Yin Yanxue's heart went up and down.

His father's name was Yin Ah Mouse.

Many brothers and sisters, servants in the family, and more than a hundred other people were all controlled by Li Jiancheng!

Hate is hating that you have no eyes and have paid too much youth!


now it is useless to say that everything is useless, and he can only sacrifice himself to save the entire family!

Anyway, the protagonist of the fornication harem is the dead Zhang Jieyu, not herself.

Forgive this, Li Jiancheng did not dare to pull himself into the whirlpool of the harem.

Because the whirlpool is very large, it is very likely to sweep away many people, including this Li Jiancheng.

After figuring everything out, Yin Yanxue did not hesitate to raise a pair of fierce eyes to look at everyone, and then shifted her gaze to Li Shimin's face.

It was time to come, Li Shimin said secretly.

"His Royal Highness Prince Qiyu, there was indeed another secret in the case of Zhang Jieyu, and the reason why the concubine delayed saying it was all because..."

Yin Yanxue paused:

"This Qin king Li Shimin threatened my father, detained my clan, forced me to help the abuse, and poured dirty water on Li Zhiyun!"

But Li Shimin suddenly smiled "hehe" and said to Yin Yanxue: "So, Li Zhiyun was framed and wronged?" Yin Yanxue nodded without hesitation

: "Yes, Li Zhiyun was indeed used by his concubines

!" "Good!"


Shimin suddenly

said to Du Ruxian on the side:

"Keming, quickly write Yin Yanxue's dictation in black and white, and all the civil and military officials in the hall will testify for Li Zhiyun, and announce to the whole world that Li Zhiyun has indeed been wronged, and the title of 'green hat thief' can be taken off from today onwards!" Li

Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue looked at each other stunned, now that dirty water has been poured on Li Shimin, why is Li Shimin so calm?

In the end, Du Ruxian brought this notice signed by hundreds of officials to Li Jiancheng.

The words that were spoken, the water that was splashed, Li Jiancheng reluctantly signed his name.

Li Shimin was happy in his heart, Li Zhiyun asked him to come to Chang'an City, saying that he wanted to arrest the princes Li Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue, it was nothing more than to wash the name of the green hat thief for himself, but now he did it easily.

Li Shimin stared at Yin Yanxue with a pair of tiger eyes: "Yin Yanxue

! You have a noble status and are in an important position, so you must not pour dirty water on King Ben with nonsense, so King Ben asked you, what was King Ben's motive, and why did King Ben frame Li Zhiyun, who had no authority or threat at that time?" Li

Shimin's series of questions made many ministers nod their heads in agreement.

It is true that Li Zhiyun was just a sloppy swinger, why did Yin Yanxue wronged Li Zhiyun? Yin Yanxue

had long thought of an excuse to wronged Li Shimin, but did not think that Li Shimin did not excuse himself, but focused the contradiction on Li Zhiyun.

This series of questions made Yin Yanxue slightly flustered.


that Yin Yanxue was a little stunned there, Li Shimin seized the opportunity, his eyes were full of strong fighting intent, and the moment for counterattack finally came!

"Everyone, since you are all here, then King Ben also has to say his opinion!" In

an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Li Shimin, and while everyone was gloating, they also wanted to hear how Li Shimin fought back.

Prince Li Jiancheng hated iron and steel and glanced at Yin Yanxue, Yin Yanxue could only make up her mind to grit her teeth and persevere, no matter what Li Shimin said, it was okay to die or not admit it!"

"Guys, Zhang Jieyu is dead, and it is unconvincing to say that all this is dead. But what King Ben wanted to say today was this Yin Yanxue disaster in the harem!"

A bad premonition surged in Li Jiancheng's heart, a pair of hands that had nowhere to place, and he rubbed back and forth on the case table hard.

"Where is the chief deacon of the Forbidden Army?" As

soon as Li Shimin's words fell, a trembling man came from outside the hall.

Li Jiancheng suddenly felt anxious, this is Chang He is his own person, when will he serve Li Shimin.

"Chang He, this is something that you should not be involved in, this prince advises you not to get involved in it, otherwise it will be difficult to extricate yourself!" Li

Jiancheng said in a rather stern tone, nakedly threatening Chang He.

Just last night.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian found Chang He, Enwei and Shi, and asked Chang He to stand in line tonight.

More than 100 family members have been secretly detained by Du Ruxi.

What's more, Chang He himself had a hatred for Li Jiancheng, although the woman snatched by Li Jiancheng was just a concubine of his own.

But this is already the hatred of killing the father, the hatred of taking the wife.

That little concubine's round ass, it is difficult to find a second masterpiece in the world.

Every time he thought of this, Chang He always had trouble falling asleep in the middle of the night, and his mind kept remembering the messy things

that Li Jiancheng did in front of him! Therefore, even if Li Jiancheng threatened him again, he had already made up his mind that he must follow the King of Qin to defeat the crown prince in this battle!

King Ben asked you, as the chief deacon of the Forbidden Army, have you ever met someone who sneaked into the Xuerou Palace to join Yin Yanxue in the middle of the night?" "

Everyone knows that the Xuanwu Gate guarded by Chang He is the only way to go to the inner court of the palace.

Here, if a fly flies in, he can see

it! Let alone a big living person!

So what he said undoubtedly has some basis.

Chang He Yuguang swept towards Li Jiancheng and the others, and said, "

Back to King Qin, there are indeed three people who often go back and forth to Xuerou Palace!" Well


everyone's expressions are complicated, three people?

This Yin Yanxue is a small wave hoof, it seems that he has not only put a green hat on Li Yuan.

Li Yuan is indeed miserable enough.

"Which three people?" "

The first is the current saint, and the second..." Chang

He paused to adjust his breathing, trying to make others unable to see his nervousness.

Everyone set their eyes on Chang He.

Because his next words may subvert the whole incident

!"Chang He! Speak with evidence, so Prince Ben suggests that you should not be unobtrusive, otherwise it will affect the true judgment of this matter."

Chang He bowed his hand

and said, "Prince Qiyu, Chang He is responsible for what he said, and all the forbidden troops can testify for what I said!" Chang He

took a deep breath, his chest heaving violently, as if he had made up a great determination:

"The second person who frequently enters the Xuerou Palace is Li Yuanji, the king of that Qi!"


finally understood why Yin Yanxue had been in the past two years.

There are some reasons for something that is not normal.

Ward once said.

When you easily enter a room, you should understand that it is not that you are powerful, but that everyone has opened the way for you and opened the pattern

! Fuck

! And this Li Yuanji

! What a good brother!

After a short commotion, everyone immediately turned their eyes to Chang He again, because there was another person next, who would it be?

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