Changsun Wuxian owed his body, and his eyes turned a thousand times:

"Thank you Fifth Brother for saving my life, I also understand my physical condition, and I can only thank you later."

"But my child Li Chenggan has just been born, and I don't feel comfortable putting him with my grandmother."

Li Zhiyun

was a little surprised.

According to the historical records, shouldn't this product have come out in early 619?

Li Shimin stepped forward and said movingly:

"Guanyinwu, your health is not good, and now you have given birth to a son earlier, it is better to adjust here for a few more days."

Li Shimin couldn't be clearer.

The wife's due date was one month later, but due to physical reasons, she was born prematurely.

His son Li Chenggan was born two months earlier than expected!

His body also became weak because of the birth of this child.

"No, the body is important, and the son is also very important.

Changsun Wuxian said firmly.

"No, King Ben feels that it is not appropriate to return to Chang'an now, then Prince Li Jiancheng may be unfavorable to you!"

said Li Shimin with great concern.

What kind of goods Li Jiancheng is, his Li Shimin's heart is like a mirror.

Usually he does something to his father's concubine, and if his beautiful wife goes back alone, wouldn't it...?

But how can Changsun Wuxian be an ordinary woman?"

"Because of this, the concubines must hurry back

!" "First, they can unite with Liu Wenjing and Fang Xuanling to balance the 150,000-strong army of the crown prince

!" "Second, the concubines can also report to you in time!" Hearing

this, Li Shimin was moved to tears.

This is his wife,

always and wherever he thinks about him.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin looked at Li Zhiyun with his eyes open.

But Li Zhiyun did not have any words.


Want me to let you go back now?


that Changsun Wuxian had made up his mind, and Li Zhiyun was indifferent, Li Shimin could only agree to Changsun Wuqian's request.

In the evening, Changsun Wuxian was escorted by 200 guards and took advantage of the night to march towards Chang'an.

"Sister, wait for my brother!" I

saw Changsun Wuji come and greet him.

Changsun Wuji suddenly rejoiced:

"Brother, why are you here, didn't you promise the fifth brother to serve under his account?" "

The emperor still doesn't worry about his sister, so he sent me to send you back to Chang'an! Changsun

Wuji took a bunch of things from his horse and said,

"These are some of the foods prepared by the emperor and the empress for the sister's road, including peanuts, pumpkin seeds, tomatoes, and watermelons." "

Oh, by the way, there are dozens of carefully selected cucumbers, you can stir-fry and eat them when you go home!"

Changsun Wuxian asked warmly in his heart:

"What did the fifth brother say?" "

The emperor said, let you still insist on taking glycerin, pay attention to your body..." Changsun

Wuxian was moved in his heart.

How nice it would be if there were no such things to worry about!

Is it bad for the family to be harmonious?

Changsun Wuxian moved quickly towards Chang'an.

She had a bad premonition in her heart, then Li Jiancheng may now be in Chang'an and start stirring up trouble!

As Changsun Wujian expected, after Li Jiancheng returned to Chang'an, he would not be at peace for a moment.

Chang'an City, Prince Donggong Mansion.

The first time Li Jiancheng came back, he did not meet with the ministers, but went headlong into the gentle township.

Of course, at this juncture, he still endured the commotion and did not take the initiative to find Yin Yanxue.

No matter how seduced by Yin Yanxue, he still endured it.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

He already had a preliminary plan in his heart and thought of how to let Yin Yanxue willingly carry the pot for himself.

At this critical moment, there must be no mistakes

, otherwise, the previous achievements will be lost!"


shouted Li Jiancheng.

Feng Li, a general of Yiwei and Li Jiancheng's confidant, immediately stood outside the palace to listen to the order.

"Feng Li, you immediately control Yin Yanxue's father, Yin Arat, and secretly detain all the family

members!" Li Jiancheng paused, his eyes flashing fiercely:

"Feng Li, you come in

!" "Nuo!" A

powerful figure of Kong Wu flashed and entered Li Jiancheng's dormitory.


scene in front of him made the old virgin Feng Li's heart beat rapidly.

There was actually a beautiful woman in the room.

Feng Li immediately bent down, his eyes not daring to look directly.

Li Jiancheng looked at Feng Li with a restrained face, and suddenly pushed the stunning woman in his arms towards Feng Li.

Li Jiancheng smiled, and suddenly his eyes became extremely grim

: "Feng Li, this prince asked you to kill someone, what can you do?" Feng Li

said softly: "But by the prince's orders!"

But he also immediately understood Li Jiancheng's intentions.

This Feng Rao was the one who escorted Li Zhiyun out of the city at that time, and he also knew everything about what Li Jiancheng did.


that Feng Li was hesitating, Li Jiancheng pushed the stunning woman behind him over, and said quietly:

"Why, General Feng doesn't want to sit with this great river and mountain with this prince?"

This prince, but anyone dares to kill

!" "Prince Qiyu, the last general will kill Feng Rao immediately!" Li

Jiancheng bowed his head slightly, and continued:

"In addition, closely monitor the elder grandson brothers and sisters, and report them to me immediately if there is a vision!"

Li Jiancheng smiled heartily, looking like he was in control of everything.

And at this moment, the great eunuch Gonggong Yue knocked on the door of Li Jiancheng's room.

"Prince Qiyu, Wei Zheng and all the ministers ask for a meeting!"

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