Early the next morning, in front of the main hall of the ceremonial hall, above the square.

Yu Shinan had already gathered some civil and military officials, generals, students from all over the world, and more than 500 people from Luoyang City.

Most importantly, for the first time, there were many shy female students in this training.

Some of them came from peasant families, some from landlord families, and some from official families.

Just yesterday evening, these people received a notice from Yu Shinan, saying that today there will be a great opportunity for a rare encounter, that is, to follow the emperor to learn the art of resurrecting the dead!

But in view of everyone's extreme trust in Li Zhiyun, everyone came here without any hesitation.

Yu Shinan originally planned to teach in the main hall of the Ministry of Ceremonies, but helplessly, after everyone learned the news, they all came spontaneously.

Not to mention the main hall, it is this huge square, and it is also surrounded by water.

Li Shimin also came here early in the morning, he wanted to ask about his wife's physical condition, and secretly learn pharmaceutical technology by the way!

Sun Simiao was on the side of the square with many disciples of the Medicine King Academy.

Li Zhiyun's research on medicine during this period of time has shocked him very much.

He originally thought that his "Thousand Gold Essentials" was enough to stand up, but now he found that there was an even more terrifying existence, that is, Li Zhiyun!

Li Zhiyun looked at everyone's bright, expectant and somewhat restrained expression, and he was happy.

"Today, I am here to teach you some first-aid knowledge and the production process of life-saving medicine, please be sure to read carefully!"

Suddenly, everyone was about to kneel, but Li Zhiyun shook his head to stop them.

Everyone took out brushes and memorandums one after another, Li Zhiyun immediately nodded with a smile, a bad smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said seriously:

"First, please remember that the freshly boiled water should not be drunk directly



What does the phrase "don't drink freshly boiled water" means?

I didn't expect that this usually the most common boiling water also had a problem!

And looking at this Li Zhiyun's serious expression, it seems that this problem is still a little fucking big!"

"Emperor, I don't know what this means, please give me some advice."

Li Zhiyun suddenly became more serious:

"Because... "

Everyone: ???


There was some embarrassment in the air, and Li Zhiyun once thought that he might have told a cold joke, and this cold joke was obviously not suitable for this era.

The next moment.



everyone suddenly laughed and laughed, their eyes full of tears.

"That's what it means, the emperor is really funny!" "

I almost smashed the kettle I was carrying, this is the only kettle in the Yu family!" When

the students and Lang Zhong at the scene first saw Li Zhiyun, they were extremely nervous.

But now he was amused by Li Zhiyun's joke.

At this moment, they also began to relax.

It turns out that the lord of this high country can be so approachable.

Li Zhiyun also smiled heartily and explained in detail the basic knowledge such as artificial respiration, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and Heimlich first aid method.

Under the encouragement of Li Zhiyun, everyone abandoned the worldly concept, no matter whether they were men or women, old or young, just go up and have an "artificial respiration"!

Everyone is taking every step of the way with great seriousness and trying to learn it well.

"Oh... Uh-huh!"

I'll go!"

Snap!" The

sound resounded throughout the square, and Li Zhiyun looked at this medical popularization activity that he personally planned and smiled contentedly.

Li Shimin also took the opportunity to find Changsun Wuxian and said eagerly

: "

Guanyinwu, I also want to learn it

!" Changsun Wuqian: ???

"What are you doing stunned, hurry up!"

And this picture directly shocked the onlookers to the fullest!

However, there are still some people who boldly push their daughters forward and participate in it.

Well... Whether or not to learn medicine is secondary, and the most important thing is to see if you can find a good son-in-law.

Anyway, you kissed my girl's mouth, you can't help but admit it, right?

After the trainees experienced it themselves, everyone pouted and smiled.

Some people are because the other party's strength is not well mastered, and the situation is frequent:

"Oh, it hurts! This method doesn't seem to be right

!" "You are kind enough to say, I feel that my stomach has been hammered flat by you!"

Li Zhiyun waved his hand, stopped everyone's discussion, and said loudly:

"Everyone, what should you do when you are hammered and


"Emperor, I know!" I

saw a tall young man with a swollen mouth stand up and say

, "Master Sun Simiao once taught me that one is to apply ice cubes cold compress or towel hot compress; and the other is to take Wuling San, which can relieve inflammation.

The young man's whole body exuded a sense of confusion and confidence, and he looked at Sun Simiao proudly.


knows, Sun Simiao directly picked up the wooden stick on the side and rushed up.

"Who told you that Wulingshan can solve inflammation

?" "These Wulingshan mainly treat symptoms such as bladder water storage and poor urination, which way to treat swelling?"

"You! Are you not studying hard! Well, you say!" Sun

Simiao's little stick directly hit the teenager's butt.

Everyone burst into laughter.

But the next moment, Sun Simiao's expression became serious.


I ask you, what if a soldier is cut off an arm or a leg on the battlefield, and the wound is bound to be inflamed?"


is ruthless, medicine is incomprehensible, and all that awaits the soldiers is death!"

"I ask you, what if your loved ones get pneumonia or are bitten by rats and become tetanus?"


this era, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, etc. are not fatal, maybe take some Chinese medicine and drink more water.

But what about meningitis, anthrax, tetanus, syphilis, gonorrhea?

If you have these diseases, you can only wait for death

! Don't believe it, they have seen a widow in the village next door, and after suffering from syphilis, the entire village of men died overnight!

Sun Simiao saw everyone's very worried expressions, and the corners of his mouth chuckled:

But now, I tell you that these diseases will be effectively treated!" Everyone

immediately looked at Sun Simiao, could it be that the medicine king had already developed a formula

, and Sun Simiao turned sideways to Li Zhiyun, staring at everyone and said: "Now, ask the emperor to demonstrate the penicillin pharmaceutical process for everyone!" Li

Zhiyun returned the salute to Sun Simiao and

praised him in his heart.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes focused on Li Zhiyun again.

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