Wei Zheng walked out of the East Palace and quickly headed towards the East Camp outside the city.

This is the closest army camp to Chang'an City.

And when he deliberately passed by the Xuanwu Gate and the afterlight swept to the ground, he suddenly found that the number of forbidden troops here had doubled

! And on a piece of grass below the city wall, there was even an arrow left there!

This Xuanwu Gate must have ambushed a large number of forbidden troops!

It is even possible that Li Shimin's troops are among them.

While thinking, Wei Zheng unconsciously quickened his pace.

Now going back and telling Li Jiancheng is no longer helpful.

The only thing he had to do was to quickly mobilize an army to rescue Li Jiancheng.

Regarding today's battle, Wei Zheng was a little stunned.

I thought of pouring the dirty water of Yin Yanxue's goods on Li Shimin in front of all the ministers, who knew that stealing chickens would not be able to erode the rice

! Li Jiancheng has been in this life, it is really

! Suffer a loss, and finally die on the body

! Fuck, what a thing

! If it weren't for the gaze of the people in the world, saying that he was a person who was dying towards Qin and the twilight, he would have rebelled against Li Jiancheng!

At this moment, Li Yuan was also erected by Liu Wanyue and Wang Shuanyang, the two great eunuchs, on the tallest building outside the Xuanwu Gate - the Wangtian Tower.

It is in disrepair, rarely visited, and is about 100 meters above the ground, making it the tallest building in the entire Tang Dynasty.

It was not until Wu Zetian ascended the throne and established the Tongtian Futu in Luoyang that he demolished this Wangtian Pagoda and became the highest "heaven" in the entire Tang Dynasty.

But because of Li Zhiyun's arrival, the Tongtian Floating Tu was already standing in the very center of Shenzhou City!

Standing on the Wangtian Tower, the great eunuch Liu Wanyue took the towel in Li Yuan's mouth.

Here, no matter how he shouted, he could only be accompanied by the howling north wind, drowning in the cold air.

No one can hear, no one can see!

"Your Majesty, look at what is the piece of black pressure

above the Xuanwu Gate?" A male duck voice came out, and Liu Wanyue pointed to the ambush soldiers above the Xuanwu Gate and asked with a smile.

"It seems to be... Ambush soldiers!"

replied Wang Shaoyang.


That's right, he is learning Li Yuanji's way, Li Yuanji wanted to kill Li Shimin in Daxing Palace, but Li Shimin saw it!"

Liu Wanyue and Wang Shuanyang, one question, one answer, one song and one peace.

Li Yuan listened to the "moving" story in his ears, and a pair of cloudy old eyes opened vigorously, looking obliquely under the Xuanwu Gate.

The look of fear on the face stuffed the entire fold.

Valley-like ravines appeared on Li Yuan's face.

Li Yuan's face was stunned and twisted alive.

And he saw below, Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin were slowly heading towards the Xuanwu Gate.


up and stop Xuan!"


At this moment, Li Yuan actually wanted to kneel down in front of Li Zhiyun, begging him to let him go, to let Li Jiancheng go!

The people under the Xuanwu Gate still did not stop.

Li Jiancheng was in the front, and behind him were nearly a thousand Thousand Niu Wei, which also made Li Yuan feel a little relieved.

I saw them with heavy armor on their bodies, guns and knives in their hands, and bows and arrows on their backs, as if they were always on alert.

This is also the cleverness of Prince Li Jiancheng.

Ever since Wei Zheng quietly took away his tiger talisman just now, he had already been suspicious

, not to mention that the commander of the forbidden army of that Xuanwu Gate was Chang He, and the forbidden army on duty today was about two hundred people.

Even if the forbidden army on duty at night is called, it will be only four hundred people.


the same time, he arranged countless scouts and eyeliners at the southeast, southeast, and northwest gates of Chang'an City, but whenever Li Shimin's army entered the city, he would receive it as soon as possible.

At present, everything is quiet, and it seems that there is no change, so Li Jiancheng's steps inevitably speed up a lot, and his heart looks at Li Shimin with disdain and secretly says: Huh

! If you get a "long river", you want to own the sea

? Do you want to set up an ambush in Xuanwu Gate to kill Prince Ben?

Second brother, second brother, you second brother is not tough enough!


long after, a group of people came to Xuanwu Gate.

Li Shimin looked up, and the three big characters of "Xuanwu Gate" seemed to be full of blood, and even the golden appearance looked scarlet under the sunlight.

Li Shimin suddenly trembled.

He never got through this hurdle of killing his brother, but the arrow had to be sent on the string.

Since ancient emperors, they have been affectionate, and the most bitter was born in the imperial family.

And Li Jiancheng also looked up at the three big characters of "Xuanwu Gate", and in his eyes, these three brilliant words are not a symbol of power?

Therefore, there is not a single common people here, only the prince and grandson are eligible to pass.

Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng each walked forward with ghosts.

Suddenly, Li Jiancheng stopped and took two steps back, a pair of vigilant eyes looking ahead.

Here, something is wrong!

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