Li Zhiyun opened the outer packaging of An Set, took out one, and said:

"Cut this latex into segments, wrap penicillin, and then put it on ice cubes to store it, which can be reused."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all stared at the plastic-like thing in Li Zhiyun's hand.

This shape, how does it feel strange

? It seems to resemble something?

Li Zhiyun immediately asked everyone to send an An Set.

Everyone felt this magical new gadget and couldn't help but be amazed.

But some people also raised questions

: "Emperor, why do I have some raised particles on this, how is his smooth?" Li

Zhiyun smiled helplessly

: "Let me ask you, do cucumbers have slight thorns?" "Why do

some people like to buy cucumbers?" Everyone

: ???

boys and girls did not understand, but some noble ladies watching covered their mouths and laughed.

This emperor, just...

At this moment, another teenager asked suspiciously:

"Emperor, we don't quite understand what the urine was used for before?"

Yes, this is not to say and forget, what is the urine for?

Even Sun Simiao looked at Li Zhiyun in bewilderment.

Li Zhiyun smiled awkwardly, and said embarrassedly:

"I'm afraid that everyone will delay class when they go to the toilet halfway, so..."

"Hahaha, this emperor is really interesting, I want to give my granddaughter to the emperor!" an

old lady in the crowd said happily with a smile that she couldn't see her eyes.

"I said Mrs. Zhang, your granddaughter should have two hundred catties, the emperor will definitely not look at it!"

"Haha, who knows, maybe you will see it, slightly fat is king!"

Li Zhiyun immediately cut through the crowd, flattened Mrs. Zhang's twisted body, and turned her head to the other side, so that Mrs. Zhang could keep her airway unobstructed and avoid suffocation caused by vomit blocking the airway.

Everyone stepped forward to take the handle, their eyes full of worry.

"Emperor, what happened

to Mrs. Zhang?" "Could she be dead!" "

It's possible, Mrs. Zhang is fifty years old this year!" Li

Zhiyun immediately took out three "aspirin Chinese medicine tablets" from his sleeve bag, crushed them and put them in water to feed Mrs. Zhang.

Everyone is waiting for a miracle to happen.

I don't know why, where there is an emperor, miracles may come late, but there is never a lack of absence!

Sure enough,

after a while, Mrs. Zhang regained consciousness and opened her eyes.

"Thank you Emperor Monarch, it's just that I'm old now, and I'm a long-lived person, but I'm afraid I should die now..."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes darkened.

Yes, this age is indeed an advanced age, and they also want to live to be over fifty, but there are very few such people.

Li Zhiyun looked at everyone and said quietly:

"Everyone thinks that living

to fifty years old is considered a long life? "In my impression, only ninety years old is considered an advanced age, and fifty years old is only middle-aged at best

!" "Look at the handsome people on those tomatoes, all of them can live to be ninety or hundreds of years old!"

Fifty years old is still middle-aged

? Ninety years old is considered advanced age?

In this turbulent society, very few people live to be 90 years old!

Not to mention a village, even a county, it is difficult to find a ninety-year-old man!

And what the emperor just meant was that everyone can live to be eighty or ninety years old?

Li Zhiyun continued:

"And if you want to live a long life, you must solve the cerebrovascular problem!" Speaking

of this, Li Zhiyun couldn't help but think back to his past life.

He is a bitter office worker, because of the excessive pressure of working overtime every day, resulting in the sudden collapse of cerebral blood vessels!

Hearing this, Sun Simiao on the side couldn't help but bow his head slightly, this sentence can be regarded as speaking to his heart.

In daily research, Sun Simiao has long been aware of everyone's cerebrovascular problems.

He has also tried to formulate effective Chinese herbal medicines to relieve this symptom, but with little success.

Often when Chinese herbal medicines have not yet played a role, patients die due to cerebral blood vessel blockage.

But early this morning, Li Zhiyun called him to the Wenwu Hall early, using willow bark, white pearl leaves and crushed pieces of sweet birch trees, combined with ginseng, safflower, Panax notoginseng powder and other Chinese medicinal materials, through distillation technology, absorbing them together, and then hardening, cutting into small pills, and developed "aspirin Chinese medicine tablets".

At that time, he also felt that the drug developed by Li Zhiyun was useless, and whether it would be too child's play.


Simiao couldn't help but step forward and bow his hand slightly, and said

respectfully: "Emperor, "Aspirin Chinese medicine mix" will be the greatest invention in the

world!" "Thank you Emperor for being able to extend the life of people in this world, ninety years old is not a dream!" In

an instant, everyone paid attention to the "aspirin Chinese medicine combination" in Sun Simiao's mouth.

Li Zhiyun did not talk nonsense, directly taught on the spot, and showed everyone in detail the production process of "aspirin Chinese medicine mixture".

Looking at the small pills in Li Zhiyun's hand, everyone was excited.

Relying on this alone can alleviate most people's cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems

, so that life can be effectively guaranteed?

This is simply not too amazing!

And Li Shimin, who has been carefully comprehending it, also has confidence in his heart about Changsun Wujian's condition.

Nitroglycerin with aspirin Chinese medicine tablets is enough to solve Changsun Wujian's fainting problem!


the future, we must let Changsun Wuxian thank Li Zhiyun more.

But Changsun Wuxian is very preoccupied.

Yesterday, I heard that Li Jiancheng had already led an army of 150,000 to Chang'an.

On the other hand, his husband and father could not help themselves in this Luoyang.

In time, this Chang'an will definitely change the sky!"

"Fifth brother, the concubine got nitroglycerin, and in the future, I want to bother the fifth brother to send some of this aspirin, and the concubine will be grateful." Changsun

Wuxian suddenly came to Li Zhiyun and said sadly.

Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin were stunned at the same time.

"Why, are you planning to go back?" -

PS: I wish you all handsome than readers, Happy Children's Day ~

Talk about the author's condition. The author Jun is a bitter office worker, who goes to work from 8 am to 6 pm every day, and has a lot of trivia during work, and has no time to write novels. After coming home from work, I have to cook and bring my baby, and I am often busy until half past nine every night before I can sit in front of the computer and start coding.

In particular, the author is a street rusher, and his level is limited, but he wants to write well, so he writes very slowly, and it is common to write until two o'clock in the morning.

At present, I have only slept about four or five hours a day for two months, updating about 6,000 words a day, but the author Jun is still insisting, because there is no industry that will gain without labor!

Therefore, you are more handsome than readers, you have time to write more [five-star praise] [chapter comment] [paragraph comment], which is very critical to this book, thank you ~

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