Wan Xuanyu Yuguang swept towards the poppy and Xiao Meiniang beside Li Zhiyun, and her heart was already clear.

I was also overjoyed by this son's lifelong events.

But the joy on Wan Xuanyu's face was only instantaneous, because she also had to take care of Wu Shu's psychological feelings.

Obviously, she thought too much about the mother, but in fact there was nothing.

If she knew, would she have been a little disappointed

? However, what did this Li Shimin's wife, Changsun Wuqian, come

to Luoyang City for? Could it be

that this woman was not simple!

Li Zhiyun said to the signal soldier:

"First arrange for the eldest grandson brothers and sisters to stay in the Luoyang Hotel, and let's have dinner together at noon today!"

Li Zhiyun and his party headed towards Luoyang Palace-Shenzhou City.

When the magnificent palace complex Shenzhou City appeared in front of Wan Xuanyu and Wu Shu, their eyes were full of shock.

Wan Xuanyu cried with joy,

this is what his son has laid down in less than a year!

Wu Jiao looked at the high Tongtian Futu, as if there was a trace of déjà vu trance.

Well... She had seen this building in her dreams, and Li Zhiyun knew about her dreams.

Perhaps, this is the love destined for in the previous life!

Li Zhiyun looked at Wu Shu with a happy face, and wanted to laugh a little.

Fool, in history, this Tongtian Buddha was originally built by you!

Li Zhiyun pulled Wu Shu and climbed the Tongtian Floating Tu hundreds of feet high step by step.

The wind rises in high places, and the cold is cold in high places.

Li Zhiyun took Wu Shu into his arms, enjoying the beautiful scenery under his eyes, and rubbing the iron rod.

Wu Shu seemed to feel the pressure from behind, touched Li Zhiyun's angular face emotionally, and said warmly:

"Brother Yun, today's concubine knows that Qing'er is already my good sister, if you also be your good lover!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly kissed Wu Shu's cheek with some joy.

He felt that his spring was coming, but he still refused:

"No, I'm afraid Qing'er will be wronged, haha."

Wu Shu clenched his pink fist and hit Li Zhiyun: "Is it because of my anger?

Li Zhiyun suddenly felt that Wu Shu at this moment was a little unspeakable.

"Xiao'er, I promise you, I am only you, and I will definitely accompany you every night.

"Others, just be confidantes!"

Wu Shu was moved to tears.

In this era, it is rare for a generation of emperors to be able to do this!

Directly looked at the poppy and Xiao Meiniang below with envy.

The two of them also completely let go of the reverie in their hearts and no longer had other illusions about Li Zhiyun.

After all, his atrium is occupied by one person.

Wan Xuanyu and Wu Shu and others, led by Li Zhiyun, visited this pinnacle building complex and looked at every scenery.

After visiting for most of the day, I finally came to the main hall of Shenzhou City, the Ming Hall.

After Wan Xuanyu and Wu Shu took their seats.

Poppy seemed to have plucked up enough courage, came to Wan Xuanyu with dignified steps, and knelt down with a "poof":

"Chenyu Meiren, a pin, in charge of business, has seen the Empress Dowager!" "I wish the Empress Dowager

good health and prosperity!"

Because, she actually saw a trace of ... Wan

Xuanyu looked her up and down.

This girl looks really watery!

But it's a pity!"

"It's really rare, it's the first time I've seen a woman become an official."


Empress Dowager Xie!"

Poppy paused, plucked up the courage to continue,

"Minister... Poppy, see: See... I've seen the Empress!"

Wish... The Empress is in good health, Wanfu Jin'an!" Obviously

, Poppy was a little afraid of Wu Shu, and her voice was a little trembling when she spoke.

The main thing is to fear that she will misunderstand.

But Wu Shu just glanced at Poppy with slanted eyes, and did not respond, let alone say that he wanted Poppy to get up!

Wan Xuanyu didn't speak, she knew that this was Wu Shu screening!

Xiao Meiniang, who was standing with Xiao Yu, looked at the situation of Poppy, did not retreat, but advanced, and her heart was crossed!


Xiao Meiniang also knelt down, and her peerless appearance made Wan Xuanyu couldn't help but be shocked.


Xiao Meiniang, meet the Empress Dowager!" "Wish the Empress Dowager..."

"This aunt, this palace thinks you are older than my mother, right?" Without

waiting for Xiao Meiniang to finish speaking, Wu Shu directly interrupted her.

Although Xiao Meiniang had never heard this word, the literal meaning could not be clearer.

This girl actually called herself aunt, and

a blush instantly hung on Xiao Meiniang's face.

His chest heaved violently.

Wan Xuanyu on the side was also a little hesitant.

This Xiao Meiniang is indeed a little older, and it is estimated that she is not much younger than herself

! But Wan Xuanyu thought about it, maybe Xiao Meiniang is good! Since the poppy just now is not her son's dish, this one is okay!

Thinking of this, Wan Xuanyu

nodded at Xiao Meiniang.

Who knows, Xiao Meiniang continued: "The concubine has been adrift all her life, like that rootless duckweed, so I especially want to find a place to stand.

Hearing this, Wan Xuanyu was ready to "agree", who knew that Xiao Meiniang changed her tone and said: "

So, the concubine wants to accompany the Empress Dowager and be a maid."

Wan Xuanyu: ???

what is the situation,

it feels different from what he thought?

Did he misunderstand all of them,

or were the two in front of him a scheming woman who saved the country with a curve??,

so Wu Shu did not let the two get up at the first time.

The atmosphere was a little tense for a while.

Even Xiao Yu, who was at the back of the hall, had sweaty palms.

When he saw his sister Xiao Meiniang, who had lost contact for many years, he finally felt the warmth of family affection.

And after learning that my sister wanted to climb the relationship of the Queen Mother, she was even more overjoyed.

My sister has been adrift and doomed all her life, and she has been dealt fatal blows one after another.

I thought that this life would eventually pass in regret.


Yu fully believed that her sister would definitely have a stable second half of her life in the Shenzhou Empire.

Therefore, he hoped that his sister could be accepted by Wu Jiao and Wan Xuanyu.

Li Zhiyun silently swept the afterlight towards Poppy and Xiao Meiniang who were kneeling on the ground.

The eyes signaled to the two, don't you hurry up and take out the things that have been prepared a long time ago?

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