I saw that Li Yuan seemed to have lost his heart and suddenly rushed towards Wan Xuanyu

! He raised an angry slap and slapped her fiercely

! He was going to frantically test whether this Li Zhiyun would hit himself!

Everyone opened their eyes wide, opened their mouths, and looked at this scene in horror! Even Li Zhiyun did not react at the first time

! Everyone closed their eyes in pain, and could not bear to look directly at this scene that was about to happen

! They did not expect that the emperor's mother had just come to Luoyang and would have to go through all this!

Everyone did not dare to open their closed eyes, and in their hearts they could only pray silently for Wan Xuanyu.

"Qing'er! Qing'er!" "

Come on, come on!"

came an urgent voice.

Wan Xuanyu immediately gathered her strength, pushed Li Yuan away with all her strength, bent down and picked up Qing'er, who was knocked unconscious, and huge teardrops burst out of her eyes!

Sun Simiao in the crowd immediately stepped forward to check, and Li Zhiyun also took out two penicillin from his sleeve bag, broke off his coat, and applied the powder on Qing'er's face.

Everyone was shouting her name around Qing'er, but Qing'er didn't respond.

Especially Wu Shu, although he usually competed with Qing'er for jealousy, but when he saw Qing'er's appearance, the two lines of distressed tears instantly slipped.

In the days of being in a foreign land, although she did not want to admit it, she actually knew in her heart that Qing'er had been accompanying her.

In the day and night relationship, Qing'er has long become her good sister and an indispensable person in her life.

"Rebel son, if you have the ability, you will arrest Xu in front of the whole city and put him in prison

!" "I want the world to see clearly the true face of your wolf ambition!" "

Haha! Haha!"

Li Yuan stood in place, looking down at Wan Xuanyu and Li Zhiyun with his back to his back.

Looking at Li Yuan's still high-spirited appearance, Wu Shu stood up from the ground, came straight to Li Yuan, and said angrily:

"Order! Immediately send this Li Yuan to prison, strictly supervise, and eat one meal a day!" Wu

Shu knew very well in his heart, Li Zhiyun is not good to order, then let her come!

The two grim-faced tiger iron horses immediately heard the order and moved and walked towards Li Yuan indifferently.

Recklessly stuffed a rag into Li Yuan's mouth, and lifted Li Yuan up in the air with one left and one right!

"Woo-woo..." Li

Yuan was still "whining", playing with the painful expression on his face, intending to attract everyone's attention to such a poor old father like him.

But no one looked at him squarely, all with hatred squinting.

Li Shimin also silently took two steps back, widening the distance between him and Li Yuan.


"Order! Send this 100,000-strong army of the Tang Kingdom to 30,000 miles outside the city, restore the cultivation of 1,000 acres of good land, and kill anyone who escapes!" The

general Zong Luoji immediately heard the order and moved and, with the assistance of Liu Min, the Department of Agriculture, drove out the 100,000-strong army like a duck.

"Order! All the soldiers

are stationed in a large camp outside the city, and they are not allowed to enter the city without permission, let alone harass the people of Luoyang City, and those who violate it will not be pardoned!" Only

at this time, all the civil and military officials and ordinary people of Luoyang City paid special attention to this young but extremely powerful Wu Shu.

Wu Shu, sixteen or seventeen years old, has fallen out of the pavilion, his skin is victorious in snow, and his eyes are like the sun, moon and stars.

But it was such a woman who showed extraordinary iron-fisted strength and political wisdom! In

an instant, everyone's hearts were full of admiration!

Of course, Wu Shu did not forget that there was also Li Shimin, and his eyes skimmed.

Ten tiger iron riders quickly appeared beside Li Shimin and looked directly at him, but they just didn't arrest him.

Li Shimin, on the other hand, walked resolutely outside the city under the gaze of the tiger and iron horse.

He thought that during this time, he must share happiness and hardship with the soldiers who returned to cultivation.

After Wu Shu issued a series of orders, he suddenly quickly switched his expression and asked Li Zhiyun softly:

"Brother Yun, are these orders issued by others okay


After the emperor got this emperor, how could the husband ask for it!

Li Zhiyun smiled heartily and nodded.

Suddenly, everyone began to move.

When the people of Luoyang City assisted the soldiers in transporting truckloads of pumpkins, wheat, corn, watermelons, etc. to the grain warehouse.


people also specially held pumpkins and corn, trotted to Li Yuan, and said happily:

"Old man, look!

How, do you feel like you've been slapped in the face?" Li

Yuan looked at these fetish, and in addition to shock, there was a little loss in his eyes.

Everything about this rebel son should be mine

! But the tiger iron rider would not give him another chance to speak, and directly threw Li Yuan into a carriage and rushed towards Luoyang Prison!

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and Wan Xuanyu also slowly entered the city with Li Zhiyun's help.

Wu Shu on the side sat on the carriage to guard Qing'er, drinking saliva for her from time to time, picking up cool ice cubes on the side and applying them to Qing'er's face, his eyes were no longer vinegar, but full of worry.

Li Zhiyun smiled heartily when he saw this harmonious scene.

This Li Yuan stopped everyone from planting crops last time, and inadvertently did himself a favor.


seems that Li Yuan can only exert his value in "unintentional".

Who knows, Wu Jiao raised his head and paid attention to the poppy who was following behind Li Zhiyun.


who is this rascal

, why do you keep staring at your brother Yun

, and also, who is the young woman who is chatting with Xiao Yao

, and why do you look over this from time to time?"

"Qing'er, Qing'er, wake up quickly!" Wu

Shu looked at his unconscious appearance and couldn't help but say worriedly:

If you don't wake up again, your little mouth will be useless!" Wu

Shu raised his head and quickly looked for other "suspicious" female figures in the crowd.

After observing that he had completely entered Luoyang City, Wu Jiao's worried heart eased a little.

Fortunately, that is, there were two more rioters, and I didn't see other women who closed the moon and sunk the geese.


!" At this moment, a signal soldier arrived and knelt in front of Li Zhiyun and said

, "Emperor Qiyu, Changsun Wuji and Changsun Wuji are asking for a meeting outside the city!"

Isn't this Li Shimin's woman?

However, she did not particularly reject the eldest grandson Wuji, and it was said that this person's character was acceptable.

She is also a strong woman with a soft and rigid temper.

There are some similarities with myself.

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