Chang'an City, Donggong Prince Mansion.

At this luncheon, Li Jiancheng was set up very tall, not only with mountain and sea delicacies, but also a group of dancers who were wriggling their bodies hard.

The civil and military officials of Chang'an City were all in place, and Li Jiancheng looked at the empty seats opposite with some unease.

Why did this Li Shimin delay his arrival?

His plan for today is very simple.

It is even said that it is the same as Li Shimin thinks.

He wants to expose Li Shimin in front of everyone that Li Shimin is the real murderer of Zhang Shujie, and Li Shimin and Yin Yanxue do have a leg.

The two brothers unexpectedly reached a unity on the same thing, and they both wanted to splash the dirty water of this fornicating harem on each other.

But what Li Shimin thought was to use this matter to trap Li Jiancheng, but Li Jiancheng did not think of anything else because of the failure of the first two attacks, what he just wanted to do was to temporarily let Li Shimin lose people's hearts and prestige in this Chang'an City!

Tata Tata Tata....

Heavy footsteps sounded outside the door.

Li Shimin led Fang Xuanling, Du Ruxian and other ministers were belated.

"Your Majesty, look at the following, Li Shimin has appeared

!" "At this moment, the protagonists of the two sides of the big drama have appeared, and the good drama is about to begin!" It

was no one else who spoke, it was the Great Eunuch Liu Wanyue.

And Li Liyuan on the side was dressed like a small eunuch.

And behind Li Yuan's back, Wang Shuanyang slammed a dagger in his sleeve against Li Yuan's ass.

Li Yuan still stuffed a towel in his mouth.

The three of them stood on the top floor of the East Palace, looking down at everything below.

Li Yuan looked at Li Shimin under the city with a pair of cloudy old eyes. , remembered the story of the father and son that Li Zhiyun once told him.

A bad premonition welled up in my heart.

Could it be that Li Zhiyun brought him here to watch a play that was Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng killing each other?

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Li Jiancheng stared at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes, and began to spray feces with his mouth

: "Second brother, do you feel a little bored drinking here?" Li

Shimin also said unceremoniously:

"What His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said is that I am tired of watching these programs, I wonder if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince still has exciting programs?"

The strong smell of gunpowder between the two made all the ministers look sideways at the two.

They knew the show was about to begin again.

For more than half a year, the crown prince Li Jiancheng has not been in Chang'an, and Li Shimin has been fighting everywhere, and they have not seen this famous scene of brotherly rivalry for a long time!

This time, why did the two brothers argue

?" The second brother said and laughed, but I do have a stimulating program here, I don't know if the second brother and the ministers are interested?"

Obviously this exciting show, maybe really exciting!

They can't resist.

"Your Royal Highness, King Ben really wants to see if the following show is exciting or not, then please come up!" "


Li Jiancheng struck with both hands, and a gorgeous figure was escorted in by Qianniuwei.

Everyone immediately gasped

! The person who came was the enchanting and coquettish Yin Yanxue!

For her arrival, everyone guessed almost the same.

The next rip-off must have something to do with this fornicated harem!

Li Jiancheng pointed at

Yin Yanxue and said, "Do you know what happened to this Yin Yanxue?" Everyone looked at each other, how could they not know what happened to this Yin Yanxue!

The rumors said that this commotion and Li Jiancheng were not clear, but now why did Li Jiancheng take the initiative to pull her here?


the heart of Prince Li Jiancheng, the third leg is the most important, and Jiang Shan is in second place! Li

Shimin, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruxian had a flash of shock in their eyes.

They originally thought that this Yin Yanxue would be used for themselves, but they never thought that Li Jiancheng was one step ahead!

Sure enough, he was the prince, his mind was never the same as that of others, and even many schemes were ahead of the other party.

It is not for nothing that he became a prince.

Seeing that everyone still did not respond, Li Jiancheng said to himself:

"Everyone may know that on the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve this year, it was this Yin Yanxue who bumped into that Li Zhiyun's beastly behavior, which caused his father to be angry and sent him to Hedong! "Li Zhiyun's

Shenzhou Empire has always been eyeing my Great Tang Dynasty and has become the biggest threat to the northeast!"


! Everyone looked at Yin Yanxue, a charming and enchanting little lady with complicated eyes!

She was deeply favored by Li Yuan, so in a sense, his words would make Li Yuan waver.

And Li Jiancheng pressed her up at this time, could it be that there was another mystery in the matter?

The scene when Li Yuan rudely pronounced Li Zhiyun's verdict made them mutter.

Seeing that there was still no one to talk to, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Li Jiancheng's face.

No matter how good the story sounded, no one responded, and she didn't even have the atmosphere to tell it.

Wei Zheng on the side understood the divine understanding, and continued:

"What His Royal Highness the Prince said is good, since the ancient red face is troubled, Wei Chen thought carefully, there are still some doubts about His Majesty's holy judgment at the beginning. Everyone

didn't care much about Wei Zheng's open suspicion of His Majesty, because in this society, Wei Zheng, who was from a family background, was qualified to ask questions, even if Li Yuan was in Chang'an City, he would give her a little thin face!

Everyone's eyes are complicated.

They know that the real tearing war has begun!

And although Li Shimin is a little apprehensive, he can only listen to what Yin Yanxue has to say first!"

"Yin Yanxue, tell me who killed Zhang Shujie, and who forced you to distort the truth?"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Yin Yanxue's body.

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