"Okay, I agree with you going back to Chang'an!" Everyone

looked at Li Zhiyun in disbelief!

Li Zhiyun threw a pair of fierce ice peaks at Li Jiancheng and continued:

"Only if you bring people back to Luoyang on October 1, before the establishment of our Shenzhou Empire

!" "In front of the whole world, restore the truth

!" "Otherwise, this Li Yuan and Li Shimin will not want to return to Chang'an!"

He had fantasized that Li Zhiyun would agree to his request, but he never expected it to be so simple and so fast

! He couldn't believe everything in front of him!

Obviously, just now, they used various ways to persecute him, but he never agreed.

But it doesn't matter, Li Jiancheng can at least stabilize the domestic military heart!


corners of Li Jiancheng's mouth couldn't help but rise, and he tentatively pulled up Li Yuanji on the side.

It means that my brothers are going back together....

Yu Guang observed the change in Li Zhiyun's expression, and Li Zhiyun did not react at all, obviously acquiescing to his approach.

Li Jiancheng became bold, and directly walked towards the two war horses with Li Yuanji one after the other.

Although Li Shimin was a little annoyed, it was acceptable, after all, Li Zhiyun only said to let Li Jiancheng go back, and did not say anything about the 150,000 army.

At present, his henchmen Liu Wenjing and Fang Xuanling are commanding the 100,000-strong army in China.

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji also came to the two war horses step by step and jumped up!

The moment he turned his head, a weird smile appeared at the corner of Li Jiancheng's mouth.

He was finally able to go back to Chang'an!

What he thought was definitely different from Li Shimin.

He was confident that after returning to Chang'an, he would gain the command of a 100,000-strong army from Liu Wenjing, a fool

! This Luoyang City?

King Ben would never return!

As for whether Li Yuan and Li Shimin were dead or alive, it depended on their own creation.

Li Jiancheng carefully slapped the horse's butt, and when they were about to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji immediately stopped advancing, their hearts fluttering, and they looked back at Li Zhiyun with difficulty.

Could it be that he changed his mind temporarily?

In an instant, Li Shimin gloated.

Let me just say, Li Zhiyun is not a fool, how can he not know that letting Li Jiancheng go, is tantamount to letting the tiger return to the mountain

! How can he easily agree to his request

! There must be extremely harsh conditions!


Shimin squinted slightly, looking forward to the big melon below with the mentality of a melon-eating mass.

"Fifth brother, what else do you have to order?"

asked Li Jiancheng tentatively, his hand holding the reins trembling.

Five hundred miles northwest.

It was the homeland of the Great Tang that he had in mind!

And now, can he only watch from afar?

Li Jiancheng's eyes instantly dimmed.

Who knows the next moment.

Li Zhiyun once again surprised everyone

! "You! Take these 150,000 soldiers with you!"


: ???

Li Yuan: I lean, what happened?

Li Shimin: What the do I do...

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji were suddenly stunned in place, a pair of small eyes that had nowhere to place, and they didn't know where to look.


never thought that Li Zhiyun would return the 150,000-strong army to himself so easily! In an instant, the 150,000

soldiers were excited and overjoyed

! Everyone's eyes were full of deep shock and gratitude

! "The emperor is mighty! I thank the emperor!"

The 150,000 soldiers shouted in unison, and even the common people watching in Luoyang City felt extremely happy

! The emperor is worthy of being an emperor who is mighty and wise and martial in

his own power! The emperor is worthy of being an emperor who loves the people like a son and is kind to the world!

Li Zhiyun came to all the soldiers, and his eyes were full of warmth:

"All the soldiers have worked hard, and I will let you go home today!"

The next moment, Li Zhiyun's words turned, and the warmth in his eyes was instantly replaced by an unusually cold air:

"Li Jiancheng!" Li Jiancheng

was suddenly startled and almost fell off the horse.

"If you let these soldiers suffer the slightest undeserved grievance after returning to Chang'an, will your fate be clear?" Bang

! Bang!

20,000 tiger iron horses suddenly raised their silver spears and hit the ground, and a visible coercion forced Li Jiancheng to breathe.

At this moment, all the soldiers who were about to leave were once again moved by Li Zhiyun and burst into tears in an instant! Although

he was the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, he was worried about them all the time

! On the other hand, Li Yuan and Li Jiancheng regarded them as a weight in the struggle for power!

They secretly swore in their hearts that if one day, they would definitely bring their families to join Li Zhiyun.

"Fifth brother, we know, we will definitely live up to your trust!"

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji immediately agreed.

Li Yuantoe stepped forward with a high spirit, and said to Li Jiancheng: "

Prince, after you return to Chang'an, you must calm the hearts of the generals!"


Jiancheng and Li Yuanji galloped on horseback, carrying a large military formation of 150,000 cavalry and infantry, and marched to the northwest at great speed!

From here to Chang'an District for five hundred miles, they had to rush to Chang'an as fast as possible.

Who knows if this Li Zhiyun will come to a secret interception halfway?

This not only maintains his sanctimonious appearance in front of the people of Luoyang, but also solves the troubles of the future!

In a short time, the mighty army of 150,000 disappeared from everyone's view.

And right now.

From the northeast of Luoyang City, a large army came!

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