Li Jiancheng stared at

Li Shimin, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Li Shimin, you just said ridiculous words about killing your father and brother, and now you don't want to kill me

?" "After all, you are still afraid of

the spit of the people in this world!" Li Shimin crooked his mouth and smiled:

"You also know that the spit of people in this world is not easy to swallow?"

"Then I'll strip you and Yin Yanxue, this little bitch, together and send them to Luoyang City! Just at the time of Li Zhiyun's Shenzhou Empire founding ceremony, in front of the whole world, let you dog men and women tell about your gloomy years!"

In his mind, he couldn't even help but think of the picture in Li Shimin's mouth...

In a mobile cell pulled by a donkey, he and Yin Yanxue were stripped naked and paraded on the streets of Luoyang City.

The surrounding people threw the eggs in their hands angrily at themselves.

Eggs smashed, eggs shattered

, turnips and green cabbage leaves, all hung all over the

body! He didn't dare to think about this kind of picture for another second!

Yin Yanxue hugged her body even more fearfully.

Ask yourself, she is indeed an unobservant and has done a lot of dirty things!

It doesn't matter

! I can deal with it easily

! But if she stripped herself naked and displayed it in front of everyone, and was forced to accept interrogation with different eyes, it would be better to let her die directly!

Who can stand this kind of taste of parading the streets in front of everyone?

Because he saw that the troop configuration

of Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng was very incompatible! Li Shimin had more than 50,000 people, while Li Jiancheng only had more than 1,000! The

difference in strength was huge, so it was impossible for them to fight

! Unless, Li Jiancheng could also transfer an army of equal strength!

Who knows, the great eunuch Liu Wanyue interrupted Li Yuan's thoughts, pointed to the southeast of Xuanwu Gate, and said:

" Your Majesty, look quickly, Li Jiancheng's 50,000-strong army has also arrived!"

Li Yuan: ???

a strong grief instantly filled Li Yuan's heart.

The two sides combined, this is a 100,000-strong army! Isn't it good to use these soldiers in a unified foreign country and expand territory?

These two rebels actually let these 100,000 soldiers fight each other for the sake of power struggle

! God this is going to kill me Li Tang!

In Li Yuan's eyes, the 50,000

cavalry, infantry, and infantry led by Wei Zheng and Feng Li The army of archers hurried into the Xuanwu Gate and came to Li Jiancheng.

"Archer ready


"Infantry formation!" "

Cavalry maneuver

!" Feng Li, who was a general from the rook, immediately put 50,000 horses in an attack stance.

"Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Wei Chen/Last General is late to help, please forgive me!" Li

Jiancheng glanced at Wei Zheng and Feng Li, looking at the surrounding black-pressed army but showing displeasure

: "Why did you bring this little soldiers?" Wei

Zheng: ???

Fuck, Laozi almost broke his leg, okay?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the last general has already let people quickly inform the west camp of the city, and the other 50,000 soldiers are on their way!"


Jiancheng suddenly came with confidence, suddenly patted Feng Li's shoulder twice, stared at Li Shimin on the opposite side with a pair of eyes, and said arrogantly:

"Li Shimin, you just said that you want to tie up the prince to Luoyang City to parade the streets to show the public?"

Everyone listened to my orders and killed me!" In

an instant, the horizontal knives slashed indiscriminately, the spears stabbed indiscriminately, the rain of arrows attacked each other, and blood flowed like a river

! The Xuanwu Gate was suddenly in chaos

! Everyone did their best to harvest each other's heads! Generals

Qin Qiong, Xu Shiji, Liu Wenjing, and Yin Kaishan even brandished silver spears and rushed back and forth in the crowd, just to get close to Li Jiancheng at the fastest speed!

Their unanimous idea was that they must end this bloody battle before Li Jiancheng's other army arrived! The

sooner the better

! and if Li Jiancheng was controlled, then this battle could end early!

"Quick, quick! "

Stop them for me!"

Li Jiancheng frantically retreated to the rear of the army, Yin Yanxue desperately grabbed Li Jiancheng's Qiankun belt, afraid that he would be trampled to death.

Countless soldiers blocked in front of Li Jiancheng, and Qin Qiong and the others could not approach for a while.


less than a blaze of time, Qin Qiong and the others relied on the perfect cooperation of powerful archers, infantry, and cavalry to defeat half of Li Jiancheng's strong momentum.

Especially when Li Jiancheng's 50,000 soldiers and horses were already uneven, and they rushed in unprepared, how could it be these soldiers who had long been ambushed at the Xuanwu Gate?

Li Jiancheng, on the other hand, suddenly looked on his toes, and said loudly:



said Li Jiancheng, pointing outside the Xuanwu Gate.

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