Late at night, King Qin's Mansion.

Crowds gathered together.

Xingtai Kao Gonglang Fang Xuanling, Bibu Zhonglang Changsun Wuji, the great generals Liu Wenjing, Yin Kaishan, Qin Qiong, and Xu Shiwei sat around.

Du Ruxi, who was engaged in Zhonglang, and Chen Shuda, who was engaged in Zhongzhong, also rushed back from abroad.

Everyone frowned as they looked at an invitation on the table.

Crown Prince Li Jiancheng plans to entertain civil and military officials tomorrow evening.

Li Shimin and other ministers were on the banquet list.

After these several fears, Li Shimin realized more and more clearly that the crown prince Li Jiancheng would not give up if he did not take his own life.

But Li Shimin knew that it was obviously inappropriate to kill Li Jiancheng directly, which would leave him with a shadow of killing his brother for the rest of his life, let alone gain a foothold in front of the world.

Suddenly, the wind was fierce, and lightning and thunder roared.

Fang Xuanling immediately got up and closed the door of the hall, muttering to himself

, "Everyone, Chang'an City...

Everyone immediately got up and brushed at Li Shimin and said, "King Qin, this Chang'an City should indeed change the sky

!" "Prince Li Jiancheng has already killed you, if we don't fight back, we will all perish!" Li

Shimin stared at everyone, and the murderous aura in his eyes grew stronger:

"If you do something, you must have worried about your life, but you can think about it?"

Everyone knelt on the ground:

"I swear to follow His Royal Highness King Qin

to the death!" "Okay, do you have a good plan?"

Li Shimin looked at everyone with a pair of tiger eyes, his willingness to kill Li Jiancheng was not strong, but he knew that this could only be the next strategy!

Fang Xuanling's eyes flashed with cruelty, as if Li Jiancheng had persecuted them again and again, arousing his desire to fight!"


Fang Xuanling continued: "Your Highness, Weichen feels that above tomorrow's banquet, it's time for that Concubine Yin to return Li Zhiyun's innocence!"

Fang Xuanling turned

his words around, and his eyes flashed with cunning:

But for the matter of fornication in the harem, someone must

take over!" Li Shimin was suddenly overjoyed and blurted out

: "Let Li Jiancheng take over

?" Fang Xuanling nodded: "Not bad, when His Royal Highness King Qin was in Luoyang, he agreed to Li Zhiyun's request, and must escort Li Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue back to Luoyang and confront him face to face!"

Fang Xuanling suddenly turned his head to look around everyone and said, "

Do you know what thing is more vicious than killing?"

Du Ruxian smiled slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"Xuan Ling, I think that of course it is a curse!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yes, when Li Zhiyun establishes the grand ceremony, all forces in the world are bound to gather in Luoyang.

In front of the people of the world, stripped Li Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue naked and paraded through the streets to show the public, and told everyone about their flying deeds!

Just when

everyone praised Fang Xuanling's proper scheme, Li Shimin suddenly remembered a question:

"Everyone, then Li Jiancheng has an army of 250,000, how can you capture him?"

Then Li Jiancheng is not a pen, pouting his ass and waiting for everyone to do it.

Du Ruxi, who did not show the mountains and water, stroked his beard and whispered:

"Weichen heard that Yin Yanxue's Xuerou Palace is in the inner court of the palace. "


who doesn't know this?"

And the only way to enter the inner court is the Xuanwu Gate!" "Weichen thinks that the Xuanwu Gate, the north gate of Chang'an City, seems to be very tall, and it is not a problem to easily ambush tens of thousands of people!"

Remember Xuanwu Gate, remember the rule of Zhenguan!" Could

it be that the turning point of his life's fate was in Xuanwu Gate?!


tomorrow's banquet, expose Li Jiancheng's desolate harem in person, lure him and everyone to Xuerou Palace to confront Yin Yanxue

! "Keming, your suggestion is very good, but the Xuanwu Gate is stationed by Chang He, the general of the Praetorian Guard, and he is a close minister of the prince!" Liu

Wenjing immediately laid out his own question, as far as he understood, Chang He had already defected to Li Jiancheng a few years earlier!

Li Shimin nodded in agreement, this is indeed a problem, Chang He can't let tens of thousands of soldiers ambush here

!" "Hehe-

" Du Ru smiled obscuredly, and continued:

"Your Highness, my subordinates heard that Li Jiancheng recently took a fancy to Chang He's concubine and snatched people over a long time ago!"


Shimin sat back on the main throne, clenched his fists and said

, "Everyone obeys the order

!" "Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxi, immediately hit Chang He, just in case, be sure to take down all their old mothers, wives and children!" "

Liu Wenjing and Yin Kaishan led 50,000 soldiers, pretending to be guards in batches to enter the Xuanwu Gate, and the rest waited outside the city to wait for

them!" Everyone's eyes were full of fighting intent, and they shouted in unison:


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