"

Zhang Shujie was once worried because Yin Yanxue's father, Yin

Arat, had invaded his family's 100 acres of good land!" "So Yin Yanxue

moved to kill Zhang Shujie with the hands of her fifth brother!"

Regardless of whether what he said Li Jiancheng was true, this Li Zhiyun's "green fur thief" hat could finally be taken off!

But Li Yuan deliberately acted like a fool at this moment, saying

, "Oh, so it is

!" "It seems that this old fifth is indeed a little wronged!" Li

Jiancheng was suddenly overjoyed, and summoned up the courage to say his true purpose!

"Father, Emperor, as the eldest brother of the fifth brother, I am also responsible for this matter!"

"If the father and the fifth brother agree, I will immediately go to Chang'an, arrest that Yin Defei and confront him, and return the fifth brother's innocence!"

Sure enough

, at the last moment, he thought that Li Jiancheng was indeed going to be a new man, but he did not expect that the drunken man did not mean to drink

! His real purpose was the same as his own

! He was coveting the right to lead the troops of these 150,000 soldiers!

But Li Shimin was not nervous at all, but sneered in his heart.

Li Jiancheng, Li Jiancheng

! Do you think of Li Zhiyun too simply! Just your little trick, how can he not see it

? I have just risen to the level of "moral kidnapping," and I haven't seen Li Zhiyun fart a single thing!

As far as your few words are painless and itchy, and there is no proof of death, he Li Zhiyun will promise to let you go back to Chang'an?

Who knows, the next moment.

Li Zhiyun's cold voice came.

To everyone's consternation!


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