After saying the two people in succession, Chang He's mentality was also much relaxed, just in response to the sentence "Once Pandora's magic box is opened, it is difficult to close it again..."

Li Jiancheng naturally knew that Chang He had a problem, and hurriedly sent Feng Liyi beside him to Chang He's mansion, intending to control his family.

Feng Li led the way, and the moment he turned his head, he gave Chang He a vicious gaze.

You wait for me, see if I don't kill your concubine that slut!

"Chang He, the prince treats you well, why do you turn against each other and have no words?"

Wei Zheng frowned coldly and accused Chang He.

Therefore, although Wei Zheng could not stand this Li Jiancheng's face, he was helplessly burdened by the word "loyalty".

Chang He returned Wei Zheng's complicated look.

Fuck, isn't your concubine ravaged by

Li Jiancheng, or you can try it too?

That's a peerless ass

! The ditch can accommodate a donkey...!


Shu's right servant sitting on Li Jiancheng's side shot Pei Yu,

looking coldly at everything in front of him.

As a big grass in the grass on the wall, the old traitor did not say a word.

The main reason why

he sat next to Li Jiancheng was because Liu Wenjing sat next to Li Shimin! As long as Liu Wenjing was there, he would never force him to join forces!

But now looking at this situation, Prince Li Jiancheng did not succeed in getting people but was engaged, and he seemed to have chosen the wrong camp.

So, he kind of wanted to move his position.

Chang He paused, his eyes flashed with an extremely determined light, and everyone in the hall also stared at him with bated breath.

"And the third person who often enters the Xuerou Palace is...

Chang He is like a very good storyteller, and knows how to mobilize everyone's emotions.

I saw him looking around, and finally fixed his gaze on Li Jiancheng's body

! Whew

! Everyone immediately understood everything!

Li Jianru was like a blow in the head, and immediately jumped up and accused:

"Chang He, what do you mean, dare to wrongly accuse King Ben?"

Chang He sneered: "

Your Royal Highness, the last general did not speak, you began to rush to take a seat?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Li Jiancheng's face showed embarrassment.

"Yes, the third person who frequently enters and exits Xuerou Palace is Prince

Li Jiancheng!" There

seemed to be a lightning bolt in the sky, slashing Li Jiancheng's eyebrows!

Everyone did not dare to speak, and the afterlight swept into Li Jiancheng's eyes, all smiling.

On this point, they have also heard a little about it.

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth rose, like a victor.

Li Jiancheng quietly flicked his fierce gaze towards Yin Yanxue.

Yin Yanxue felt a thick murderous aura in Li Jiancheng's gaze! If

she can't properly solve this matter, the lives of her father and more than a hundred clansmen will soon be ruined!"

"Chang He, this palace is also a person of His Majesty, you dare to speak unobtrusively and slander the innocence of this palace, who gave you the guts, do you have evidence?"

Chang He tilted his head to look at Yin Yanxue and smiled strangely:

"There is a boot under your bed, and the three words embroidered on the boot - Li Jiancheng


"If nothing else, this boot is still under your bed!"

Li Jiancheng wore boots with embroidery, which was also an exclusive honor as a prince.

"Daring! How can you dare to steal Prince Ben's boots to slander me!"

"Your Royal Highness, since you are innocent, why are you so nervous?" Li

Shimin stood up, and Qin Qiong, Xu Shijie, Liu Wenjing, and Yin Kaishan behind him came to Chang He and glared angrily.

This group of Qianniu Wei turned out to be Li Yuan's personal guard, and the days when Li Yuan was not there naturally belonged to the prince.

But as far as these ten or so Qianniuwei, Qin Qiong and the others did not pay attention to it at all.

Li Jiancheng also unconsciously moved his foot back.

Because Chang He said it well, each pair of his shoes was engraved with his own name, which was also known to the Manchu Dynasty.

Li Shimin stepped forward and said defiantly

: "Your Royal Highness, if you think you are innocent, why should we go to Xuerou Palace now to find out!"

Li Jiancheng Yuguang swept towards Yin Yanxue, Yin Yanxue nodded quietly, and Li Jiancheng had confidence in his heart:

"This prince has not done anything wrong, why don't you dare to go?"

Li Shimin immediately handed over his hand: "

Then let's follow His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to visit

the Xuerou Palace!" Everyone

immediately got up and wanted to go to the Xuerou Palace to feel what Yin Yanxue's lewd nest looked like.

To be honest, this Li Jiancheng Li Yuanji is indeed hateful, but they really envy ah!

It is okay to hold out for two hours in front of his wife, if in front of Yin Yanxue, maybe it is just a simple five-finger shake to surrender!

King Qin, don't think that Prince Ben is a bully if he is good at talking, Prince Ben asked you, what should you do if you don't find any of my clothes in Xuerou Palace?"

Li Shimin was suddenly stunned, pretending not to think about it.

A moment later, Li Shimin said, "

If Emperor Chen framed the prince, ask the prince to deal with it according to the law of martial virtue!" Li

Jiancheng sneered:

"This is far from enough, in the opinion of this prince, if you are framed, then please automatically give up the knighthood of this king of Qin!"

Everyone gasped.

Liu Wenjing on the side immediately pulled Li Shimin's sleeve and persuaded:

"Your Royal Highness King Qin, you must not!" Fang

Xuanling also kept shaking his head, full of dissuasion and opposition.

"Why, you Qin King Li Shimin also have a time to be afraid?!" "

Huh, in my Li Shimin's dictionary, when is there the word 'afraid'!"

Saying that, a group of people set off towards Xuerou Palace.

Wei Zheng at the back of the crowd knew that Li Jiancheng was about to lose himself in front of everyone

! Li Shimin was about to succeed!

No longer hesitated, Wei Zheng came to Li Jiancheng's side, pretended to bow his head and whisper, but in fact lightly touched Li Jiancheng's palm with his right hand.

A Troop Dispatching Tiger Talisman turned into Wei Zheng's palm.

Wei Zheng hurried away quietly

! "Woo hoo..."

At this moment, Li Yuan, who was gagged and his limbs tied, was in the corner outside the hall, trembling all over!

Your Majesty, you may wonder why our family obeys Li Zhiyun's dispatch?" "

Our family might as well tell you that His Majesty expelled me from the palace because I stole one or two pieces of silver!

Li Yuan struggled to listen anymore, and Liu Wanyue winked at Wang Shuanyang.

A standard duck gong voice was almost in line with Liu Wanyue:

"Your Majesty, you see that they have already come out of the East Palace, we should also change places! Emperor Li Zhiyun said, the next big drama will happen in Xuanwu Gate, let's go!"

"Xuanwu Gate?" Li

Yuan was horrified in his heart, could it be that the stories of the father and son told by the rebel son were true?

In Xuanwu Gate, Li Jiancheng will be killed?

Li Yuan's whole person suddenly weakened his legs and was paralyzed to the ground

! A pair of cloudy eyes were full of despair!


the author has something to say

: Special thanks to the fans of the Royal Warriors, Demon God Huayan, Fried Sky Gang: Hongmeng Supreme, Little Snail is very lazy, Merry, Yushu Linfeng, Single Dog Association - President, Dark Night, Xiaocao, Obscurity, True Love Fans, Don't Ask, Ask is God of War,,、 super like super like Di Youyou, Miri Xingchen and other friends sent gifts, the author saw it, very moved, thank you for your constant companionship ~ has not yet given five-star, give the author a five-star ha~

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