In full view of everyone, Li Zhiyun directly turned around and began to urinate.


A woman couldn't help but be curious, and her shy face tilted slightly.


Zhiyun looked back at everyone while peeing, wondering:

"What are you still stunned for, the pharmaceutical process has begun!"


Everyone: ???

make medicine with your own urine and

then feed it to others

? Sounds exciting!

Is that a joke?

But when the soldiers assisting on the side give everyone a small night pot and a fig leaf.

Everyone knew that Li Zhiyun was not joking! In

an instant, the entire square resounded one after another.

Sometimes tactful, sometimes unrestrained, sometimes concentrated, sometimes scattered.

The young girl was embarrassed.

Although everyone knows that this is making a potion, but in front of everyone, it is still impossible to do it!

Helplessly, many women have asked the teenager on the side for help, hoping to give themselves a little urine.

The blushing boy trembled and distributed the urine in the crockpot to the girl on the side.

Boys and girls held urine together, and their faces were flushed.


everyone finished urinating, Li Zhiyun gave everyone another moldy carambola!

The entire square was suddenly filled with musty smell, and many people couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses.


What does ??? Emperor mean by

this? Is it treating everyone?

Look at this star fruit, it is estimated that it has been covered in the corner for two months!

The mold spots on it alone are enough for people to drink a pot, and it looks like something poisonous.

However, in order to show their determination, some people still closed their eyes and "clicked" and took a bite!

Li Zhiyun: ??? "Oh, everyone stop quickly, this is not to eat!" Li


cried and laughed, pointed to the mold spots on the carambola, and said:

"Just now, you ate 'penicillium'!"

Everyone held the carambola in their hands and stared at the mold spots on it and observed them carefully.

Li Zhiyun nodded to everyone, and asked people to bring a small stone mill and white millet rice.

The next moment.

Li Zhiyun, as the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, actually put on a rope and grinded the white sorghum rice round by circle!

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but secretly praise.

Li Zhiyun put the water into a container made of glass, and then cut off the mold spots on the star fruit with a small spoon and put it in.

"Everyone is optimistic, this water is the culture liquid, and it is implanted with penicillium for seven days!" Everyone

was taking notes carefully, feeling that these were very new to them.

Even Sun Simiao was carefully stroking his beard on the side, listening attentively.

"After seven days, the culture solution is filtered with cotton, the filtered water is added to the rapeseed oil, and the stirring begins.

Li Zhiyun said, and began to move, holding a wooden stick and constantly stirring.

At the same time, a set of tools appears in front of everyone.

A glass container, a bag of rice water, a stick.

Everyone immediately acted according to Li Zhiyun's demonstration just now.

In this process, Li Zhiyun is also responsible for answering everyone's questions.

"Wow, Emperor, take a look, why are there so

many potions?" Li Zhiyun glanced at the female baby: "More potions are not good, it means that the foundation of the cultivation liquid is very good!" The

female baby's face was full of shyness, and she did not dare to look at Li Zhiyun's handsome face, and whispered:

"There are too many potions, it is not easy to stir."

Li Zhiyun patiently handed over the stick in his hand and said, "It's okay, use mine!" The

girl took the iron rod in Li Zhiyun's hand coquettishly and handed it over:

"Thank you, Emperor, Emperor, you really bothered." "

Everyone was very impressed.

The emperor is high, but for the development of medicine and the salvation of the world, he would rather lower his stature!

Li Zhiyun saw that everyone was almost ready, and smiled and went on stage to start the next steps.

About two hours later.

Li Zhiyun had an extra container in his hand, which contained a rotten grape, and around the grape was a layer of fine particles.

Li Zhiyun looked at these particles with bright eyes, and said to everyone:

"Everyone is optimistic, these particles are penicillin, also called

penicillin!" "Due to time constraints, I am quickly demonstrating these steps, but the real drug should be about ten days!" "

The first time you use penicillin, you must poke a small number of particles with an embroidery needle to puncture the skin, first try to see if there are adverse reactions, and then decide to use the drug!"

Everyone was listening carefully to Li Zhiyun's explanation, for fear of missing any detail.

Because this penicillin can not only cure diseases, but also ... Change money! According

to information obtained by Yu Shinan, this small bottle of penicillin can be exchanged for one or two silver!

What is this concept?

Nima, you are going to get rich!"

"Emperor, how to preserve this penicillin?"

Some people in the crowd questioned.

Penicillin is still mold in the final analysis, and it must not see light and low temperature.

Li Zhiyun smiled strangely and took out a box of mysterious things from his arms.

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