Not far outside the city, there seemed to be the sound of trumpets and horses stepping on the ground

! Pei Yu was overjoyed, this reinforcement had arrived

! Even if this Li Shimin could fight again, what could he do?

The disparity in strength was too great, and Li Shimin had only one way to die!

And Li Yuan, who was watching everything from the Lookout Tower, was already stunned there, his heart dripping blood.


is estimated that tens of thousands of soldiers have been killed in this battle, and nearly half of them have been seriously injured

! These are all good sons of my Great Tang

! You two fools have both fallen for Li Zhiyun's tricks!

Li Jiancheng listened to the sound of horses' hooves and footsteps outside the city, and the whole person cheered up again, shouting at everyone:

"Everyone kill me!

At this time, the heavy gate of Xuanwu Gate was slammed shut with a "creak".

Li Jiancheng suddenly looked nervous, and shouted to Feng Li beside him:

"Quickly open the city gate and let them in!"

Li Shimin's heart was immediately in awe

! This group of tiger iron sent by Li Zhiyun actually saved his life twice!

Before that, he also treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, thinking that they were Li Zhiyun's eyeliner...

If he said this, he owed Li Zhiyun favors several times!

How should Li Jiancheng pay it back? Li Jiancheng

saw that it was not good, and immediately stepped on his horse and ran towards the rear of the Xuanwu Gate.

There was the harem of the father.

He wanted to hold all the little princes of his father and emperor hostage, and he didn't believe what this Li Shimin would do to him! Li Shimin

also stepped on his horse, holding a long bow and chasing Li Jiancheng.

"Second brother, why do you want to kill me?" "

Big brother, it's not the wishes of the world, it's too urgent to boil beans and burn the beans, the second brother and I have to in the same room to continue my Tang National Fortune!"

Li Jiancheng was so frightened that he pulled his horse and turned around and ran.

Li Yuan, who was standing on the Wangtian Tower, looked nervously at the battle between the two brothers under the city, and shouted eagerly:

"Stop your hand! Stop your hand!" "

You two rebels, don't stop soon!"

He could only watch his two sons take each other's lives for this throne!

At this moment, Li Yuan even had an urge to liberate.

Whoever wants it will take it

! "Be careful!"

Li Yuan was stunned, and when he saw Li Shimin's "poof", he was actually tripped up by a big tree that fell from the Xuanwu Gate!

The branch entangled the reins of the horse, and the war horse was half kneeling on the ground, and it was difficult to get up for a while.

And Li Shimin's right leg was also pressed by the war horse.

Li Yuan's face was horrified, because he saw that Li Jiancheng had turned the horse's head, and his face seemed to raise a bloodthirsty smile, and he was coming towards Li Shimin with a horizontal

knife! "Second brother, don't blame me for being unkind!"

Li Jiancheng raised the horizontal knife in his hand and slashed at Li Shimin!

Could it be that the Xuanwu Gate is not his own imperial power, but the Huang Quan of fate?

"Thief, An dares to hurt my Holy Lord, Qin Qiong is also here!" Qin Qiong

roared and jumped up, stabbing the spear in his hand fiercely at Li Jiancheng

! A black dot rapidly enlarged in Li Jiancheng's pupils!

Bang!"Ah!" A

tragic sound accompanied by blood rushed out, and the spear directly pierced Li Jiancheng's right arm

! The prince's henchman Feng Li came and fought with

Qin Qiong! But how could he be the opponent of a generation of fierce general Qin Qiong, after a few rounds, Feng Li had lost his combat effectiveness!

I saw that when he was about to flee with his horse, he was preemptively cut off by Xu Shiji in the rear, and a black spear directly stabbed Feng Li's eyebrows!

Li Jiancheng looked at this similar scene, as if he remembered the moment of hunting outside the city, he also shot an arrow into the eyebrows of an elk!

And now, he seems to have become the prey in Li Shimin's eyes, and he is slaughtered by others!

The next moment, Xu Shiji turned his horse's head and went straight to Li Jiancheng, and the long gun in his hand stabbed Li Jiancheng fiercely.

When Li Yuan on the Sky Tower saw this scene, he closed his eyes in pain, and tears slipped from his eye sockets like beads of broken threads.

Li Jiancheng, Li Jiancheng

! You should never provoke Li Zhiyun, who is ambitious by the wolf

! He is the biggest black hand behind the scenes!

"Your Majesty, look, your eldest son is not dead yet!"

said Liu Wanyue, the great eunuch on the side.


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